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The geometry of polynomials in combinatorics and sampling
All roads to the KPZ universality class
New directions in G2 geometry
Integro-differential equations in many-particle interacting systems
Moments in families of L-functions over function fields
Algorithmic stability: mathematical foundations for the modern era
Open educational resources: adoption, curation, and customization
Mathematical foundations of sampling connected balanced graph partitions
Applied Mathematics skills Improvement for Graduate studies Advancement (AMIGAs)
Metric embeddings
Impactful curriculum development in mathematics: open education resources for future research
Interactions between discrete and large topological groups
Homological mirror symmetry and multigraded commutative algebra
Wall-crossing: techniques and applications
Flag algebras and extremal combinatorics
Computations in stable homotopy theory
Dynamics of multiple maps
Non-Archimedean methods in complex geometry
Moments of the derivative of characteristic polynomials and L-functions
MetaMath: Modeling the mathematical sciences community using mathematics, statistics, and data science
Time-dependent Bernoulli-type free boundary problems