An affine manifold is a real manifold with coordinate charts whose
transition maps are in
We will call a tropical Calabi-Yau manifold a real manifold
with a dense open subset
which has an affine
with transition maps in
and such that
is a locally finite union of locally closed
submanifolds of
It makes sense to call a tropical variety. Certainly
looks like tropical affine space, and maps in
look like maps defined by tropical monomials, so this seems natural.
One can additionally talk about the sheaf of piecewise linear functions on
with integral slope, or the sheaf of continuous functions on
restrict to piecewise linear functions on
with integral slope.
This should play the role of the structure sheaf.
Question (Sturmfels): Is it natural to call a tropical Calabi-Yau
variety? In other words, do these singularities make sense in
the tropical context? This is related to Zharkov's question of cutting
denote the sheaf of functions on
are continuous and restrict to affine linear functions with integral
slope on
. We define a tropical line bundle to be an element
. Representing an element by a Cech
for an open cover
, a section of this tropical
line bundle is a collection of tropical functions
such that
. (Here this is ordinary subtraction).
We saw how sections of tropical line bundles over tori are tropical theta functions.
Question (Eisenbud, see also the question on Riemann-Roch): What is tropical Riemann-Roch?
The above discussion should go over to tropical varieties in general, if we have the right definitions. The same question applies.
Questions: What is the notion of an ample line bundle? Is it interesting to study embeddings into tropical projective space?
Exercise: Consider a tropical plane cubic, say
Question: This seems a bit strange, doesn't it?
Observation: If one uses a line bundle of degree 3 to try to map to
, certain line segments in the circle will be contracted!
Does this mean that the line bundle of degree 3 isn't very ample?
Given such a , we can form two manifolds of twice the dimension, both
torus bundles over
. Let
be a
of lattices in the tangent bundle generated locally by
are local affine coordinates on
. Because of the
on transition functions, this is well-defined. Let
This carries a complex structure which interchanges horizontal and
directions in the tangent bundle. Similarly, let
be the dual family of lattices generated by
. Then we set
. This
canonically a symplectic manifold.
One particularly important question relevant for the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow
conjecture is the following. We would like to find classical
of tropical line bundles (i.e. smooth functions with
) satisfying the Monge-Ampère equation
Question (Gross, Siebert, Zharkov):
Is there a tropical Monge-Ampère equation? Fixing the line bundle
, can one find a sequence of sections
(hopefully satisfying this tropical form) such that
converges to a classical solution of the equation. (Here
Write a computer program to produce numerical solutions in this way,
and draw a picture of a genuine Ricci-flat metric!
Remark: There was some discussion of phases for complex patching
during the conference. This can be interpreted as the -field.
See Gross' book with Joyce and Huybrechts for details, but the basic
idea is that one can twist the standard complex structure on
with an element of
Under mirror symmetry, this element corresponds to what physicists
call the
References: Thinking about Calabi-Yau manifolds in a tropical sort of way first arose in Kontsevich's and Soibelman's paper from 2000. For examples of tropical Calabi-Yau manifolds, see Gross' book with Joyce and Huybrechts, and the preprints of Haase and Zharkov. For more types of tropical varieties of this flavor, see Symington's work. For a general construction of tropical Calabi-Yau manifolds arising from degenerations of genuine Calabi-Yau manifolds, see Gross' recent paper with Siebert. This latter paper includes quite a bit on tropical Calabi-Yau manifolds (section 1) and gives applications to mirror symmetry.
(contributed by Mark Gross)
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