P4-structure and Its Relatives

The $P_4$-structure of a graph $G$ is the 4-uniform hypergraph whose vertex-set $V$ is the vertex-set of $G$ and whose hyperedges are the subsets of $V$ that induce $P_{4}$'s (chordless paths on four vertices) in $G$. The graph property of being Berge can be formulated directly in terms of $P_4$-structure: a graph is Berge if and only if its $P_{4}$-structure contains no induced odd ring, meaning a 4-uniform hypergraph with vertices

u_{0}, u_{1}, \ldots , u_{k-1},

where $k$ is odd and at least five, and with the $k$ hyperedges

\{u_{i+1}, u_{i+2}, u_{i+3}, u_{i+4}\},

where the subscripts are taken modulo $k$. (The ``if'' part is trivial and the ``only if'' part is easy, even though a little tedious; see [ MR 86j:05119] for a sketch of the argument.)

Can the Chudnovsky-Robertson-Seymour-Thomas decomposition theorem for Berge graphs be reformulated directly in terms of $P_4$-structure?

The five classes of basic graphs featured in the theorem lend themselves nicely to such reformulations: there are classes C of 4-uniform hypergraphs such that

One such class is defined in terms of a certain directed graph, $D_{6}(H)$, associated with every 4-uniform hypergraph $H$: C consists of all 4-uniform hypergraphs $H$ such that The vertices of $D_{6}(H)$ are all the ordered 6-tuples


of distinct vertices of $H$ such that the sub-hypergraph of $H$ induced by the set


consists of the three hyperedges


there is a directed edge from vertex


of $D_{6}(H)$ to vertex


of $D_{6}(H)$ if and only if

v_{1}=u_{2},\; v_{2}=u_{3},\; v_{3}=u_{4},\; v_{4}=u_{5},\; v_{5}=u_{6}.

Trivially, membership in C can be tested in polynomial time; trivially, no 4-uniform hypergraph in C contains an induced odd ring; a proof that the $P_{4}$-structure of every basic graph belongs to C is easy, even though a little tedious ([here] is a sketch of the argument).

The four kinds of structural faults featured in the decomposition theorem suggest the following three problems.

Problem 1: Find a class ${\bf C}_{1}$ of 4-uniform hypergraphs such that

Problem 2: Find a class ${\bf C}_{2}$ of 4-uniform hypergraphs such that

Problem 3: Find a class ${\bf C}_{3}$ of 4-uniform hypergraphs such that

Chính Hoàng introduced additional graph functions that are invariant under complementation and determine whether or not a graph is Berge: these are the co-paw-structure ([ MR 2001a:05065]), the co-$C_4$-structure (Discrete Math. 252 (2002), 141-159), and the co-$P_3$-structure (to appear in SIAM J. Discrete Math.). Can the decomposition theorem be reformulated directly in terms of one of Hoàng's invariants?

Contributed by Vašek Chvátal

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