Small Transversals in Partitionable Graphs

Following Bland, Huang, and Trotter [ MR 80g:05034];[ MR 86e:05075] a graph is called partitionable if, for some $r$ and $s$, it has $rs +1$ vertices and, no matter which vertex is removed, the set of the remaining $rs$ vertices can be partitioned into $r$ pairwise disjoint cliques of size $s$ and also into $s$ pairwise disjoint stable sets of size $r$. Odd holes and odd antiholes are partitionable; many additional partitionable graphs have been constructed by V. Chvátal, R. L. Graham, A. F. Perold, and S. H. Whitesides [ MR 81b:05044].

A small transversal in a graph $G$ is a set of $\alpha(G)+\omega(G)-1$ vertices which meets all cliques of size $\omega(G)$ and all stable sets of size $\alpha(G)$. The following problem is an easier variation on a conjecture contributed to the 1993 [workshop on perfect graphs] by Gurvich and Temkin and on two conjectures proposed by Bacso, Boros, Gurvich, Maffray, and Preissmann [ MR 2000h:05116].

Conjecture. Every partitionable graph $G$ with $\alpha(G)>2$ and $\omega(G)>2$ has a small transversal or else contains a hole of length five.

One of the milestones in the development of our understanding of perfect graphs was the theorem of Lovasz [46 #8885], asserting that every minimal imperfect graph $G$ has precisely $\alpha(G)\omega(G)$ +1 vertices. This theorem implies that every minimal imperfect graph is partitionable and that - as pointed out by Chvatal [ MR 86h:05091] - no minimal imperfect graph contains a small transversal. It follows that a proof of the conjecture would provide another proof of the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem.

A partitionable graph without a small transversal has been constructed by by Chvatal, Graham, Perold, and Whitesides (op.cit.). Its vertices are $0,1,...,16$; vertices $i$ and $j$ are adjacent if and only if $\vert i-j\vert \; mod \; 17$ is one of $1,3,4,5,12,13,14,16$.

Ara Markosian claims [here] that this is the only known partitionable graph without a small transversal. One of the many holes of length five in this graph is $1 - 4 - 8 - 12 - 15 - 1$

Additional information on related results and problems can be found [here]

Contributed by Vasek Chvatal

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