Deformation theory
Let be a nonsingular projective variety over
, and let
be a one-dimensional closed subscheme. We have
, the ideal sheaf of
, and we assume that
is a local complete intersection, or what is equivalent,
is a locally free sheaf of
-modules of rank
. For example, this holds if
is a nodal curve.
The normal bundle of the curve in
We have that
In the case where
, with
is a smooth genus
curve, and
having at worst simple branchings, then there are no obstructions to deformation and
A map of moduli spaces
be a nonconstant morphism with
a nonsingular projective variety over
, and let
be a closed subscheme which is a smooth curve of genus
, such that the ramification of
is simple. In a (formal) neighborhood of
, the spaces
and the
are the same. The map
Corollary. If is contained in the smooth locus of
, and
is ``sufficiently positive'', then the morphism
One argues that the Hilbert scheme is smooth at the point
since one can twist by a small number of points and keep that the
vanishes. In particular, the corollary implies that the morphism is surjective.
We are now ready to prove:
Theorem. [G, Harris, Starr]
, then any rationally connected variety over
a curve has a rational point.
Step . Take a general complete intersection
; it will be smooth, irreducible, of say genus
and degree
. The condition
implies that
is in the smooth locus and
(by Bertini) has at worst simple branching.
Step . Choose a large integer
and choose general points
, and rational curves
such that:
Now let
. The basic property is that
. Moreover,
with colength
and assumption (iv) gives that this is ``general''. This gives that the sheaf
is sufficiently positive.
Now deform this curve to a simply branched curve, and this gives the result; conclude by the corollary.
Multiple fibres
We must deal with the case when fails. Suppose we have a family of varieties
with fibres at
irreducible of multiplicity
. Since the curve must intersect these fibres transversally, this must be preserved in any deformation, meaning that the ramification index at
will be divisible by
In this case, the problem is:
cannot dominate. Instead, we consider consider the subset
consisting of stable maps
of genus
of degree
, such that all ramification indices above
are equal to
Now we have the additional problems: Which reducible curves are in
? And perhaps
is too small? To resolve both problems, enlarge the genus
(but not
) by adding loops to
: join two points with a good rational curve. This allows you to break off a component even in this case.
This is work with Jason Starr. What will guarantee the existence of a rational point on a variety over a function field in two variables? Is there a geometric condition which would be like rational connectedness in this case? This is too much to hope for, there are many surfaces with a nontrivial Brauer-Severi variety
. Maybe there are geometric restrictions on the fibres
such that one obtains a rational section.
A good guess for this condition: demand that certain moduli spaces of rational curves on the fibers are themselves rationally connected. For example, Starr and Harris proved that for hypersurfaces of degree
, the moduli spaces of rational curves of fixed degree on
are themselves rationally connected.
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for Rational and integral points on higher dimensional varieties.