The Modeling of Cancer Progression and Immunotherapy
December 12 to December 16, 2005
at the
American Institute of Mathematics,
San Jose, California
organized by
Lisette de Pillis,
Ami Radunskaya,
and Charles Wiseman
Original Announcement
This workshop will bring together a multidisciplinary collection of experts to
work on refining mathematical models of cancer growth, therapy delivery, and cancer interaction with the immune system.
The main topics for the workshop are
- Development of a list of clearly identifiable, practical and testable hypotheses that take into account the current state of the art in cancer assays and treatments.
- Determination of key elements that must be included in a realistic model of cancer growth and elements that will allow for the simulation of various treatment strategies.
- Determination of effective cancer model validation techniques, which includes incorporating current understanding of assays and clinical trial data.
- Determination of how the mathematical optimal control problem should be formulated for improving treatment protocols.
A central goal of the workshop will be to combine state of the art knowledge of immune-related treatment strategies with mathematical models that can reflect realistic qualitative and quantitative behavior of cancer growth and response to treatment. Using mathematical optimal control techniques applied to models that incorporate current understanding of testing and treatment options available, we aim to initiate the development of new candidate treatment protocols that are optimized in terms of dosage, delivery site, and treatment schedules.
Material from the workshop
A list of participants.
The workshop schedule.
A report on the workshop activities.
An extensive
reading list.