Monge-Amp\`{e}re measure and mixed cells

Background: There exists a Bernstein theorem for tropical varieties (see Sturmfels' book on ``Solving systems of polynomial equations''), there also exists a mixed Monge-Ampère measure whose value at any connected compact component $K$ of the intersection of the considered amoebas is the number of solutions of the corresponding polynomial system in the pre-image (in the complex torus) by $\text{Log}$ of $K$ (see the paper ``Amoebas, Monge-Ampère measures and triangulations of the Newton polytope'' from M. Passare and H. Rullgård).

Questions: Is it true that this value coincides with the volume of the mixed cell corresponding to $K$ (this volume participates in the Bernstein theorem for tropical varieties)? Is there a one-to-one correspondence with the solutions of our system in $\text{Log}^{-1}(K)$ and the solutions of a binomial system corresponding to the mixed cell, and which sends real solutions to real solutions?

(contributed by Frederic Bihan)

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