Let be an algebraically closed
non-archimedean field, and
be a prime ideal in
. An argument in a
forthcoming paper by Einsiedler, Lind, and Kapranov shows that
the non-archimedean amoeba of
is a connected set in
. We also know that it is a homogeneous polyhedral
complex of dimension
, where
is the Krull dimension of
. But examples show that the amoeba may always have a
higher type of connectivity as well.
Question: Let be a prime ideal in
, and
be the
Krull dimension of
. Form the finite graph whose
vertices are the
-dimensional faces of the amoeba of
, and for which two vertices are joined if they share
-face of the amoeba. Then is this graph always
(contributed by Manfred Einsiedler, Doug Lind, and Rekha Thomas)
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