Idempotent geometry
- 1.
- Is it possible to construct a version of algebraic geometry
over a class of algebraically closed idempotent semifields
(not only tropical semifields)?
Remark: A simple criterion for an idempotent semifield to be
algebraically closed is proved in the paper of G. Shpiz
``Solving algebraic equations in idempotent semifields'',
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, v.55, #5 (2000), p.185-186 (in Russian; there is an
English translation in Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2000).
There are many examples of algebraically closed idempotent
semifields. For example, some standard linear function spaces
and all the Banach lattices generate algebraically closed
idempotent semifields; see, e.g., the paper of G.L. Litvinov,
V.P. Maslov, and G.B. Shpiz ``Idempotent functional analysis:
an algebraic approach'', Math. Notes, v.69, #5 (2001), p.758-797.
- 2.
- Is it possible to define a notion of an abstract algebraic (not
only affine or projective) variety over tropical and idempotent
- 3.
- Is it possible to define idempotent/tropical versions of such
concepts as regular functions and regular maps to get a
natural category of idempotent/tropical ``affine'' algebraic
varieties? Is it possible to construct a natural correspondence
between this category and a category of idempotent semirings
of functions in the spirit of the traditional algebraic
- 4.
- It would be useful to define tropical/idempotent versions of
such notions as algebraic equations and ideals of affine algebraic
varieties in such a way that points and subvarieties correspond
to analogs of ideals.
- 5.
- It would be useful to describe tropical/idempotent versions of
such notions as prime ideals and irreducible varieties. How
to investigate the corresponding decomposition into irreducible
- 6.
- It would be nice to construct dequantization procedures for a
natural correspondence between traditional algebraic varieties
and tropical varieties? Is it possible to construct something
like a functor (``almost functor'') between the corresponding
(contributed by G.L. Litvinov, in cooperation with G.B. Shpiz)
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