- If we are losing information, we are not listening to the
- A crystal would melt in the tropics.
- Cross me out.
- I also want to see Arun retire.
- Affine building is not compact; this is a fact of life.
- When the first fish got on land, it did not start by hunting down
- Let us do some Soviet primary school mathematics.
- You can only glue things that you can get your hands on.
- Convolution is a little convoluted.
- I'll move to an orthogonal color.
- Allen Knutson
- Anne Schilling
- Arun Ram
- Arkady Berenstein
- Bernd Sturmfels
- David Nadler
- John Millson
- Misha Kapovich
- Monica Vazirani
- Prakash Belkale
- Shrawan Kumar
- Tom Haines
- Ulrich Goertz