There are many interesting questions concerning the statistical properties of the distribution of the primes. One would like to know such things as the distribution of gaps between primes, statistics for the number of primes in various sized intervals, etc.
All of those questions appear to be far out of reach (in terms of
proving them), but for some of them
we may be close to identifying the connection
with the zeros of -functions. For example,
Goldston and Montgomery [
MR 90h:11084] prove an equivalence
between the pair correlation conjecture for the
and a statement about
the variation of the distribution of primes in short intervals.
Farmer and Gonek, in work in progress, extend this result
to the case of
-correlation, and this time the equivalence
is with the variation of the distribution of
in short intervals. These results suggest that it will require
something beyond the correlation functions (or more than
just the
-function) in order to obtain more precise results
about the distribution of primes.
The Cramèr model for the distribution of primes asserts that the
primes are independently distributed and the gaps between primes
obey Poisson statistics. In particular,
Gallagher [MR 53 #13140] showed that the above prime gap distribution follows from a version of the Hardy-Littlewood conjectures.
The Cramér model is only accurate for very crude measurements of the
distribution of primes. For example, Goldston and Montgomery
MR 90h:11084] have shown that the pair correlation conjecture
is equivalent to
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