Not much is known about computing
zeta functions of curves of genus
greater than 1; all known methods involve computing -adic approximations
of the zeta function, so are limited to small characteristic.
Attempts to generalize the methods of the previous section have mostly
been unsuccessful. A generalization ``in principle'' of Schoof's algorithm
to higher genus was given by Pila [
MR 91a:11071], but it requires explicit
equations for the Jacobian of the curve. It is possible this could be
carried out in genus 2, but seems hopeless for higher genus. Satoh's method
hinges on the existence of the canonical lift; in higher genus, the
Jacobian of an ordinary curve admits a Serre-Tate lift as a principally
polarized abelian variety, but the lift need not be a Jacobian, making
working with it difficult. In genus 2, this problem does not arise, and
Harley (Midwest Algebraic Geometry in Cryptography 2001 talk)
has proposed a genus 2 version of the AGM method that will probably
be quite efficient in practice.
A very general algorithm of
Lauder and Wan [A.G.B. Lauder and D. Wan,
Counting points on varieties over finite fields
of small characteristic, preprint], based on Dwork's
proof of the rationality of the zeta function, gives an algorithm for
computing the zeta function of a genus curve over
in time
polynomial in
. However, the algorithm seems difficult to
implement in practice. Lauder and Wan also have a simplified version
[A.G.B. Lauder and D. Wan, Computing zeta functions of
Artin-Schreier curves over finite fields, preprint] of their algorithm
in the special case of Artin-Schreier
curves of
-rank 0, and it is likely that other special cases can be
handled efficiently.
A related distinct approach is used in an algorithm of Kedlaya
arXiv:math.AG/0105031](K.S. Kedlaya, Counting points on hyperelliptic curves using
Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc.
16,(2001), 323-338), which computes the zeta function of
a genus hyperelliptic
curve over
odd) in time polynomial in
This algorithm uses the Lefschetz trace formula for
Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology.
This technique has been extended by Gaudry and Gurel [An extension of Kedlaya's algorithm to superelliptic curves,
to appear in Advances in Cryptology--ASIACRYPT 2001,
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science] to handle
superelliptic curves, and by Denef and Vercauteren [J. Denef and F. Vercauteren, An extension of Kedlaya's algorithm to
Artin-Schreier curves in characteristic 2, preprint] to handle
Artin-Schreier curves of
-rank 0 or 1; again, it is likely that other
cases can be handled efficiently. (Denef and Vercauteren, in their paper,
indicate that they can handle general Artin-Schreier curves, and in fact
arbitrary curves, but details are not yet available.)
Remaining questions include:
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