Many people believe that ranks of elliptic curves are unbounded.
If so, what is the maximal rank of an elliptic curve as a function of its
conductor? This question is related to the maximal size of the
argument of for the (normalized) L-function associated with
an elliptic curve E.
(See the article on the maximal size of $S(T)$.)
If one were to make a guess, the two possibilities which may seem
most natural are that the maximal rank of a curve of conductor is
(an upper bound which is implied by the Riemann Hypothesis) or
(inspired by omega-results for
In the function field case the answer is the larger of these two as recent work of Ulmer [
arXiv:math.NT/0109163] shows. Ulmer conjectures that the larger
bound is occasionally achieved for elliptic curves over .
An elementary version of this problem was formulated by Penney and Pomerance
([MR 51 #12862] and [MR 51 #12861]) for curves of the form
Let be the number of divisors of
. Then
Nick Katz suggests the following problem:
Prove or Disprove:
, where the conductor
, and
is the maximal rank of an elliptic
curve with prime conductor.
It is conjectured by Brumer and Silverman [
MR 97e:11062] that
the number of of elliptic curves of prime conductor is infinite.
So it is not clear that the constant ``'' in the above
problem is finite.
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