The Riemann -function is real on the 1/2-line
and has all of its zeros there (assuming the Riemann Hypothesis).
It is an entire function of order 1; because of its functional equation,
is an entire function of order 1/2.
It follows that the Riemann Hypothesis
implies that all zeros of
are on the 1/2-line.
(See [
MR 84g:10070] for proofs of these statements.)
Assuming the Riemann Hypothesis
to be true, one can ask about the vertical distribution of zeros
and more generally of
. It seems that the zeros
of higher
derivatives will become more and more regularly spaced; can
these distributions be expressed in a simple way using
random matrix theory? See the unpublished paper
[Differentiation evens
out zero spacings]
of David Farmer.
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main index
for L-functions and Random Matrix Theory.