The following conjecture, due to Everett and Reed attempts to characterize perfectly contractile graphs.
Perfectly Contractile Graph Conjecture (PCGC) A graph is perfectly contractile if and only if it does not contain an odd hole, an antihole nor an odd prism.
We propose to investigate the PCGC and a possible construction of a polynomial-time recognition algorithm for perfectly contractile graphs, through the decomposition method.
The decomposition method is based on a decomposition theorem
of the following form, for the
class of graphs we want to analyse.
Decomposition Theorem
is either basic or it contains certain types of cutsets.
Basic stands for a certain ``simple'' subclass of .
The idea of a decomposition based recognition algorithm for the class
is as follows. In a connected graph
, a node set (or an
edge set or a combination of the two) is a cutset if its removal
into two or more connected components. From these
components blocks of decomposition are constructed by adding some
more nodes and edges. A decomposition is
if it satisfies the following:
belongs to
if and only if
all the blocks of decomposition belong to
A decomposition based recognition
algorithm takes an input graph
and decomposes it using
-preserving decompositions into a polynomial number of
basic blocks, which are then checked, in polynomial time, whether
they belong to
Such a construction of blocks works nicely for clique cutsets.
A node set is a star cutset
of a graph
if its removal disconnects
contains a node that is adjacent to all the other nodes of
With the usual construction of blocks for the node cutsets, the star
cutset decomposition is not preserving for the class of perfectly contractile
A generalization of star cutsets is obtained as follows.
1-Amalgams are defined and used in for the construction of
a recognition algorithm for Meyniel graphs.
A graph has a 1-amalgam if its vertex set can be partitioned
into sets
is possibly empty) in
such a way that:
A graph has a 2-join if its node set can be partitioned into
so that for
contains disjoint
, and the following properties hold:
denote the class of perfectly contractile graphs.
We have the following conjectures.
1-Amalgam decomposition is
2-Join decomposition is
Conjecture No minimal non perfectly contractile graph has a star cutset.
Note that the PCGC implies all three of these conjectures.
Contributed by Claudia Linhares Sales.
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