Consider a system of equations
given by polynomials
. This is not essentially different than the
case of a single hypersurface (every variety is birational to a
hypersurface, or, also, one can use the inclusion-exclusion
principle). We let
For fixed , is there an algorithm that computes the number of
solutions in
in time polynomial in the quantities:
, and
If you fix , and
, then the answer is yes (Lauder-Wan) using
-adic methods. We discuss the case where
is not fixed. If
is not fixed, then one knows that the answer is yes for elliptic
curves (Schoof) using
-torsion points and curves of a given
genus via the
-torsion of their jacobian (Pila).
Conceptually, all methods use Lefschetz fixed points formula:
We consider as an example the modular form
is an eigenform of weight
, viewed as a function on the upper half-plane. Then
is an
-invariant on
so it descends to
. The variety we work with is
the ten-fold product of the universal elliptic curve
; we find that
has dimension
. For all
, and
is the trace of
, which is also the
trace of
acting on it: it is the
two-dimensional Galois representation (modulo
) associated to
. The action factors through
acting faithfully where
is a finite extension.
Compute explicitly the extension
. One gets as a
byproduct a computation of the actual representation, which we cannot
easily compute now. A bit of work yields that
the Galois closure of the field definition of a suitable element
, where
is the
jacobian of
, if
together with te cusps, and
is the set of matrices
. Still: need
to compute this efficiently. This is not so easy because the genus
is quadratic in
We have the following strategy for finding
(based a
suggestion of Jean-Marc Couveignes). We have a surjection
Generically, there is a unique point
up to
permutation which gives the point
, namely,
. Now one estimates the height of
, approximates
by lifting (numerically) the straight line path
from 0 to
(possible because the map
is generically unramified). It will probably be a good idea to replace
the divisor
by a sum of
distinct points
with small height, defined over a small and solvable extension
. As
and the
determine the
(up to
permutation), and as
is a torsion point (Néron-Tate height zero)
one expects that the height of
is not much bigger than that
of the
. So one hopes that the required number of correct digits
of the approximation of
grows polynomially in
. The
tool to be used for estimating the height of
is Arakelov
geometry. A good indication that this proposed strategy works is that
the height estimate works well in the function field case (a nice
application of the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem).
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