We state the problem solved by Bost and Connes in [BC] (J-B. Bost,
A. Connes, Selecta Math. (New Series), 1, (1995) 411-457)
and its analogue for number fields, considered in [HL](D.
Harari, E. Leichtnam, Selecta Mathematica, New Series 3 (1997),
205-243), [ALR](J. Arledge, M. Laca, I. Raeburn, Doc.
Mathematica 2 (1997) 115-138) and [Coh](Paula B Cohen, J.
Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 11 (1999), 15-30). A
(unital) -algebra
is an (unital) algebra over the
complex numbers
with an adjoint
that is, an anti-linear map with
, and a norm
with respect to which
complete and addition and multiplication are continuous
operations. One requires in addition that
. A
dynamical system is a pair
, where
is a 1-parameter group of
. A state
on a
is a positive linear functional
. The definition of
Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) of an equilibrium state at inverse
is as follows.
Definition: Let be a dynamical system,
a state on
. Then
is an equilibrium
state at inverse temperature
, or
-state, if for each
there is a function
, bounded and
holomorphic in the band
and continuous on its
closure, such that for all
![]() |
(1) |
A symmetry group of the dynamical system
is a
subgroup of
commuting with
Problem 1: Construct a dynamical system
with partition function the zeta function
of Riemann, where
is the inverse temperature, having
spontaneous symmetry breaking at the pole
of the zeta
function with respect to a natural symmetry group.
The symmetry group turns out to be the unit group of the ideles,
given by
where the product is over the primes
. We use here the
. This is the same as the Galois
, where
is the maximal
abelian extension of the rational number field
. The
interaction detected in the phase transition comes about from the
interaction between the primes coming from considering at once
all the embeddings of the non-zero rational numbers
the completions
with respect to the prime
. The following natural generalisation of this problem to
the number field case and the Dedekind zeta function was solved in [Coh] (see also [HL], [ALR]).
Problem 2: Given a number field ,
construct a dynamical system
with partition
function the Dedekind zeta function
, where
the inverse temperature, having spontaneous symmetry breaking at
the pole
of the Dedekind function with respect to a natural
symmetry group.
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