This web page contains material for the workshop
Moduli spaces of knots.
A good introduction to Vassiliev's singularity theory approach is
which gives an overview (not getting bogged down in technical details)
of how to approach the cohomology of space knots
by resolving its complement, the space of singular knots.
More recent progress is surveyed well here,
which starts to use analogies with complements of hyperplane
The computations arising from this approach were
streamlined and carried further by Turchin in
as well as his later papers.
A reference for the de Rham theory approach to knot spaces is
where the authors define a map from complexes of Feynman diagrams to the
de Rham complex of a knot space.
Longoni has written notes explaining the
connection to quantum field theory,
available here.
The approach through three-manifold topology is investigated in the papers of
Budney and Hatcher.
In math.GT/0309427
Budney defines an action of the little two-cubes operad on
spaces of long knots and shows that action is free in dimension three.
He finishes determining the homotopy type of the space of long
knots in dimension three in
using a detailed understanding of the JSJ decomposition of a knot complement.
A nice introductory paper to the connection between knot spaces and calculus
of the embedding functor is D. Sinha, "Topology of spaces of knots", available at
In this paper, Sinha describes three equivalent models for knot spaces and
constructs spectral sequences converging to the
homotopy and cohomology of spaces of knots in codimension at least 3.
The rational collapse of these spectral seqences is proved by P. Lambrechts,
V. Turchin, and I. Volic, using Kontsevich's rational formality of the little
cubes operad, summarized in a talk by Lambrechts in summer '05,
available here.
It follows that the cohomology of spaces of knots in
dimension n is the Hochschild homology of the nth Poisson operad. More
about this can be found in V. Turchin "On the homology of the spaces of long
and D. Sinha "Operads
and knot spaces",
In the latter
paper, Sinha also proves that each space of knots is a two-fold loop space
using machinery of McClure and Smith.
For classical knots, I. Volic shows in "Finite type invariants and calculus of
math.AT/0401440, that
an algebraic
variant of the Taylor tower classifies rational finite type knot invariants. Also, R.
Budney, J. Conant, K. Scannell, and D. Sinha begin to construct finite type
invariants over the integers using embedding calculus in "New perspectives on
The theory becomes remarkably geometric, leading to a count of lines intersecting
a knot in four points.
Also available is the paper Calculus of the embedding functor and spaces of knots by Ismar Volic.
Suggested References
From Ismar Volic and the organizers: