Workshop Announcement: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Archimedean methods in complex geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- November 10 to November 14, 2025 American Institute of Mathematics Research Conference Center Pasadena, California ------------ Description: ------------ This workshop, sponsored by AIM and the NSF, will be devoted to non-Archimedean methods in complex geometry. The main topics for the workshop are: K-stability and canonical metrics; Degenerations of Calabi-Yau manifolds and the SYZ Conjecture; and Algebro-geometric and tropical aspects of degenerations. The workshop is organized by Mattias Jonsson, Valentino Tosatti, and Yueqiao Wu. For more details please see the workshop announcement page: Space and funding is available for a few more participants. If you would like to participate, please apply by filling out the on-line form (available at the link above) no later than July 1, 2025. -------------------------------- AIM Research Conference Center: -------------------------------- The American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) hosts focused workshops in all areas of the mathematical sciences. AIM focused workshops are distinguished by their emphasis on a specific mathematical goal, such as making progress on a significant unsolved problem, understanding the proof of an important new result, or investigating the convergence between two distinct areas of mathematics. For more information, please visit