Workshop Announcement: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematics of topological insulators ---------------------------------------------------------------- December 7 to 11, 2020 ------------ Description: ------------ This workshop, sponsored by AIM, the Simons Foundation, and the NSF, will consider the role of topology in characterizing materials and in the prediction of their physical properties, particularly for two-dimensional material such as graphene. The focus will be on important mathematical questions at the interface of the analysis and topology in the context of the governing fundamental partial differential equations and other models. Two such questions are the bulk edge correspondence and the existence and robustness of edge states in aperiodic settings. The workshop is organized by Daniel Freed, Gian Michele Graf, Rafe Mazzeo, and Michael I Weinstein. For more details please see the workshop announcement page: -------------------------------- AIM Research Conference Center: -------------------------------- The American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) hosts focused workshops in all areas of the mathematical sciences. AIM focused workshops are distinguished by their emphasis on a specific mathematical goal, such as making progress on a significant unsolved problem, understanding the proof of an important new result, or investigating the convergence between two distinct areas of mathematics. For more information, please visit