at the
American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, California
organized by
Jesus A. De Loera and Pamela E. Harris
The government predicts that by 2045 non-Hispanic whites will be a minority group within the U.S. population. In light of this fact, the sustainability of the future U.S. economy will require the integration of a new generation of Latinxs to the work force. This means that within 30 years the mathematical community should aim to see a proportional shift in the profession too; from the demand of workers and educators, as well as from the rise in numbers of students of color.
With the fast arrival of such a large demographic change, how can we better facilitate the access and recruitment of Latinxs into the mathematical sciences? What are the optimal strategies to allow for more participation of Latinxs at all levels of the mathematical profession? What are the key obstacles in teaching true representation with in the profession? What are realistic goals and directions in order to address the current underrepresentation of Latinxs in the mathematical sciences?
The purpose of this gathering of latinxs mathematicians and social activists from around the country is to reflect and plan on how to address the above questions.
A report on the workshop activities.