at the
American Institute of Mathematics, Pasadena, California
organized by
Delaram Kahrobaei and Ludovic Perret
The goal of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is to design cryptosystems which are secure against classical and quantum adversaries. A fundamental assumption in PQC is that there are some computational problems that remain hard in the quantum setting. The main families of PQC systems include code-based, hash-based, lattice-based, and multivariate-based and isogeny-based cryptography. Recent attacks on popular NIST candidates, multivariate- and isogeny-based systems, emphasized the need for diversity of post-quantum approaches and pushed NIST to issue a new call for post-quantum signature schemes in 2023.
The purpose of this workshop is to explore an alternative approach to design post-quantum schemes : namely, group-based cryptography. This is another traditional approach for PQC that received less attention than the families mentioned above.
The topics addressed during the workshop will include:
The workshop schedule.
A list of open problems.
Papers arising from the workshop: