at the
American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, California
organized by
Herve Jacquet, Erez Lapid, and Akshay Venkatesh
In particular, we hope to formulate a precise general conjecture for the exact value of period integrals which encompasses all known cases (either proven, e.g. torus periods on GL(2) (Waldspurger), unitary periods on the general linear group (Jacquet), or conjectural e.g. the work of Ichino and Ikeda on the Gross-Prasad period). The relative trace formula relates periods integrals on two different groups, and often reduces a "difficult" period integral to an "easy" one, thus providing a powerful tool to attack the putative conjecture. Thus far the study of the RTF has been primarily example-based, and we hope to (begin to) develop a general theory.
The main topics for the workshop are
The workshop schedule.
A report on the workshop activities.
Papers arising from the workshop: