is a projective variety, with
an inclusion (a ``closed immersion''). Projective space
has a natural line bundle
, and the pullback
is said to be a very ample line bundle on
That is, a line bundle is very ample if it can be obtained by pulling
via a closed immersion into projective space.
Equivalently, a line bundle is very ample if its global sections
determine a closed immersion into projective space
. The tensor product of
two very ample line bundles is again very ample.
A line bundle on a projective variety is ample if some tensor
power of it is very ample. The ample cone is the convex cone in
generated by
an ample line
bundle on
The ampleness of a line bundle
is determined only by its first
Chern class. More precisely, a line bundle
is ample if and only
if, for every subvariety
, where
Jeffrey Herschel Giansiracusa