Finite tensor categories: their cohomology and geometry

September 16 to September 20, 2024

at the

American Institute of Mathematics, Pasadena, California

organized by

Nicolas Andruskiewitsch, Ivan Angiono, Julia Pevtsova, and Julia Plavnik

Original Announcement

This workshop will be devoted to the conjecture on finite generation of cohomology for finite tensor categories. This conjecture, stated by Etingof and Ostrik in 2004, has origins in the fundamental results of the cohomology ring a finite group scheme due to Venkov, Evens, Friedlander, Parshall, and Suslin. There have been recent advances both for families of finite dimensional Hopf algebras in zero characteristic whose structure is understood and for finite group schemes over an arbitrary commutative Noetherian base.

The main topics for the workshop are

Material from the workshop

A list of participants.

The workshop schedule.

Workshop videos