Mathematical questions in wave turbulence theory
May 15 to May 19, 2017
at the
American Institute of Mathematics,
San Jose, California
organized by
Tristan Buckmaster,
Pierre Germain,
Zaher Hani,
and Jalal Shatah
Original Announcement
This workshop will be devoted to
mathematical questions in weak turbulence theory. This branch of
equilibrium statistical physics tries to describe the dynamics of
nonlinear waves over long time intervals, or in the presence of a random
forcing. It was developed mostly by physicists and applied mathematicians
in the past century, but very little is known rigorously in this field. It
is our aim to advance its mathematical understanding.
The main topics for the workshop are
- Growth of Sobolev norms for nonlinear dispersive equations on compact
- More generally, large time behavior of nonlinear dispersive equations on
compact domains.
- Validity of the usual assumptions of weak turbulence theory (before all,
phase independence)
- Derivation of the kinetic wave equation.
Material from the workshop
A list of participants.
The workshop schedule.
A report on the workshop activities.
A list of open problems.
Papers arising from the workshop: