Dio Lewis Holl Chair in Applied Mathematics 2012-2020
Activities supported Holl Chair
2018-2020 postdoc Jess Geneson, who worked with ISU undergraduates inclduing furute teachers in ISMaRT
2017 Holl mini-workshop for MSM students
2016 Holl Mathematical Discovery Workshop for Teachers
2015 Holl mini-workshop for MSM students
2014 Holl Mathematical Discovery Workshop for Teachers
2013 REU: 2 future teachers participated in the Combinatorial Matrix Project of the ISU Math REU
2013 Holl
Colloquium 2013: Research experiences for pre-service and in-service
secondary teachers - the teacher-scholar concept, Prof. Saad El Zanati,
Illinois State University
2012- present: The research of Hogben, her postdoctoral associates, and her students is also supported by Holl Chair funds.
Photos from Medallion Ceremony (photos taken by Sue Ellen Tuttle, Steve Jones, Mark Hunacek)

About Dio Lewis Holl (from LAS News Release):
"Dio Lewis Holl received his AB in 1917 from Manchester College, his AM
in 1920 from Ohio State University, and his PhD in 1925 from the
University of Chicago with a thesis entitled “Viscous Fluid Motion in
Eccentric Cylinders”. He joined the faculty at Iowa State in 1925, and
he served as Head of the Department of Mathematics from 1945 until his
death in 1954.
"Dio Holl was well known for his excellent teaching skills and his
interest in high quality education. He supervised 12 PhD students in
areas such as elasticity, fluid flows, and stress analysis of
materials. He envisioned the Department of Mathematics at Iowa State
College as one of applied mathematics, i.e. focusing on areas such as
dynamics, elasticity and plasticity. He did, however, hire more ‘core’
mathematicians later in his term as Head, including some algebraists,
topologists, and analysts.
"The Department of Mathematics expresses its gratitude to the donors of
the Dio Lewis Holl Chair in Applied Mathematics for their generous
gift. The donors have expressed ‘their desire for the professor
selected to be passionate about teaching and educating students who are
going to be math teachers, to better reflect the qualities of their
father.” One of the donors, Elizabeth Holl Bierbaum, a daughter of Dio
Holl, serves on the Advisory Board of the Department of Mathematics
where her insight and passion for mathematics are much appreciated."