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in this research community

Rethinking number theory

An online research community sponsored by the


American Institute of Mathematics, Pasadena, California

organized by

Heidi Goodson, Allechar Serrano López, Christelle Vincent, and Mckenzie West

This research community, sponsored by AIM and the NSF, brings together researchers working in various areas of number theory who are united by a vision of joyful collaborative mathematics research and a commitment to equity and justice.

The centerpiece of the Research Community will be a working research conference during which team leaders will plan projects and work with small research groups on them. Topics will be proposed by team leaders, but may include: post-quantum cryptography, optimizing and implementing algorithms for S-unit equations, coding theory, L-functions of modular forms, elliptic curves, and much more.

Research groups will start their collaboration during the workshop, but will use the Research Community to continue the collaborations longer-term. The goal is for participants to learn new math, get to know colleagues, and have a joyful, affirming research experience.

Other Research Community activities will include mentoring, research talks, collaborative research on open problems, and professional development activities. These programs will focus on equity and justice within the mathematics research community and academia: How could research seminars, postdoc positions, and graduate school be transformed to be truly welcoming to everyone, allowing our colleagues, friends, and students to flourish?

The Research Community welcomes new participants. To ensure that all participants can share in this joyful research experience, we ask that all who apply to participate be committed to equity and justice. Please see our code of conduct and our application information. Applications are open to all, and we especially encourage women, underrepresented minorities, and researchers from primarily undergraduate institutions to apply.

For more information, visit Rethinking Number Theory.