The American Institute of Mathematics has announced the fourth Alexanderson Award. The award is given in honor of Gerald Alexanderson, Professor of Mathematics at Santa Clara University and founding chair of AIM’s Board of Trustees. The Alexanderson Award recognizes outstanding research articles arising from AIM research activities that have been published within the past three years.
The recipients of this year’s Alexanderson Award are Jan Bruinier, Benjamin Howard, Stephen S. Kudla, Michael Rapoport, and Tonghai Yang for their paper “Modularity of generating series of divisors on unitary Shimura varieties” published in two parts as a monograph in 2020 in volume 421 of the series Astérisque published by the Société Mathématique de France.
On January 4, 2023, all five recipients were honored at the Prize Session of the 2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston, and on January 6 Stephen Kudla delivered the Alexanderson Award Lecture. Read more…

AIM Director Brian Conrey with award winners Jan Bruinier, Tonghai Yang, Stephen Kudla