Volume 28, 2025
2025-8 | Rep-Tiles
by Ryan Blair, Patricia Cahn, Alexandra Kjuchukova, Hannah Schwartz | |
2025-7 | Sub-Weyl bound for GL(2) via trivial delta
by Roman Holowinsky, Ritabrata Munshi, Prahlad Sharma, Jakob Streipel | |
2025-6 | The shifted convolution problem in function fields
by Alexandra Florea, Matilde Lalín, Amita Malik, Anurag Sahay | |
2025-5 | Hilbert's tenth problem via additive combinatorics
by Peter Koymans, Carlo Pagano | |
2025-4 | Sharp isoperimetric inequalities on the Hamming cube near the critical exponent
by Polona Durcik, Paata Ivanisvili, Joris Roos | |
2025-3 | Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of local complete intersections, minimal exponent, and applications to higher singularities
by Bradley Dirks, Laurenţiu Maxim, Sebastián Olano | |
2025-2 | Nested cobordisms, Cyl-objects and Temperley-Lieb algebras
by Maxine E. Calle, Renee S. Hoekzema, Laura Murray, Natalia Pacheco-Tallaj, Carmen Rovi, Shruthi Sridhar-Shapiro | |
2025-1 | New Properties of Holomorphic Sobolev-Hardy Spaces
by William Gryc, Loredana Lanzani, Jue Xiong, and Yuan Zhang |
Volume 27, 2024
2024-122 | Formal series of Jacobi forms
by Hiroki Aoki, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Cris Poor | |
2024-121 | Lagrangians are attained as uniform Turán densities
by Dylan King, Marcelo Sales, Bjarne Schülke | |
2024-120 | Liftability and Contracting Property of Multi-EGS Groups
by Arsalan Akram Malik, Dmytro Savchuk | |
2024-119 | Mobility edges in pseudo-unitary quasiperiodic quantum walks
by Christopher Cedzich, Jake Fillman | |
2024-118 | Optic Nerve Microcirculation: Fluid Flow and Electrodiffusion
by Yi Zhu, Shixin Xu, Robert S. Eisenberg, Huaxiong Huang | |
2024-117 | A Tridomain Model for Potassium Clearance in Optic Nerve of Necturus
by Yi Zhu, Shixin Xu, Robert S. Eisenberg, Huaxiong Huang | |
2024-116 | Coupled Chemical Reactions: Effects of Electric Field, Diffusion and Boundary Control
by Shixin Xu, Robert Eisenberg, Zilong Song, Huaxiong Huang | |
2024-115 | Mathematical Model for Chemical Reactions in Electrolyte Applied to Cytochrome c Oxidase: an Electro-osmotic Approach
by Shixin Xu, Robert Eisenberg, Zilong Song, Huaxiong Huang | |
2024-114 | Finite matrix multiplication algorithms from infinite groups
by Jonah Blasiak, Henry Cohn, Joshua A. Grochow, Kevin Pratt, Chris Umans | |
2024-113 | Evaluating the Fidelity of Data-Driven Predator-Prey Models: A Dynamical Systems Analysis
by Anna-Simone J. Frank, Jiawen Zhang, View ORCID ProfileSam Subbey | |
2024-112 | Graphs with Bipartite Complement that Admit Two Distinct Eigenvalues
by Wayne Barrett, Shaun Fallat, Veronika Furst, Shahla Nasserasr, Brendan Rooney, Michael Tait | |
2024-111 | Leveraging mathematical modeling framework to guide regimen strategy for phage therapy
by Zhiyuan Yu, Tiffany Luong, Selenne Banuelos, Andrew Sue, Hwayeon Ryu, Rebecca Segal, Dwayne R. Roach, Qimin Huang | |
2024-110 | Analysis of Waveform Parameters in the Retinal Vasculature via Mathematical Modeling and Data Analytics Methods
by Lorenzo Sala, Kendall Lyons, Giovanna Guidoboni, Alon Harris, Marcela Szopos, Sergey Lapin | |
2024-109 | Bounding the dimension of exceptional sets for orthogonal projections
by Peter Cholak, Marianna Csornyei, Neil Lutz, Patrick Lutz, Elvira Mayordomo, D. M. Stull | |
2024-108 | Asymmetric autocatalytic reactions and their stationary distribution
by Cameron Gallinger and Lea Popovic | |
2024-107 | The Condensed Fiber Product and Zesting
by Colleen Delaney, César Galindo, Julia Plavnik, Eric C. Rowell, Qing Zhang | |
2024-106 | Absence of Bound States for Quantum Walks and CMV Matrices via Reflections
by Christopher Cedzich, Jake Fillman | |
2024-105 | Log Hölder continuity of the rotation number
by Anton Gorodetski, Victor Kleptsyn | |
2024-104 | The directed Vietoris-Rips complex and homotopy and singular homology groups of finite digraphs
by Nikola Milićević, Nicholas A. Scoville | |
2024-103 | Locally recoverable algebro-geometric codes with multiple recovery sets from projective bundles
by Konrad Aguilar, Angelynn Álvarez, René Ardila, Pablo S. Ocal, Cristian Rodriguez Avila, Anthony Várilly-Alvarado | |
2024-102 | Graphs and Their Vietoris-Rips Complexes Have the Same Pseudotopological Weak Homotopy Type
by Jonathan Treviño-Marroquín | |
2024-101 | Drilling hyperbolic groups
by Daniel Groves, Peter Haïssinsky, Jason F. Manning, Damian Osajda, Alessandro Sisto, Genevieve S. Walsh | |
2024-100 | Matrix positivity preservers in fixed dimension. II: positive definiteness and strict monotonicity of Schur function ratios
by Alexander Belton, Dominique Guillot, Apoorva Khare, Mihai Putinar | |
2024-99 | Plücker inequalities for weakly separated coordinates in totally nonnegative Grassmannian
by Daniel Soskin, Prateek Kumar Vishwakarma | |
2024-98 | Sufficient conditions for total positivity, compounds, and Dodgson condensation
by Shaun Fallat, Himanshu Gupta, Charles R. Johnson | |
2024-97 | An analog of multiplier sequences for the set of totally positive sequences
by Olga Katkova, Anna Vishnyakova | |
2024-96 | Generalized Diagonals in Positive Semi-Definite Matrices
by Robert Angarone, Daniel Soskin | |
2024-95 | Asymptotics of immaculate line bundles on smooth toric Deligne-Mumford stacks
by Lev Borisov, Alexander Duncan | |
2024-94 | Symplectic 4-manifolds admit Weinstein trisections
by Peter Lambert-Cole, Jeffrey Meier, Laura Starkston | |
2024-93 | Quantum-symmetric equivalence is a graded Morita invariant
by Hongdi Huang, Van C. Nguyen, Padmini Veerapen, Kent B. Vashaw, Xingting Wang | |
2024-92 | Twisting of graded quantum groups and solutions to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation
by Hongdi Huang, Van C. Nguyen, Charlotte Ure, Kent B. Vashaw, Padmini Veerapen, Xingting Wang | |
2024-91 | Viability of Pentadesma in reduced habitat ecosystems within two climatic regions with fruit harvesting
by Maria C A Leite, Benito Chen-Charpentier, Folashade B Agusto, Orou G Gaoue, Natali Hritonenko | |
2024-90 | Cacao sustainability: The case of cacao swollen-shoot virus co-infection
by Folashade B. Agusto , Maria C. A. Leite, Frank Owusu-Ansah, Owusu Domfeh, Natali Hritonenko, Benito Chen-Charpentier | |
2024-89 | Applications of perverse sheaves in commutative algebra
by Bhargav Bhatt, Manuel Blickle, Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag K. Singh, Wenliang Zhang | |
2024-88 | Frobenius on the cohomology of thickenings
by Bhargav Bhatt, Manuel Blickle, Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag K. Singh, Wenliang Zhang | |
2024-87 | An asymptotic vanishing theorem for the cohomology of thickenings
by Bhargav Bhatt, Manuel Blickle, Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag K. Singh, Wenliang Zhang | |
2024-86 | Contracting Self-similar Groups in Group-Based Cryptography
by Delaram Kahrobaei, Arsalan Akram Malik, Dmytro Savchuk | |
2024-85 | Asymptotic Analysis of Harmonic Maps With Prescribed Singularities
by Qing Han, Marcus Khuri, Gilbert Weinstein, Jingang Xiong | |
2024-84 | Optimal Algorithms for Quantifying Spectral Size with Applications to Quasicrystals
by Matthew J. Colbrook, Mark Embree, Jake Fillman | |
2024-83 | Crossing numbers of complete bipartite graphs
by József Balogh, Bernard Lidicky, Sergey Norin, Florian Pfender, Gelasio Salazar, Sam Spiro | |
2024-82 | Codimension of jumping loci
by Brian Lehmann, Eric Riedl, Sho Tanimoto | |
2024-81 | Sunflowers in set systems with small VC-dimension
by József Balogh, Anton Bernshteyn, Michelle Delcourt, Asaf Ferber, Huy Tuan Pham | |
2024-80 | Incorporating changeable attitudes toward vaccination into an SIR infectious disease model
by Yi Jiang, Kristin M. Kurianski, Jane H. Lee, Yanping Ma, Daniel Cicala, Glenn Ledder | |
2024-79 | Determinants of Seidel Tournament Matrices
by Sarah Klanderman, MurphyKate Montee, Andrzej Piotrowski, Alex Rice, Bryan Shader | |
2024-78 | An inverse eigenvalue problem for structured matrices determined by graph pairs
by A.H. Berliner, M. Catral, M. Cavers, S. Kim d, P. van den Driessche | |
2024-77 | Polyhedral geometry of refined $q,t$-Catalan numbers
by Matthias Beck, Mitsuki Hanada, Max Hlavacek, John Lentfer, Andrés R. Vindas-Meléndez, Katie Waddle | |
2024-76 | Grothendieck Shenanigans: Permutons from pipe dreams via integrable probability
by Alejandro H. Morales, Greta Panova, Leonid Petrov, Damir Yeliussizov | |
2024-75 | Locally dualisable modular representations and local regularity
by Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, Julia Pevtsova | |
2024-74 | Compatible Forts and Maximum Nullity of a Graph
by Veronika Furst, John Hutchens, Lon Mitchell, Yaqi Zhang | |
2024-73 | The Cartan-Helgason theorem for supersymmetric spaces: spherical weights for Kac-Moody superalgebras
by Alexander Sherman | |
2024-72 | Restriction Theorems and Root Systems for Symmetric Superspaces
by Shifra Reif, Siddhartha Sahi, Vera Serganova | |
2024-71 | Supersymmetric Shimura operators and interpolation polynomials
by Siddhartha Sahi, Songhao Zhu | |
2024-70 | Modeling multiphage-bacteria kinetics to predict phage therapy potency and longevity
by Zhiyuan Yu, Tiffany Luong, Selenne Banuelos, Andrew Sue, Mary Ann Horn, Hwayeon Ryu, Dwayne Roach, Rebecca Segal, Qimin Huang | |
2024-69 | The Schwartzman Group of an Affine Transformation
by David Damanik, Íris Emilsdóttir, Jake Fillman | |
2024-68 | Least multivariate Chebyshev polynomials on diagonally determined domains
by Mareike Dressler, Simon Foucart, Mioara Joldes, Etienne de Klerk, Jean-Bernard Lasserre, Yuan Xu | |
2024-67 | Optimization-Aided Construction of Multivariate Chebyshev Polynomials
by Mareike Dressler, Simon Foucart, Etienne de Klerk, Mioara Joldes, Jean Bernard Lasserre, Yuan Xu | |
2024-66 | Mixed-platonic 3-manifolds
by Eric Chesebro, Michelle Chu, Jason DeBlois, Neil R. Hoffman, Priyadip Mondal, Genevieve S. Walsh | |
2024-65 | On the Semidirect Discrete Logarithm Problem in Finite Groups
by Christopher Battarbee, Giacomo Borin, Ryann Cartor, Nadia Heninger, David Jao, Laura Maddison, Edoardo Persichetti, Angela Robinson, Daniel Smith-Tone, and Rainer Steinwandt | |
2024-64 | Demazure weaves for reduced plabic graphs (with a proof that Muller-Speyer twist is Donaldson-Thomas)
by Roger Casals, Ian Le, Melissa Sherman-Bennett, Daping Weng | |
2024-63 | A question of Erdos and Graham on Egyptian fractions
by David Conlon, Jacob Fox, Xiaoyu He, Dhruv Mubayi, Huy Tuan Pham, Andrew Suk, Jacques Verstraëte | |
2024-62 | Cluster deep loci and mirror symmetry
by Marco Castronovo, Mikhail Gorsky, José Simental, David E Speyer | |
2024-61 | On the Lucky and Displacement Statistics of Stirling Permutations
by Laura Colmenarejo, Aleyah Dawkins, Jennifer Elder, Pamela E. Harris, Kimberly J. Harry, Selvi Kara, Dorian Smith, Bridget Eileen Tenner | |
2024-60 | Lagrangian cobordism of positroid links
by Johan Asplund, Youngjin Bae, Orsola Capovilla-Searle, Marco Castronovo, Caitlin Leverson, Angela Wu | |
2024-59 | Beyond Endoscopy via Poisson Summation for GL(2,K)
by Melissa Emory, Malors Espinosa-Lara, Debanjana Kundu, Tian An Wong | |
2024-58 | Time-Varying Graph Signal Recovery Using High-Order Smoothness and Adaptive Low-rankness
by Weihong Guo, Yifei Lou, Jing Qin, Ming Yan | |
2024-57 | Bounds for the Regularity Radius of Delone Sets
by Nikolay Dolbilin, Alexey Garber, Egon Schulte, Marjorie Senechal | |
2024-56 | Two results on complexities of decision problems of groups
by Uri Andrews, Matthew Harrison-Trainor, Meng-Che "Turbo" Ho | |
2024-55 | A fourth-order Cherrier-Escobar problem with prescribed corner behavior on the half-ball
by Jeffrey S. Case, Yueh-Ju Lin, Stephen E. McKeown, Cheikh Birahim Ndiaye, Paul Yang | |
2024-54 | A Gauss-Bonnet formula for the renormalized area of minimal submanifolds of Poincaré-Einstein manifolds
by Jeffrey S. Case, C Robin Graham, Tzu-Mo Kuo, Aaron J. Tyrrell, Andrew Waldron | |
2024-53 | Extrinsic GJMS operators for submanifolds
by Jeffrey S. Case, C Robin Graham, Tzu-Mo Kuo | |
2024-52 | Measurement Quantum Cellular Automata and Anomalies in Floquet Codes
by David Aasen, Jeongwan Haah, Zhi Li, Roger S. K. Mong | |
2024-51 | Quantum computation from dynamic automorphism codes
by Margarita Davydova, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Shankar Balasubramanian, David Aasen | |
2024-50 | Hermitian-Lifted Codes
by Hiram H. López, Beth Malmskog, Gretchen L Matthews, Fernando Piñero-González, Mary Wootters | |
2024-49 | Mathematical LoRE: Local Recovery of Erasures using Polynomials, Curves, Surfaces, and Liftings
by Kathryn Haymaker, Hiram H. López, Beth Malmskog, Gretchen L. Matthews, Fernando Piñero | |
2024-48 | Structured Voting for Structured Committees
by Karl-Dieter Crisman | |
2024-47 | Frontline Communities and SARS-CoV-2 - Multi-population Modeling With an Assessment of Disparity by Race/Ethnicity Using Ensemble Data Assimilation
by Emmanuel Fleurantin, Christian Sampson, Daniel Paul Maes, Justin Bennet, Tayler Fernandez-Nunez, Sophia Marx, Geir Evensen | |
2024-46 | Investigating the Relationship Between Air Quality and COVID-19 Transmission
by Laura Albrecht, Paulina Czarnecki, Bennet Sakelaris | |
2024-45 | Adaptive Network Modeling of Social Distancing Interventions
by Carl Corcoran, John Michael Clark | |
2024-44 | Coarse equivalence versus bijective coarse equivalence of expander graphs
by Florent Baudier, Bruno de Mendonça Braga, Ilijas Farah, Alessandro Vignati, Rufus Willett | |
2024-43 | A Generalized Pell's equation for a class of multivariate orthogonal polynomials
by Jean-Bernard Lasserre, Yuan Xu | |
2024-42 | Equality cases of the Alexandrov--Fenchel inequality are not in the polynomial hierarchy
by Swee Hong Chan, Igor Pak | |
2024-41 | Upgraded free independence phenomena for random unitaries
by David Jekel, Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli | |
2024-40 | Schur-Weyl duality for toroidal algebras of type $A$
by Vyjayanthi Chari, Lauren Grimley, Zongzhu Lin, Chad R. Mangum, Christine Uhl, Evan Wilson | |
2024-39 | Boundary Traces of Holomorphic Functions on the Unit Ball in $\mathbb{C}^n$
by William E. Gryc | |
2024-38 | Dimensions of paramodular forms and compact twist modular forms with involutions
by Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama | |
2024-37 | Braided Zestings of Verlinde Modular Categories and Their Modular Data
by César Galindo, Giovanny Mora, Eric C. Rowell | |
2024-36 | Zesting produces modular isotopes and explains their topological invariants
by Colleen Delaney, Sung Kim, Julia Plavnik | |
2024-35 | Asymptotically compatible schemes for nonlinear variational models via Gamma-convergence and applications to nonlocal problems
by Qiang Du, James M. Scott, Xiaochuan Tian | |
2024-34 | Compactness results for a Dirichlet energy of nonlocal gradient with applications
by Zhaolong Han, Tadele Mengesha, Xiaochuan Tian | |
2024-33 | Generalized Nash equilibrium problems with quasi-linear constraints
by Jiyoung Choi, Jiawang Nie, Xindong Tang, Suhan Zhong | |
2024-32 | On the structure of graph product von Neumann algebras
by Ian Charlesworth, Rolando de Santiago, Ben Hayes, David Jekel, Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Brent Nelson | |
2024-31 | Random permutation matrix models for graph products
by Ian Charlesworth, Rolando de Santiago, Ben Hayes, David Jekel, Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli | |
2024-30 | Monodromy groups of product type
by Danny Neftin, Michael E. Zieve | |
2024-29 | Monodromy groups of indecomposable coverings of bounded genus
by Danny Neftin, Michael E. Zieve | |
2024-28 | A cogroupoid associated to preregular forms
by Hongdi Huang, Van C. Nguyen, Charlotte Ure, Kent B. Vashaw, Padmini Veerapen, Xingting Wang | |
2024-27 | Nonlocal problems with local boundary conditions I: function spaces and variational principles
by James M. Scott, Qiang Du | |
2024-26 | On the cohomology of GL_2 and SL_2 over imaginary quadratic fields
by Herbert Gangl, Paul E. Gunnells, Jonathan Hanke, Dan Yasaki | |
2024-25 | On the upper bound of the orders of Jacobi forms
by Hiroki Aoki | |
2024-24 | Connecting Agent-Based Models with High-Dimensional Parameter Spaces to Multidimensional Data Using SMoRe ParS: A Surrogate Modeling Approach
by Daniel R. Bergman, Kerri-Ann Norton, Harsh Vardhan Jain, and Trachette Jackson | |
2024-23 | Realizing groups as symmetries of infinite translation surfaces
by Mauro Artigiani, Anja Randecker, Chandrika Sadanand, Ferrán Valdez, Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen | |
2024-22 | Stochastic models of infectious diseases in a periodic environment with application to cholera epidemics
by Linda J. Allen and Xueying Wang | |
2024-21 | Polynomial compositions with large monodromy groups and applications to arithmetic dynamics
by Joachim König, Danny Neftin, Shai Rosenberg | |
2024-20 | Arithmetic special cycles and Jacobi forms
by Siddarth Sankaran | |
2024-19 | A short computation of the Rouquier dimension for a cycle of projective lines
by Andrew Hanlon, Jeff Hicks | |
2024-18 | The quaternionic Maass Spezialschar on split SO(8)
by Jennifer Johnson-Leung, Finn McGlade, Isabella Negrini, Aaron Pollack, Manami Roy | |
2024-17 | Strong 1-boundedness, $L^2$-Betti numbers, algebraic soficity, and graph products
by Ian Charlesworth, Rolando de Santiago, Ben Hayes, David Jekel, Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Brent Nelson | |
2024-16 | Principal eigenvectors and principal ratios in hypergraph Turán problems
by Joshua Cooper, Dheer Noal Desai, Anurag Sahay | |
2024-15 | On topology of the moduli space of gapped Hamiltonians for topological phases
by Po-Shen Hsin, Zhenghan Wang | |
2024-14 | Random walks on groups and superlinear divergent geodesics
by Kunal Chawla, Inhyeok Choi, Vivian He, Kasra Rafi | |
2024-13 | Sums of weighted lattice points of polytopes
by Jesús A. De Loera, Laura Escobar, Nathan Kaplan, and Chengyang Wang | |
2024-12 | Covering the hypercube, the uncertainty principle, and an interpolation formula
by Paata Ivanisvili, Ohad Klein, Roman Vershynin | |
2024-11 | Quantum Talagrand, KKL and Friedgut's theorems and the learnability of quantum Boolean functions
by Cambyse Rouzé, Melchior Wirth, Haonan Zhang | |
2024-10 | Dimension-free inequalities for low and high degree functions on the Hamming cube
by Komla Domelevo, Polona Durcik, Valentia Fragkiadaki, Ohad Klein, Diogo Oliveira e Silva, Lenka Slavíková, Błażej Wróbel | |
2024-9 | Frobenius distributions of low dimensional abelian varieties over finite fields
by Santiago Arango-Pineros, Deewang Bhamidipati, Soumya Sankar | |
2024-8 | Mod $\ell$ gamma factors and a converse theorem for finite general linear groups
by Jacksyn Bakeberg, Mathilde Gerbelli-Gauthier, Heidi Goodson, Ashwin Iyengar, Gilbert Moss, Robin Zhang | |
2024-7 | The probability of non-isomorphic group structures of isogenous elliptic curves in finite field extensions, II
by John Cullinan, Shanna Dobson, Linda Frey, Asimina Hamakiotes, Roberto Hernandez, Nathan Kaplan, Jorge Mello, Gabrielle Scullard | |
2024-6 | Some sharp inequalities of Mizohata--Takeuchi-type
by Anthony Carbery, Marina Iliopoulou, Hong Wang | |
2024-5 | Dimension of Pinned Distance Sets for Semi-Regular Sets
by Jacob B. Fiedler, D. M. Stull | |
2024-4 | Absolute concentration robustness: Algebra and geometry
by Luis David García Puente, Elizabeth Gross, Heather A Harrington, Matthew Johnston, Nicolette Meshkat, Mercedes Pérez Millán, Anne Shiu | |
2024-3 | Replicable functions arising from code-lattice VOAs fixed by automorphisms
by Lea Beneish, Jennifer Berg, Eva Goedhart, Hussain M. Kadhem, Allechar Serrano López, Stephanie Treneer | |
2024-2 | A deformation of Borel equivariant homotopy
by Gabriel Angelini-Knoll, Mark Behrens, Eva Belmont, Hana Jia Kong | |
2024-1 | Forecasting and predicting stochastic agent-based model data with biologically-informed neural networks
by John T. Nardini |
Volume 26, 2023
2023-131 | The local character expansion as branching rules: nilpotent cones and the case of SL(2)
by Monica Nevins | |
2023-130 | The character correspondence in the stable range over a p-adic field
by Hung Yean Loke, Tomasz Przebinda | |
2023-129 | Operator norm localization property for equi-approximable families of projections
by Bruno M. Braga, Ilijas Farah, Alessandro Vignati | |
2023-128 | Embeddings of von Neumann algebras into uniform Roe algebras and quasi-local algebras
by Florent P. Baudier, Bruno de Mendonça Braga, Ilijas Farah, Alessandro Vignati, Rufus Willett | |
2023-127 | Coarse equivalences versus bijective coarse equivalences of expander graphs
by Florent Baudier, Bruno de Mendonça Braga, Ilijas Farah, Alessandro Vignati, Rufus Willett | |
2023-126 | A Second Homotopy Group for Digital Images
by Gregory Lupton, Oleg Musin, Nicholas A. Scoville, P. Christopher Staecker, Jonathan Treviño-Marroquín | |
2023-125 | Deep JKO: time-implicit particle methods for general nonlinear gradient flows
by Wonjun Lee, Li Wang, Wuchen Li | |
2023-124 | Towards Global Solutions for Nonconvex Two-Stage Stochastic Programs: A Polynomial Lower Approximation Approach
by Suhan Zhong, Ying Cui, Jiawang Nie | |
2023-123 | Coarse and fine geometry of the Thurston metric
by David Dumas, Anna Lenzhen, Kasra Rafi, Jing Tao | |
2023-122 | Classifying *-homomorphisms I: Unital simple nuclear C*-algebras
by José R. Carrión, James Gabe, Christopher Schafhauser, Aaron Tikuisis, Stuart White | |
2023-121 | Tracially Complete C*-Algebras
by José R. Carrión, Jorge Castillejos, Samuel Evington, James Gabe, Christopher Schafhauser, Aaron Tikuisis, Stuart White | |
2023-120 | G-crossed braided zesting
by Colleen Delaney, César Galindo, Julia Plavnik, Eric Rowell, Qing Zhang | |
2023-119 | Galois automorphisms and a unique Jordan decomposition in the case of connected centralizer
by A. A. Schaeffer Fry, Jay Taylor, C. Ryan Vinroot | |
2023-118 | Relating categorical dimensions in topology and symplectic geometry
by Andrew Hanlon, Jeff Hicks, Oleg Lazarev | |
2023-117 | On the asymptotic enumerativity property for Fano manifolds
by Roya Beheshti, Brian Lehmann, Carl Lian, Eric Riedl, Jason Starr, Sho Tanimoto | |
2023-116 | Forts, fractional zero forcing, and Cartesian products of graphs
by Thomas R. Cameron, Leslie Hogben, Franklin H.J. Kenter, Seyed Ahmad Mojallal, Houston Schuerger | |
2023-115 | Mathematicians Navigating Parenthood: Lessons Learned, Methodologies, and Useful Solutions That Were Beneficial During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Katharine Gurski, Angela Peace, Olivia Prosper, Tracy Stepien, Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem | |
2023-114 | Modeling Seasonal Malaria Transmission
by A Methodology Connecting Regional Temperatures to Mosquito and Parasite Developmental Traits | |
2023-113 | Differential operators on quotients of normal affine semigroup rings
by Christine Berkesch, C-Y. Jean Chan, Patricia Klein, Laura Matusevich, Janet Page, Janet Vassilev | |
2023-112 | Macrophage phenotype transitions in a stochastic gene-regulatory network model
by Anna-Simone Josefine Frank, Kamila Larripa, Hwayeon Ryu, Susanna Röblitz | |
2023-111 | The inverse nullity pair problem and the strong nullity interlacing property
by Aida Abiad, Bryan A. Curtis, Mary Flagg, H. Tracy Hall, Jephian C.-H. Lin, Bryan Shader | |
2023-110 | Neck pinches along the Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces
by Jason D. Lotay, Felix Schulze, Gábor Székelyhidi | |
2023-109 | On rank filtrations of algebraic K-theory and Steinberg modules
by Jeremy Miller, Peter Patzt, Jennifer C. H. Wilson | |
2023-108 | Ancient solutions and translators of Lagrangian mean curvature flow
by Jason D. Lotay, Felix Schulze, Gábor Székelyhidi | |
2023-107 | Examples and counterexamples in Ehrhart theory
by Luis Ferroni, Akihiro Higashitani | |
2023-106 | Weighted Ehrhart Theory: Extending Stanley's nonnegativity theorem
by Esme Bajo, Robert Davis, Jesús A. De Loera, Alexey Garber, Sofía Garzón Mora, Katharina Jochemko, Josephine Yu | |
2023-105 | Local $h^*$-polynomials for one-row Hermite normal form simplices
by Esme Bajo, Benjamin Braun, Giulia Codenotti, Johannes Hofscheier, Andrés R. Vindas-Meléndez | |
2023-104 | Minimal free resolutions of numerical semigroup algebras via Apéry specialization
by Benjamin Braun, Tara Gomes, Ezra Miller, Christopher O'Neill, Aleksandra Sobieska | |
2023-103 | Random divergence of groups
by Antoine Goldsborough, Alessandro Sisto | |
2023-102 | Random walk speed is a proper function on Teichmüller space
by Aitor Azemar, Vaibhav Gadre, Sébastien Gouëzel, Thomas Haettel, Pablo Lessa, Caglar Uyanik | |
2023-101 | The Poisson boundary of hyperbolic groups without moment conditions
by Kunal Chawla, Behrang Forghani, Joshua Frisch, Giulio Tiozzo | |
2023-100 | Minimum number of distinct eigenvalues allowed by a sign pattern
by J. Breen, C. Brouwer, M. Catral, M. Cavers, P. van den Driessche, K.N. Vander Meulen | |
2023-99 | Bordering of Symmetric Matrices and an Application to the Minimum Number of Distinct Eigenvalues for the Join of Graphs
by Aida Abiad, Shaun M. Fallat, Mark Kempton, Rupert H. Levene, Polona Oblak, Helena Šmigoc, Michael Tait, Kevin Vander Meulen | |
2023-98 | Spectral arbitrariness for trees fails spectacularly
by Shaun M. Fallat, H. Tracy Hall, Rupert H. Levene, Seth A. Meyer, Shahla Nasserasr, Polona Oblak, Helena Šmigoc | |
2023-97 | Sparsity of Graphs that Allow Two Distinct Eigenvalues
by Wayne Barrett, Shaun Fallat, Veronika Furst, Franklin Kenter, Shahla Nasserasr, Brendan Rooney, Michael Tait, Hein van der Holst | |
2023-96 | Regular Graphs of Degree at most Four that Allow Two Distinct Eigenvalues
by Wayne Barrett, Shaun Fallat, Veronika Furst, Shahla Nasserasr, Brendan Rooney, Michael Tait | |
2023-95 | The Spark of Symmetric Matrices Described by a Graph
by Louis Deaett, Shaun Fallat, Veronika Furst, John Hutchens, Lon Mitchell, Yaqi Zhang | |
2023-94 | Moduli of boundary polarized Calabi-Yau pairs
by Kenneth Ascher, Dori Bejleri, Harold Blum, Kristin DeVleming, Giovanni Inchiostro, Yuchen Liu, Xiaowei Wang | |
2023-93 | K-moduli of curves on a quadric surface and K3 surfaces
by Kenneth Ascher, Kristin DeVleming, Yuchen Liu | |
2023-92 | Factoring determinants and applications to number theory
by Estelle Basor, Brian Conrey | |
2023-91 | Decoupling for two quadratic forms in three variables: a complete characterization
by Shaoming Guo, Changkeun Oh, Joris Roos, Po-Lam Yung, Pavel Zorin-Kranich | |
2023-90 | Automatic continuity of pure mapping class groups
by Ryan Dickmann | |
2023-89 | Towards Nielsen-Thurston classification for surfaces of infinite type
by Mladen Bestvina, Federica Fanoni, Jing Tao | |
2023-88 | Infinite-type loxodromic isometries of the relative arc graph
by Carolyn R. Abbott, Nicholas Miller, Priyam Patel | |
2023-87 | Big mapping class groups and the co-Hopfian property
by Javier Aramayona, Christopher J. Leininger, Alan McLeay | |
2023-86 | Conjectures and results on modular representations of $\textrm{GL}_n(K)$ for a $p$-adic field $K$
by Christophe Breuil, Florian Herzig, Yongquan Hu, Stefano Morra, Benjamin Schraen | |
2023-85 | Multivariable $(\phi, \mathcal{O}_K^{\times})$-modules and local-global compatibility
by Christophe Breuil, Florian Herzig, Yongquan Hu, Stefano Morra, Benjamin Schraen | |
2023-84 | Gelfand-Kirillov dimension and mod $p$ cohomology for $\textrm{GL}_2$
by Christophe Breuil, Florian Herzig, Yongquan Hu, Stefano Morra, Benjamin Schraen | |
2023-83 | Local $h^*$-polynomials for one-row Hermite normal form simplices
by Esme Bajo, Benjamin Braun, Giulia Codenotti, Johannes Hofscheier, Andrés R. Vindas-Meléndez | |
2023-82 | Percolation on hypergraphs and the hard-core model
by Tyler Helmuth, Will Perkins, Michail Sarantis | |
2023-81 | On the zeroes of hypergraph independence polynomials
by David Galvin, Gwen McKinley, Will Perkins, Michail Sarantis, Prasad Tetali | |
2023-80 | Lyapunov exponents and nonadapted measures for dispersing billiards
by Vaughn Climenhaga, Mark Demers, Yuri Lima, Hongkun Zhang | |
2023-79 | Geometric stability conditions under autoequivalences and applications: Elliptic Surfaces
by Jason Lo, Cristian Martinez | |
2023-78 | Some singular curves in Mukai's model of $\overline{M}_7$
by David Swinarski | |
2023-77 | Computation of GIT quotients of semisimple groups
by Patricio Gallardo, Jesus Martinez-Garcia, Han-Bom Moon, David Swinarski | |
2023-76 | Lattices over finite group schemes and stratification
by Tobias Barthel, Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, Julia Pevtsova | |
2023-75 | Optimal conduit shape for Stokes flow
by Andrea Ceretani, Weiwei Hu, and Carlos N. Rautenberg | |
2023-74 | The Average Number of Goldbach Representations and Zero-Free Regions of the Riemann Zeta-Function
by Keith Billington, Maddie Cheng, Jordan Schettler, Ade Irma Suriajaya | |
2023-73 | An unconditional Montgomery Theorem for Pair Correlation of Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function
by Siegfred Alan C. Baluyot, Daniel Alan Goldston, Ade Irma Suriajaya, Caroline L. Turnage-Butterbaugh | |
2023-72 | Real roots of random orthogonal polynomials with exponential weights
by Yen Do, Doron Lubinsky, Hoi H. Nguyen, Oanh Nguyen, Igor Pritsker | |
2023-71 | Non-free sections of Fano fibrations
by Brian Lehmann, Eric Riedl, Sho Tanimoto | |
2023-70 | SPN Graphs
by Leslie Hogben, Naomi Shaked-Monderer | |
2023-69 | The sepr-sets of sign patterns
by Leslie Hogben, Jephian C.-H. Lin, D. D. Olesky, P. van den Driessche | |
2023-68 | The inverse eigenvalue problem of a graph: Multiplicities and minors
by Wayne Barrett, Steve Butler, Shaun M. Fallat, H. Tracy Hall, Leslie Hogben, Jephian C.-H. Lin, Bryan L. Shader, Michael Young | |
2023-67 | Zero forcing and maximum nullity for hypergraphs
by Leslie Hogben | |
2023-66 | Using Markov chains to determine expected propagation time for probabilistic zero forcing
by Yu Chan, Emelie Curl, Jesse Geneson, Leslie Hogben, Kevin Liu, Issac Odegard, Michael S. Ross | |
2023-65 | Graphs that are cospectral for the distance Laplacian
by Boris Brimkov, Ken Duna, Leslie Hogben, Kate Lorenzen, Carolyn Reinhart, Sung-Yell Song, Mark Yarrow | |
2023-64 | Skew throttling
by Emelie Curl, Jesse Geneson, Leslie Hogben | |
2023-63 | Spectra of variants of distance matrices of graphs and digraphs: a survey
by Leslie Hogben, Carolyn Reinhart | |
2023-62 | Upper Bounds for Positive Semidefinite Propagation Time
by Leslie Hogben, Mark Hunnell, Kevin Liu, Houston Schuerger, Ben Small, Yaqi Zhang | |
2023-61 | Propagation time for probabilistic zero forcing
by Jesse Geneson, Leslie Hogben | |
2023-60 | Inverse eigenvalue and related problems for hollow matrices described by graphs
by F. Scott Dahlgren, Zachary Gershkoff, Leslie Hogben, Sara Motlaghian, Derek Young | |
2023-59 | Reconfiguration graphs of zero forcing sets
by Jesse Geneson, Ruth Haas, Leslie Hogben | |
2023-58 | Product throttling for power domination
by Sarah E. Anderson, Karen L. Collins, Daniela Ferrero, Leslie Hogben, Carolyn Mayer, Ann N. Trenk, Shanise Walker | |
2023-57 | Inverse Problems and Zero Forcing for Graphs
by Leslie Hogben, Jephian C.-H. Lin, Bryan L. Shader | |
2023-56 | Moments of Artin-Schreier L-functions
by Alexandra Florea, Edna Jones, Matilde Lalin | |
2023-55 | Bernstein-Sato functional equations, V-filtrations, and multiplier ideals of direct summands
by Josep Àlvarez Montaner, Daniel J. Hernández, Jack Jeffries, Luis Núñez-Betancourt, Pedro Teixeira, Emily E. Witt | |
2023-54 | Bernstein's inequality and holonomicity for certain singular rings
by Josep Àlvarez Montaner, Daniel J. Hernández, Jack Jeffries, Luis Núñez-Betancourt, Pedro Teixeira, Emily E. Witt | |
2023-53 | A Hybrid Epidemic Model to Explore Stochasticity in COVID-19 Dynamics
by Karen K L Hwang, Christina J Edholm, Omar Saucedo, Linda J S Allen, Nika Shakiba | |
2023-52 | Asymptotics of block Toeplitz determinants with piecewise continuous symbols
by E. Basor, T. Ehrhardt, and J. A. Virtanen | |
2023-51 | K-stability and birational models of moduli of quartic K3 surfaces
by Kenneth Ascher, Kristin DeVleming, Yuchen Liu | |
2023-50 | Regular ideals, ideal intersections, and quotients
by Jonathan H. Brown, Adam H. Fuller, David R. Pitts, Sarah A. Reznikoff | |
2023-49 | Normalizers and Approximate Units for Inclusions of C*-Algebras
by David R. Pitts | |
2023-48 | Regular ideals of graph algebras
by Jonathan H. Brown, Adam H. Fuller, David R. Pitts, Sarah A. Reznikoff | |
2023-47 | A Mean Field Analysis Of Deep ResNet And Beyond: Towards Provably Optimization Via Overparameterization From Depth
by Yiping Lu, Chao Ma, Yulong Lu, Jianfeng Lu, Lexing Ying | |
2023-46 | The Ratios Conjecture and upper bounds for negative moments of L-functions over function fields
by Hung M. Bui, Alexandra Florea, Jonathan Keating | |
2023-45 | Type-I contributions to the one and two level densities of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions over function fields
by Hung M. Bui, Alexandra Florea, Jonathan Keating | |
2023-44 | Local-global principles for constant reductive groups over semi-global fields
by Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, David Harbater, Julia Hartmann, Daniel Krashen, R. Parimala, V. Suresh | |
2023-43 | Local-global principles for tori over arithmetic curves
by Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, David Harbater, Julia Hartmann, Daniel Krashen, R. Parimala, V. Suresh | |
2023-42 | Local-Global Principles for Zero-Cycles on Homogeneous Spaces over Arithmetic Function Fields
by Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, David Harbater, Julia Hartmann, Daniel Krashen, R. Parimala, V. Suresh | |
2023-41 | Local-global Galois theory of arithmetic function fields
by David Harbater, Julia Hartmann, Daniel Krashen, Raman Parimala, Venapally Suresh | |
2023-40 | Eigenvalues and congruences for the weight 3 paramodular nonlifts of levels 61, 73, and 79
by Cris Poor, Jerry Shurman, David S. Yuen | |
2023-39 | Partial permutohedra
by Roger E. Behrend, Federico Castillo, Anastasia Chavez, Alexander Diaz-Lopez, Laura Escobar, Pamela E. Harris, Erik Insko | |
2023-38 | Reversing a philosophy: from counting to square functions and decoupling
by Philip T. Gressman, Shaoming Guo, Lillian B. Pierce, Joris Roos, Po-Lam Yung | |
2023-37 | A new type of superorthogonality
by Philip T. Gressman, Lillian B. Pierce, Joris Roos, Po-Lam Yung | |
2023-36 | On the strict majorant property in arbitrary dimensions
by Philip T. Gressman, Shaoming Guo, Lillian B. Pierce, Joris Roos, Po-Lam Yung | |
2023-35 | Modeling the waning and boosting of immunity from infection or vaccination
by Rose-Marie Carlsson, Lauren M Childs, Zhilan Feng, John W Glasser, Jane M Heffernan, Jing Li, Gergely Röst | |
2023-34 | Attractive Strings and Five-Branes, Skew-Holomorphic Jacobi Forms and Moonshine
by Miranda C.N. Cheng, John F.R. Duncan, Sarah M. Harrison, Jeffrey A. Harvey, Shamit Kachru, Brandon C. Rayhaun | |
2023-33 | Infinitely many embedded eigenvalues for the Neumann-Poincaré operator in 3D
by Wei Li, Karl-Mikael Perfekt, Stephen P. Shipman | |
2023-32 | Modeling multiphage-bacteria kinetics to predict phage therapy potency and longevity
by Zhiyuan Yu, Tiffany Luong, Selenne Banuelos, Andrew Sue, Mary Ann Horn, Hwayeon Ryu, Dwayne Roach, Rebecca Segal, and Qimin Huang | |
2023-31 | An analogue of adjoint ideals and PLT singularities in mixed characteristic
by Linquan Ma, Karl Schwede, Kevin Tucker, Joe Waldron, Jakub Witaszek | |
2023-30 | Moduli spaces of residueless meromorphic differentials and the KP hierarchy
by Alexandr Buryak, Paolo Rossi, Dimitri Zvonkine | |
2023-29 | Discrete parametric graphical models with Dirichlet type priors
by Bartosz Kołodziejek, Jacek Wesołowski, Xiaolin Zeng | |
2023-28 | Tail spaces estimates on Hamming cube and Bernstein--Markov inequality
by Alexander Volberg | |
2023-27 | Pisier type inequalities for K-convex spaces
by Alexander Volberg | |
2023-26 | Harmonic Analysis and Gamma Functions on Symplectic Groups
by Dihua Jiang, Zhilin Luo, Lei Zhang | |
2023-25 | On Higgs Bundles on Nodal Curves
by Marina Logares | |
2023-24 | Slice obstructions from genus bounds in definite 4-manifolds
by Paolo Aceto, Nickolas A. Castro, Maggie Miller, JungHwan Park, András Stipsicz | |
2023-23 | Constructing cospectral hypergraphs
by Aida Abiad and Antonina P. Khramova | |
2023-22 | On the power of quantum entanglement in multipartite quantum XOR games
by Marius Junge and Carlos Palazuelos | |
2023-21 | On the spectrum of the joins of normal matrices and applications
by Jacqueline Doan, Jan Mináč, Lyle Muller, Tung T. Nguyen, and Federico W. Pasini | |
2023-20 | Positive and Negative Square Energies of Graphs
by Aida Abiad, Leonardo de Lima, Dheer Noal Desai, Krystal Guo, Leslie Hogben, and Jose Madrid | |
2023-19 | On the hyperbolic Bloch transform
by Ákos Nagy, Steven Rayan | |
2023-18 | Nonabelian Hodge theory and vector valued modular forms
by Cameron Franc, Steven Rayan | |
2023-17 | Aspects of the topology and combinatorics of Higgs bundle moduli spaces
by Steven Rayan | |
2023-16 | Normal Approximation and Fourth Moment Theorems for Monochromatic Triangles
by Bhaswar B. Bhattacharya, Xiao Fang, Han Yan | |
2023-15 | Universality of the minimum modulus for random trigonometric polynomials
by Nicholas A. Cook, Hoi H. Nguyen | |
2023-14 | Reverse isoperimetric inequality for the lowest Robin eigenvalue of a triangle
by David Krejcirik, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Tuyen Vu | |
2023-13 | Multifractal analysis of geodesic flows on surfaces without focal points
by Kiho Park, Tianyu Wang | |
2023-12 | A trade-off between classical and quantum circuit size for an attack against CSIDH
by Jean-François Biasse, Xavier Bonnetain , Benjamin Pring , André Schrottenloher, William Youmans | |
2023-11 | Higher uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average
by Kaisa Matomäki, Maksym Radziwiłł, Terence Tao, Joni Teräväinen, Tamar Ziegler | |
2023-10 | Modeling the eye as a window on the body
by Lucia Carichino Simone Cassani Sergey Lapin Alice Verticchio Vercellin | |
2023-9 | Packable hyperbolic surfaces with symmetries
by Maria Dostert, Alexander Kolpakov | |
2023-8 | The nonlocal-interaction equation near attracting manifolds
by Francesco S. Patacchini, Dejan Slepčev | |
2023-7 | Primality of theta-curves with proper rational tangle unknotting number one
by Kenneth L. Baker, Dorothy Buck, Danielle O'Donnol, Allison H. Moore, Scott Taylor | |
2023-6 | Superalgebra deformations of web categories: finite webs
by Nicholas Davidson, Jonathan R. Kujawa, Robert Muth, Jieru Zhu | |
2023-5 | Invertible bimodule categories and generalized Schur orthogonality
by Jacob C. Bridgeman, Laurens Lootens, and Frank Verstraete | |
2023-4 | Convexity of a certain operator trace functional
by Eric Evert, Scott McCullough, Tea Štrekelj, and Anna Vershynina | |
2023-3 | Synchronous Values of Games
by J. William Helton, Hamoon Mousavi, Seyed Sajjad Nezhadi, Vern I. Paulsen, and Travis B. Russell | |
2023-2 | Prevalence of multistationarity and absolute concentration robustness in reaction networks
by Badal Joshi, Nidhi Kaihnsa, Tung D. Nguyen, and Anne Shiu | |
2023-1 | Globally +-regular varieties and the minimal model program for threefolds in mixed characteristic
by Bhargav Bhatt, Linquan Ma, Zsolt Patakfalvi, Karl Schwede, Kevin Tucker, Joe Waldron, Jakub Witaszek |
Volume 25, 2022
2022-110 | The Deligne-Simpson problem for connections on Gm with a maximally ramified singularity
by Maitreyee C. Kulkarni, Neal Livesay, Jacob P. Matherne, Bach Nguyen, Daniel S. Sage | |
2022-109 | A new perspective on semi-retractions and the Ramsey property
by Dana Bartošová, Lynn Scow | |
2022-108 | Big Ramsey Degrees in Ultraproducts of Finite Structures
by Dana Bartošová, Mirna Džamonja, Rehana Patel, Lynn Scow | |
2022-107 | Spectral shift via "lateral" perturbation
by G. Berkolaiko and P. Kuchment | |
2022-106 | Stability of spectral partitions and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map
by Gregory Berkolaiko, Yaiza Canzani, Graham Cox, and Jeremy L. Marzuola | |
2022-105 | Edge states in rationally terminated honeycomb structures
by C. L. Fefferman, S. Fliss, and M. I. Weinstein | |
2022-104 | Inequalities for entropies and dimensions
by Alexander Shen | |
2022-103 | Solenoid Maps, Automatic Sequences, Van Der Put Series, and Mealy-Moore Automata
by Rostislav Grigorchuk, Dmytro Savchuk | |
2022-102 | 3-Manifolds and VOA characters
by Miranda C. N. Cheng, Sungbong Chun, Boris Feigin, Francesca Ferrari, Sergei Gukov, Sarah M. Harrison, and Davide Passaro | |
2022-101 | 3d Modularity
by Miranda C. N. Cheng, Sungbong Chun, Francesca Ferrari, Sergei Gukov, and Sarah M. Harrison | |
2022-100 | Matrix multiplication via matrix groups
by Jonah Blasiak, Henry Cohn, Joshua A. Grochow, Kevin Pratt, and Chris Umans | |
2022-99 | Projectivity and effective global generation of determinantal line bundles on quiver moduli
by Pieter Belmans, Chiara Damiolini, Hans Franzen, Victoria Hoskins, Svetlana Makarova, and Tuomas Tajakka | |
2022-98 | New Eigenvalue Bound for the Fractional Chromatic Number
by Krystal Guo, Sam Spiro | |
2022-97 | Unknotting via null-homologous twists and multi-twists
by Samantha Allen, Kenan Ince, Seungwon Kim, Benjamin Matthias Ruppik, Hannah Turner | |
2022-96 | Shalika germs for tamely ramified elements in GLn
by Oscar Kivinen, Cheng-Chiang Tsai | |
2022-95 | A symmetric function lift of torus link homology
by Andy Wilson | |
2022-94 | Triple Clasp Formulas for g2
by Elijah Bodish, Haihan Wu | |
2022-93 | Khovanov-Rozansky slN-homology for periodic links
by Maciej Borodzik, Wojciech Politarczyk, Ramazan Yozgyur | |
2022-92 | Generic curves and non-coprime Catalans
by Eugene Gorsky, Mikhail Mazin, Alexei Oblomkov | |
2022-91 | Structures in HOMFLY-PT homology
by Alex Chandler, Eugene Gorsky | |
2022-90 | Fredholm Toeplitz operators with VMO symbols and the duality of generalized Fock spaces with small exponents
by Zhangjian Hu and Jani A. Virtanen | |
2022-89 | On the product formula for Toeplitz and related operators
by Jani A. Virtanen | |
2022-88 | A differential approach to the Ax-Schanuel, I
by David Blázquez-Sanz, Guy Casale, James Freitag, Joel Nagloo | |
2022-87 | Cartan Motion Group and Orbital Integrals
by Yanli Song, Xiang Tang | |
2022-86 | Hochschild homology of reductive p-adic groups
by Maarten Solleveld | |
2022-85 | Higher orbital integrals, rho numbers and index theory
by Paolo Piazza, Hessel Posthuma, Yanli Song, Xiang Tang | |
2022-84 | Equal rank local theta correspondence as a strong Morita equivalence
by Bram Mesland, Mehmet Haluk Sengun | |
2022-83 | Symmetry breaking operators for dual pairs with one member compact
by M. McKee, A. Pasquale, T. Przebinda | |
2022-82 | Slow exponential growth representations of Sp(n, 1) at the edge of Cowling's strip
by Pierre Julg, Shintaro Nishikawa | |
2022-81 | Generalized Laguerre functions and Whittaker vectors for holomorphic discrete series
by Jan Frahm, Gestur Ólafsson, Bent Ørsted | |
2022-80 | The resonances of the Capelli operators for small split orthosymplectic dual pairs
by Roberto Bramati, Angela Pasquale, Tomasz Przebinda | |
2022-79 | Twisting Manin's universal quantum groups and comodule algebras
by Hongdi Huang, Van C. Nguyen, Charlotte Ure, Kent B. Vashaw, Padmini Veerapen, and Xingting Wang | |
2022-78 | Computing associators of endomorphism fusion categories
by Daniel Barter, Jacob C. Bridgeman, and Ramona Wolf | |
2022-77 | Green and Riesz energy on projective spaces
by Austin Anderson, Maria Dostert, Peter J. Grabner, Ryan W. Matzke, and Tetiana A. Stepaniuk | |
2022-76 | Towards optimal gradient bounds for the torsion function in the plane
by Jeremy G. Hoskins and Stefan Steinerberger | |
2022-75 | Non-uniqueness in law of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics system forced by random noise
by Kazuo Yamazaki | |
2022-74 | Revisiting mixed geometry
by Quoc P. Ho, Penghui Li | |
2022-73 | Combinatorics of Triangular Partitions
by François Bergeron and Mikhail Mazin | |
2022-72 | Normal surfaces and colored Khovanov homology
by Christine Ruey Shan Lee | |
2022-71 | An area-depth symmetric q,t-Catalan polynomial
by Joseph Pappe, Digjoy Paul, and Anne Schilling | |
2022-70 | Cluster structures on braid varieties
by Roger Casals, Eugene Gorsky, Mikhail Gorsky, Ian Le, Linhui Shen, and José Simental | |
2022-69 | The Trace of the affine Hecke category
by Eugene Gorsky and Andrei Neguţ | |
2022-68 | Algebra and geometry of link homology
by Eugene Gorsky, Oscar Kivinen, José Simental | |
2022-67 | The affine Springer fiber - sheaf correspondence
by Eugene Gorsky, Oscar Kivinen, and Alexei Oblomkov | |
2022-66 | Macdonald polynomials and operators and Catalan Combinatorics: Notes for the link homology AIM Research Community
by François Bergeron | |
2022-65 | Isomorphisms and properties of TAR reconfiguration graphs for zero forcing and other X-set parameters
by Novi H. Bong, Joshua Carlson, Bryan Curtis, Ruth Haas, and Leslie Hogben | |
2022-64 | Some applications of Dynamical Belyi polynomials
by Jacqueline Anderson, Michelle Manes, and Bella Tobin | |
2022-63 | Enumeration of max-pooling responses with generalized permutohedra
by Laura Escobar, Patricio Gallardo, Javier González-Anaya, José L. González, Guido Montúfar, and Alejandro H. Morales | |
2022-62 | Spherical Morita contexts and relative Serre functors
by Jürgen Fuchs, César Galindo, David Jaklitsch, Christoph Schweigert | |
2022-61 | Discontinuities of the integrated density of states for Laplacians associated with Penrose and Ammann-Beenker tilings
by David Damanik, Mark Embree, Jake Fillman, and May Mei | |
2022-60 | Johnson-Schwartzman gap labelling for ergodic Jacobi matrices
by David Damanik, Jake Fillman and Zhenghe Zhang | |
2022-59 | Patterns of synchronization in 2D networks of inhibitory neurons
by J. Miller, H. Ryu, X. Wang, V. Booth, and S.A. Campbell | |
2022-58 | Moments of zeta and correlations of divisor-sums: stratification and Vandermonde integrals
by Siegfred Baluyot and Brian Conrey | |
2022-57 | Averages of quadratic twists of long Dirichlet polynomials
by Brian Conrey and Brad Rodgers | |
2022-56 | Improved bounds on number fields of small degree
by Theresa C. Anderson, Ayla Gafni, Kevin Hughes, Robert J. Lemke Oliver, David Lowry-Duda, Frank Thorne, Jiuya Wang, Ruixiang Zhang | |
2022-55 | The mystery of plethysm coefficients
by Laura Colmenarejo, Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Anne Schilling, and Mike Zabrocki | |
2022-54 | Galois action on the homology of Fermat curves
by Rachel Davis, Rachel Pries, Vesna Stojanoska, and Kirsten Wickelgren | |
2022-53 | Cohomology groups of Fermat curves via ray class fields of cyclotomic fields
by Rachel Davis and Rachel Pries | |
2022-51 | The Galois action on the lower central series of the fundamental group of the Fermat curve
by Rachel Davis, Rachel Pries, and Kirsten Wickelgren | |
2022-50 | The potentially singular behavior of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations
by Thomas Y. Hou | |
2022-49 | Potential singularity of the 3D Euler equations in the interior domain
by Thomas Y. Hou | |
2022-48 | A potential two-scale traveling wave singularity for 3D incompressible Euler equations
by Thomas Y. Hou, De Huang | |
2022-47 | Potential singularity formation of incompressible axisymmetric Euler equations with degenerate viscosity coefficients
by Thomas Y. Hou, De Huang | |
2022-46 | On stability and instability of $C^{1, \alpha}$ singular solutions to the 3D Euler and 2D Boussinesq equations
by Jiajie Chen, Thomas Y. Hou | |
2022-45 | Finite time blowup of 2D Boussinesq and 3D Euler equations with $C^{1,\alpha}$ velocity and boundary
by Jiajie Chen, Thomas Y. Hou | |
2022-44 | A weighted one-level density of the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta-function
by Sandro Bettin and Alessandro Fazzari | |
2022-43 | Averages of long Dirichlet polynomials with modular coefficients
by Brian Conrey and Alessandro Fazzari | |
2022-42 | Hyperbolic angles from Heegner points
by Giacomo Cherubini and Alessandro Fazzari | |
2022-41 | On correlation of the 3-fold divisor function with itself
by David T. Nguyen | |
2022-40 | The moduli stack of principal ρ-sheaves and Gieseker-Harder-Narasimhan filtrations
by Tomas L. Gomez, Andres Fernandez Herrero, and Alfonso Zamora | |
2022-39 | Deformation of rigid conjugate self-dual Galois representations
by Yifeng Liu, Yichao Tian, Liang Xiao, Wei Zhang, and Xinwen Zhu | |
2022-38 | Neural-network quantum states for periodic systems in continuous space
by Gabriel Pescia, Jiequn Han, Alessandro Lovato, Jianfeng Lu, and Giuseppe Carleo | |
2022-37 | Effects of environmental variability on superspreading transmission events in stochastic epidemic models
by N. Shakiba, C. J. Edholm, B. O. Emerenini, A. L. Murillo, A. Peace, O. Saucedo, X. Wang, | |
2022-36 | On sums of semibounded Cantor sets
by Jake Fillman and Sara H. Tidwell | |
2022-35 | The almost sure essential spectrum of the doubling map model is connected
by David Damanik and Jake Fillman | |
2022-34 | Multiplicity sequence and integral dependence
by Claudia Polini, Ngo Viet Trung, Bernd Ulrich, and Javid Validashti | |
2022-33 | A bubble model for the gating of Kv channels
by Zilong Song, Robert Eisenberg, Shixin Xu, and Huaxiong Huang | |
2022-32 | A phase field model for mass transport with semi-permeable interfaces
by Yuzhe Qin, Huaxiong Huang, Yi Zhu, Chun Liu, and Shixin Xu | |
2022-31 | A mosquito-borne disease model with non-exponentially distributed infection and treatment stages
by Z. Feng, K.F. Gurski, O. Prosper, M.I.Teboh-Ewungkem, and M. Grogan | |
2022-30 | Central Limit Theorem for the number of real roots of random orthogonal polynomials
by Yen Do, Hoi H. Nguyen, Oanh Nguyen, and Igor E. Pritsker | |
2022-29 | Twisted 2kth moments of primitive Dirichlet L-functions: beyond the diagonal
by Siegfred Baluyot and Caroline L. Turnage-Butterbaugh | |
2022-28 | Variance of the k-fold divisor function in arithmetic progressions for individual modulus
by David T. Nguyen | |
2022-27 | On the codimension-two cohomology of $SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$
by Benjamin Brück, Jeremy Miller, Peter Patzt, Robin Sroka, and Jennifer C. H. Wilson | |
2022-26 | Improved homological stability for certain general linear groups
by Alexander Kupers, Jeremy Miller, and Peter Patzt | |
2022-25 | On the generalized Bykovskii presentation of Steinberg modules
by Alexander Kupers, Jeremy Miller, Peter Patzt, and Jennifer C. H. Wilson | |
2022-24 | Sharp $L^p$ bounds for the helical maximal function
by David Beltran, Shaoming Guo, Jonathan Hickman, and Andreas Seeger | |
2022-23 | Sobolev improving for averages over curves in $\mathbb R^4$
by David Beltran, Shaoming Guo, Jonathan Hickman, and Andreas Seeger | |
2022-22 | The circular maximal operator on Heisenberg radial functions
by David Beltran, Shaoming Guo, Jonathan Hickman, and Andreas Seeger | |
2022-21 | Fast and perfect sampling of subgraphs and polymer systems
by Antonio Blanca, Sarah Cannon, and Will Perkins | |
2022-20 | Cohomology rings of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over abelian groups
by Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, Iván Angiono, Julia Pevtsova, and Sarah Witherspoon | |
2022-19 | The holomorphic discrete series contribution to the generalized Whittaker Plancherel formula
by Jan Frahm, Gestur Ólafsson, and Bent Ørsted | |
2022-18 | On the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism, II: The Vogan classification of essential components in the tempered dual
by Pierre Clare, Nigel Higson, and Yanli Song | |
2022-17 | On the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism, I: The reduced C*-algebra of a real reductive group and the K-theory of the tempered dual
by Pierre Clare, Nigel Higson, Yanli Song, and Xiang Tang | |
2022-16 | Gap labelling for discrete one-dimensional ergodic Schrödinger operators
by David Damanik and Jake Fillman | |
2022-15 | Spectral characteristics of Schrödinger operators generated by product systems
by David Damanik, Jake Fillman, and Philipp Gohlke | |
2022-14 | Limit-Periodic Dirac Operators with Thin Spectra
by Benjamin Eichinger, Jake Fillman, Ethan Gwaltney, and Milivoje Lukić | |
2022-13 | Discrete honeycombs, rational edges and edge states
by C.L. Fefferman, S. Fliss, and M.I. Weinstein | |
2022-12 | Classifying sections of del Pezzo fibrations, I
by Brian Lehmann and Sho Tanimoto | |
2022-11 | Rational curves on del Pezzo surfaces in positive characteristic
by Roya Beheshti, Brian Lehmann, Eric Riedl and Sho Tanimoto | |
2022-10 | Restricted tangent bundles for general free rational curves
by Brian Lehmann and Eric Riedl | |
2022-9 | Moduli spaces of rational curves on Fano threefolds
by Roya Beheshti, Brian Lehmann, Eric Riedl, and Sho Tanimoto | |
2022-8 | Cohomology rings of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over abelian groups
by Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, Iván Angiono, Julia Pevtsova, and Sarah Witherspoon | |
2022-7 | Biologically-Based mathematical modeling of tumor vasculature and angiogenesis via time-resolved imaging data
by David A. Hormuth II, Caleb M. Phillips, Chengyue Wu, Ernesto A. B. F. Lim, Guillermo Lorenzo, Prashant K. Jha, Angela M. Jarrett, J. Tinsley Oden and Thomas E. Yankeelov | |
2022-6 | Arithmetic volumes of unitary Shimura varieties
by Jan Hendrik Bruinier and Benjamin Howard | |
2022-5 | On the nonorientable four-ball genus of torus knots
by Fraser Binns, Sungkyung Kang, Jonathan Simone, and Paula Truöl | |
2022-4 | Brunnian exotic surface links in the 4-ball
by Kyle Hayden, Alexandra Kjuchukova, Siddhi Krishna, Maggie Miller, Mark Powell, and Nathan Sunukjian | |
2022-3 | Plethysm and the algebra of uniform block permutations
by Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Anne Schilling, and Mike Zabrocki | |
2022-2 | Power domination reconfiguration
by Beth Bjorkman, Chassidy Bozeman, Daniela Ferrero, Mary Flagg, Cheryl Grood, Leslie Hogben, Bonnie Jacob, and Carolyn Reinhart | |
2022-1 | Uniform Roe algebras of uniformly locally finite metric spaces are rigid
by Florent P. Baudier, Bruno de Mendonça Braga, Ilijas Farah, Ana Khukhro, Alessandro Vignati, and Rufus Willett |
Volume 24, 2021
2021-71 | Dengue transmission dynamics in age-structured human populations in the presence of Wolbachia
by J. Z. Farkas, S. A. Gourley, and R. Liu | |
2021-70 | The Rhombic Triacontrahedron and Crystallography
by Marjorie Senechal and Jean Taylor | |
2021-69 | Target reproduction numbers for reaction-diffusion population models,
by X. Wang and X.-Q. Zhao | |
2021-68 | Asymptotically self-similar blowup of the Hou-Luo model for the 3D Euler equations
by Jiajie Chen, Thomas Y. Hou, De Huang | |
2021-67 | On the Finite Time Blowup of the De Gregorio Model for the 3D Euler Equation
by Jiajie Chen, Thomas Y. Hou, De Huang | |
2021-66 | On the regularity of the De Gregorio model for the 3D Euler equations
by Jiajie Chen | |
2021-65 | Masur-Veech volumes and intersection theory: the principal strata of quadratic differentials
by D. Chen, M. Möller, A. Sauvaget, with an appendix by G. Borot, A. Giacchetto, and D. Lewanski | |
2021-64 | The area is a good enough metric
by Matteo Costantini, Martin Möller, and Jonathan Zachhuber | |
2021-63 | The Chern classes and the Euler characteristic of the moduli spaces of abelian differentials
by Matteo Costantini, Martin Möller, and Jonathan Zachhuber | |
2021-62 | diffstrata -- a Sage package for calculations in the tautological ring of the moduli space of Abelian differentials
by Matteo Costantini, Martin Möller, and Jonathan Zachhuber | |
2021-61 | Regularity of Hamiltonian Stationary Equations in Symplectic manifolds
by Arunima Bhattacharya, Jingyi Chen, Micah Warren | |
2021-60 | The SYZ mirror symmetry conjecture for del Pezzo surfaces and rational elliptic surfaces
by Tristan C. Collins, Adam Jacob, Yu-Shen Lin | |
2021-59 | The Torelli Theorem for $ALH$* Gravitational Instantons
by Tristan Collins, Adam Jacob, Yu-Shen Lin | |
2021-58 | Infinitely many quasi-arithmetic maximal reflection groups
by Edoardo Dotti, Alexander Kolpakov | |
2021-57 | Subspace stabilisers in hyperbolic lattices
by Mikhail Belolipetsky, Nikolay Bogachev, Alexander Kolpakov, Leone Slavich | |
2021-56 | Edge state dynamics along curved interfaces
by Guillaume Bal, Simon Becker, Alexis Drouot, Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer, Jianfeng Lu, Alexander Watson | |
2021-55 | Regular Bernstein blocks
by Jeffrey D. Adler and Manish Mishra | |
2021-54 | Self-dual cuspidal representations
by Jeffrey D. Adler and Manish Mishra | |
2021-53 | Data for Shimura varieties intersecting the Torelli locus
by Wanlin Li, Elena Mantovan, and Rachel Pries | |
2021-52 | Newton polygon stratification of the Torelli locus in PEL-type Shimura varieties
by Wanlin Li, Elena Mantovan, Rachel Pries, and Yunqing Tang | |
2021-51 | Sub-convexity bound for $GL(3)$x$GL(2)$ $ L$-functions: Hybrid level aspect
by Sumit Kumar, Ritabrata Munshi, Saurabh Kumar Singh | |
2021-50 | Thermodynamics of accelerating and supersymmetric $AdS4$ black holes
by Davide Cassani, Jerome P. Gauntlett, Dario Martelli, James Sparks | |
2021-49 | M5-branes wrapped on a spindle
by Pietro Ferrero, Jerome P. Gauntlett, Dario Martelli, James Sparks | |
2021-48 | Accelerating Black Holes and Spinning Spindles
by Pietro Ferrero, Jerome P. Gauntlett, Juan Manuel Pérez Ipiña, Dario Martelli, James Sparks | |
2021-47 | D3-branes wrapped on a spindle
by Pietro Ferrero, Jerome P. Gauntlett, Juan Manuel Pérez Ipiña, Dario Martelli, James Sparks | |
2021-46 | The heterotic G2 system on contact Calabi--Yau 7-manifolds
by Jason D. Lotay, Henrique N. Sá Earp | |
2021-45 | Cubic post-critically finite polynomials defined over $\mathbb{Q}$
by Jacqueline Anderson, Michelle Manes, Bella Tobin | |
2021-44 | Pathwise-random trees and models of second-order arithmetic
by George Barmpalias, Wei Wang | |
2021-43 | Randomness and initial segment complexity for probability measures
by Andre Nies, Frank Stephan | |
2021-42 | A novel regularization based on the error function for sparse recovery
by Weihong Guo, Yifei Lou, Jing Qin and Ming Yan | |
2021-41 | On Fano threefolds of degree 22 after Cheltsov and Shramov
by Kento Fujita | |
2021-40 | On K-stability for Fano threefolds of rank 3 and degree 28
by Kento Fujita | |
2021-39 | The Calabi Problem for Fano threefolds
by Carolina Araujo, Ana-Maria Castravet, Ivan Cheltsov, Kento Fujita, Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros, Jesus Martinez-Garcia, Constantin Shramov, Hendrik Süss, Nivedita Viswanathan | |
2021-38 | Quantitative Hilbert irreducibility and almost prime values of polynomial discriminants
by Theresa C. Anderson, Ayla Gafni, Robert J. Lemke Oliver, David Lowry-Duda, George Shakan and Ruixiang Zhang | |
2021-37 | Stratification and duality for unipotent finite supergroup schemes
by Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause and Julia Pevtsova | |
2021-36 | Rank varieties and π-points for elementary supergroup schemes
by Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause and Julia Pevtsova | |
2021-35 | Autocatalytic networks: An intimate relation between network topology and dynamics
by Badal Joshi and Gheorghe Craciun | |
2021-34 | Column convex matrices, G-cyclic orders, and flow polytopes
by Rafael S. González D'León, Christopher R. H. Hanusa, Alejandro H. Morales, and Martha Yip | |
2021-33 | Decompositions of index one Jacobi forms into N=4 characters and formulas for mock modular forms
by Matthew Krauel, Geoffrey Mason, Michael Tuite, and Gaywalee Yamskulna | |
2021-32 | Identifiability of linear compartmental tree models
by Cashous Bortner, Elizabeth Gross, Nicolette Meshkat, Anne Shiu, and Seth Sullivant | |
2021-31 | Bifurcation and sensitivity analysis reveal key drivers of multistability in a model of macrophage polarization
by Anna-Simone Josefine Franka, Kamila Larripab, Hwayeon Ryuc, RyanSnodgrassd, and Susanna Röblitz | |
2021-30 | Spatially localized clustersolutions in inhibitory neural networks
by H. Ryu, J. Miller, Z. Teymuroglu, X. Wang, V. Booth, and S.A. Campbell | |
2021-29 | Impact of Varying Community Networks on Disease Invasion
by Stephen Kirkland, Zhisheng Shuai, P. van den Driessche, and Xueying Wang | |
2021-28 | Minimal nondegenerate extensions
by Theo Johnson-Freyd, David Reutter | |
2021-27 | How well-conditioned can the eigenvalue problem be?
by Carlos Beltrán, Laurent Bétermin, Peter Grabner, Stefan Steinerberger | |
2021-26 | Opening Crystallography
by Marjorie Senechal and Jean Taylor | |
2021-25 | The Extended Haagerup fusion categories
by Pinhas Grossman, Scott Morrison, David Penneys, Emily Peters and Noah Snyder | |
2021-24 | Unitary dual functors for unitary multitensor categories
by David Penneys | |
2021-23 | Min-type Morse theory for configuration spaces of hard spheres
by Yuliy Baryshnikov, Peter Bubenik, and Matthew Kahle | |
2021-22 | Model structures and structural identifiability: What? Why? How?
by Jason Whyte | |
2021-21 | Branching out into Structural Identifiability Analysis with Maple: Interactive Exploration of Uncontrolled Linear Time-Invariant Structures
by Jason Whyte | |
2021-20 | Geometric Presentations of Braid Groups for Particles on a Graph
by Byung Hee An & Tomasz Maciazek | |
2021-19 | Universal properties of anyon braiding on one-dimensional wire networks
by Tomasz Maciazek, Byung Hee An | |
2021-18 | Farber's conjecture for planar graphs
by Ben Knudsen | |
2021-17 | On the second homology of planar graph braid groups
by Byung Hee An, Ben Knudsen | |
2021-16 | Asymptotic homology of graph braid groups
by Byung Hee An, Gabriel C. Drummond-Cole, Ben Knudsen | |
2021-15 | Predictive inference with the jackknife+
by Rina Foygel Barber, Emmanuel J. Candes, Aaditya Ramdas, and Ryan J. Tibshirani | |
2021-14 | The limits of distribution-free conditional predictive inference
by Rina Foygel Barber, Emmanuel J. Candès, Aaditya Ramdas, and Ryan J. Tibshirani | |
2021-13 | Conformal Prediction Under Covariate Shift
by Ryan J. Tibshirani, Rina Foygel Barber, Emmanuel J. Candes, and Aaditya Ramdas | |
2021-12 | Deletion and contraction in configuration spaces of graphs
by Sanjana Agarwal, Maya Banks, Nir Gadish, Dane Miyata | |
2021-11 | Equidistribution of $\alpha p^{\theta}$ with a Chebotarev condition and applications to extremal primes
by Amita Malik and Neha Prabhu | |
2021-10 | Hilbert transforms and the equidistribution of zeros of polynomials
by Emanuel Carneiro, Mithun Kumar Das, Alexandra Florea, Angel V. Kumchev, Amita Malik, Micah B. Milinovich, Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh, and Jiuya Wang | |
2021-9 | Asymptotic growth of the local ground-State entropy of the Ideal Fermi Gas in a constant magnetic field
by Hajo Leschke, Alexander V. Sobolev, and Wolfgang Spitzer | |
2021-8 | Well-posedness and asymptotic behaviour of an aggregation model with intrinsic interactions on sphere and other manifolds
by Razvan C. Fetecau, Hansol Park, and Francesco S. Patacchini | |
2021-7 | Arithmetic of Borcherds products
by Benjamin Howard and Keerthi Madapusi Pera | |
2021-6 | On the Beilinson-Bloch-Kato conjecture for Rankin-Selberg motives
by Yifeng Liu, Yichao Tian, Liang Xiao, Wei Zhang, and Xinwen Zhu | |
2021-5 | A topological approach to undefinability in algebraic extensions of ${\mathbb Q}$
by Kirsten Eisentraeger, Russell Miller, Caleb Springer, Linda Westrick | |
2021-4 | On toric geometry and K-stability of Fano varieties
by Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros, Andrea Petracci | |
2021-3 | Unique equilibrium states for geodesic flows on flat surfaces with singularities
by Benjamin Call, David Constantine, Alena Erchenko, Noelle Sawyer, Grace Work | |
2021-2 | Asymptotics of bordered Toeplitz determinants and next-to-diagonal Ising correlations
by Estelle Basor, Torsten Ehrhardt, Roozbeh Gharakhloo, Alexander Its, and Yuqi Li | |
2021-1 | A unifying framework for the v-Tamari lattice and principal order ideals in Young's lattice
by Matias von Bell, Rafael S. González D'León, Francisco A. Mayorga Cetina, and Martha Yip |
Volume 23, 2020
Volume 22, 2019
2019-101 | The KdV-equation on the half line: Time-periodicity and mass transport
by Jerry L. Bona, Jonatan Lenells | |
2019-100 | Resilience in hierarchical fluid flow networks
by T.Gavrilchenko and E. Katifori | |
2019-99 | Microvascular networks with uniform flow
by S.S. Chang and M. Roper | |
2019-98 | A parameter-free model comparison test using differential algebra
by Heather A. Harrington, Kenneth L. Ho, and Nicolette Meshkat | |
2019-97 | Selectivity of the KcsA potassium channel: Analysis and computation
by Song, Z., X. Cao, Y-Z. Horng, and H. Huang | |
2019-96 | Factoring a homography to analyze projective distortion
by Annalisa Crannell, Marc Frantz, and Fumiko Futamura | |
2019-95 | Poincaré, modified logarithmic Sobolev and isoperimetric inequalities for Markov chains with non-negative Ricci curvature
by Matthias Erbar, Max Fathi | |
2019-94 | Ricci curvature bounds for weakly interacting Markov chains
by Matthias Erbar, Christopher Henderson, Georg Menz, Prasad Tetali | |
2019-93 | Waveform parameters of retrobulbar vessels in glaucoma patients with different demographics and disease severity
by L. Carichino, A.C. Verticchio Vercellin, S. Lapin, G. Guidoboni, S. Cassani, G. Milano, A. De Silvestri, C. Tinelli, B. Siesky, A. Harris | |
2019-92 | Common Midpoint versus Common Offset Acquisition Geometry in Seismic Imaging
by Raluca Felea, Venkateswaran Krishnan, Clifford Nolan, and Eric Todd Quinto | |
2019-91 | Microlocal Analysis and Imaging
by Gaik Ambartsoumian, Raluca Felea, Venkateswaran Krishnan, Cliff Nolan, and Eric Todd Quinto | |
2019-90 | Invertibility properties of singular integral operators associated with the Lamé and Stokes systems on infinite sectors in two dimensions
by Irina Mitrea, Katharine Ott, and Warwick Tucker | |
2019-89 | The Maslov index for Lagrangian pairs on \(R^{2n}\)
by P. Howard, Y. Latushkin and A. Sukhtayev | |
2019-88 | A cholera epidemic model in a spatiotemporally heterogeneous environment
by X. Wang, X.-Q. Zhao and J. Wang | |
2019-87 | Singularity Formation and Global Well-Posedness for the Generalized Constantin-Lax-Majda Equation with Dissipation
by Jiajie Chen | |
2019-86 | Arboreal singularities from Lefschetz fibrations
by Vivek Shende | |
2019-85 | Graded C*-algebras and twisted groupoid C*-algebras
by Jonathan Brown, Adam Fuller, David Pitts, and Sarah Reznikoff | |
2019-84 | Intermediate C*-algebras of Cartan embeddings
by Jonathan H. Brown, Ruy Exel, Adam H. Fuller, David R. Pitts, and Sarah A. Reznikoff | |
2019-83 | The moduli space of multi-scale differentials
by Matt Bainbridge, Dawei Chen, Quentin Gendron, Samuel Grushevsky, and Martin Möller | |
2019-82 | On the dimension spectra of infinite iterated function systems
by Tushar Das and David Simmons | |
2019-81 | Evaluations of annular Khovanov-Rozansky homology
by Eugene Gorsky, Paul Wedrich | |
2019-80 | Serre duality for Khovanov-Rozansky homology
by Eugene Gorsky, Matthew Hogancamp, Anton Mellit, Keita Nakagane | |
2019-79 | Generalized q,t-Catalan numbers
by Eugene Gorsky, Graham Hawkes, Anne Schilling, Julianne Rainbolt | |
2019-78 | A particle method for the homogeneous Landau equation
by Jose A. Carrillo, Jingwei Hu, Li Wang, and Jeremy Wu | |
2019-77 | Kissing number in hyperbolic space
by Maria Dostert, Alexander Kolpakov | |
2019-76 | Optimal measures for p-frame energies on spheres
by Dmitriy Bilyk, Alexey Glazyrin, Ryan Matzke, Josiah Park, Oleksandr Vlasiuk | |
2019-75 | Energy on spheres and discreteness of minimizing measures
by Dmitriy Bilyk, Alexey Glazyrin, Ryan Matzke, Josiah Park, Oleksandr Vlasiuk | |
2019-74 | Wasserstein of Wasserstein loss for learning generative models
by Yonatan Dukler, Wuchen Li, Alex Lin, Guido Montúdar | |
2019-73 | Wasserstein diffusion Tikhonov regularization
by Alex Tong Lin, Yonatan Dukler, Wuchen Li, Guido Montufar | |
2019-72 | Pluricomplex Green's functions and Fano manifolds
by Nicholas McCleerey and Valentino Tosatti | |
2019-71 | The Chern-Ricci flow on primary Hopf surfaces
by Gregory Edwards | |
2019-70 | $C^{1,1}$ regularity of geodesics of singular Kähler metrics
by Jianchun Chu, Nicholas McCleerey | |
2019-69 | A Liouville theorem on the PDE det$(f_{i\bar{j}})$=1
by An-Min Li, Li Sheng | |
2019-68 | A note on three-fold branched covers of $S^4$
by Ryan Blair, Patricia Cahn, Alexandra Kjuchukova, Jeffrey Meier | |
2019-67 | A combinatorial model for computing volumes of flow polytopes
by Carolina Benedetti, Rafael S. González D'León, Christopher R. H. Hanusa, Pamela E. Harris, Apoorva Khare, Alejandro H. Morales, and Martha Yip | |
2019-66 | Dynamical Belyi maps and arboreal Galois groups
by Irene I. Bouw, Ozlem Ejder, and Valentijn Karemaker | |
2019-65 | On the regularity radius of Delone sets in $R^3$
by Nikolay Dolbilin, Alexey Garber, Undine Leopold, and Egon Schulte | |
2019-64 | Local duality for representations of finite group schemes
by Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, and Julia Pevtsova | |
2019-63 | Local duality for the singularity category of a finite dimensional Gorenstein algebra
by Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, and Julia Pevtsova | |
2019-62 | Detecting nilpotence and projectivity over finite unipotent supergroup schemes
by Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, and Julia Pevtsova | |
2019-61 | Complexity of model testing for dynamical systems with toric steady states
by MF Adamer, M Helmer | |
2019-60 | The Maslov and Morse indices for Schrödinger operators on R
by P. Howard, Y. Latushkin and A. Sukhtayev | |
2019-59 | Polarization interactions in multi-component defocusing media
by G. Biondini, D. K. Kraus, B. Prinari and F. Vitale | |
2019-58 | A Complete Characterization of the 1-Dimensional Intrinsic Cech Persistence Diagrams for Metric Graphs
by Ellen Gasparovic, Maria Gommel, Emilie Purvine, Radmila Sazdanovic, Bei Wang, Yusu Wang, and Lori Ziegelmeier | |
2019-57 | The defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with fully asymmetric non-zero boundary conditions
by G. Biondini, E. Fagerstrom and B. Prinari | |
2019-56 | An index theorem for Schrödinger operators on metric graphs
by Y. Latushkin and S. Sukhtaiev | |
2019-55 | Inverse scattering transform for the defocusing Manakov system with non-zero boundary conditions
by G. Biondini and D. K. Kraus | |
2019-54 | Hadamard-type formulas via the Maslov form
by Y. Latushkin and A. Sukhtayev | |
2019-53 | Counting spectrum via the Maslov index for one dimensional $\theta$-periodic Schrödinger operators
by C. K. R. T. Jones, Y. Latushkin and S. Sukhtaiev | |
2019-52 | The integrable nature of modulational instability
by G. Biondini and E. Fagerstrom | |
2019-51 | The Maslov Index and the spectra of second order elliptic operators
by Y. Latushkin and S. Sukhtaiev | |
2019-50 | The three-component defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions
by G. Biondini, D. K. Kraus and B. Prinari | |
2019-49 | Normal approximation for stochastic gradient descent via non-asymptotic rates of martingale CLT
by Andreas Anastasio, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Murat A. Erdogdu | |
2019-48 | Steady State Invariants and Multistationarity for Families of Toric Reaction Networks
by Michael F. Adamer, Martin Helmer | |
2019-47 | On Homotopy Types of Vietoris-Rips Complexes of Metric Gluings
by Michal Adamaszek, Henry Adams, Ellen Gasparovic, Maria Gommel, Emilie Purvine, Radmila Sazdanovic, Bei Wang, Yusu Wang, Lori Ziegelmeier | |
2019-46 | Dark-bright soliton solutions with nontrivial polarization interactions for the three-component defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions
by G. Biondini, B. Prinari and F. Vitale | |
2019-45 | Singular FIOs in SAR Imaging, II: Transmitter and Receiver at Different Speeds
by Gaik Ambartsoumian, Raluca Felea, Venkateswaran Krishnan, Clifford Nolan, and Eric Todd Quinto | |
2019-44 | A generalization of Birch's theorem and vertex-balanced steady states for generalized mass-action systems
by Gheorghe Craciun, Stefan Muller, Casian Pantea, Polly Y. Yu | |
2019-43 | The symplectic isotopy problem for rational cuspidal curves
by Marco Golla, Laura Starkston | |
2019-42 | Branched coverings of $CP^2$ and other basic 4-manifolds
by Riccardo Piergallini, Daniele Zuddas | |
2019-41 | Zero distribution of random polynomials
by Pritsker, Igor E. | |
2019-40 | Numerical Schubert Calculus via the Littlewood-Richardson Homotopy Algorithm
by Anton Leykin, Abraham Martin del Campo, Frank Sottile, Ravi Vakil, and Jan Verschelde | |
2019-38 | Rationality is decidable for nearly Euclidean Thurston maps
by William Floyd, Walter Parry, Kevin M. Pilgrim | |
2019-37 | Persistence exponents via perturbation theory: AR(1)-processes
by Frank Aurzada, Marvin Kettner | |
2019-36 | Drinfeld centers of fusion categories arising from generalized Haagerup subfactors
by Pinhas Grossman, Masaki Izumi | |
2019-35 | Infinite families of potential modular data related to quadratic categories
by Pinhas Grossman, Masaki Izumi | |
2019-34 | The Extended Haagerup fusion categories
by Pinhas Grossman, Scott Morrison, David Penneys, Emily Peters, Noah Snyder | |
2019-33 | Exponential dichotomies for elliptic PDE on radial domains
by Margaret Beck, Graham Cox, Christopher Jones, Yuri Latushkin, Alim Sukhtayev | |
2019-32 | A dynamical approach to semilinear elliptic equations
by Margaret Beck, Graham Cox, Christopher Jones, Yuri Latushkin, Alim Sukhtayev | |
2019-31 | Topological cyclic homology via the norm
by V. Angeltveit, A. Blumberg, T. Gerhardt, M. Hill, T. Lawson, and M. Mandell | |
2019-30 | Interpreting the Bokstedt smash product as the norm
by Vigleik Angeltveit, Andrew J. Blumberg, Teena Gerhardt, Michael A. Hill, and Tyler Lawson | |
2019-29 | Disjointness between bounded rank-one transformations
by Su Gao and Aaron Hill | |
2019-28 | Microlocal analysis of Doppler Synthetic Aperture Radar
by Raluca Felea, Romina Gaburro, Allan Greenleaf, and Clifford Nolan | |
2019-27 | Stabilization of the cohomology of thickenings
by Bhargav Bhatt, Manuel Blickle, Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag K. Singh, and Wenliang Zhang | |
2019-26 | The eightfold way
by James Cummings, Sy Friedman, Menachem Magidor, Assaf Rinot, and Dima Sinapova | |
2019-25 | Ordinal definable subsets of singular cardinals
by James Cummings, Sy Friedman, Menachem Magidor, Assaf Rinot, and Dima Sinapova | |
2019-24 | Looking through the glass
by Annalisa Crannell | |
2019-22 | Period-index bounds for arithmetic threefolds
by Benjamin Antieau, Asher Auel, Colin Ingalls, Daniel Krashen, and Max Lieblich | |
2019-21 | An endpoint sparse bound for the discrete spherical maximal functions
by Robert Kesler, Michael T. Lacey, Darío Mena | |
2019-20 | Lacunary discrete spherical maximal functions
by Robert Kesler, Michael T. Lacey, Dario Mena | |
2019-19 | An insertion algorithm on multiset partitions with applications to diagram algebras
by Laura Colmenarejo, Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Anne Schilling, and Mike Zabrocki | |
2019-18 | A bidomain model for lens microcirculation
by Yi Zhu, Shixin Xu, Robert S. Eisenberg, and Huaxiong Huang | |
2019-17 | Osmosis through a Semi-permeable Membrane: a Consistent Approach to Interactions
by Shixin Xu, Bob Eisenberg, Zilong Song, and Huaxiong Huang | |
2019-16 | $l^p$-improving inequalities for discrete spherical averages
by Michael T. Lacey and Robert Kesler | |
2019-15 | Extremal problems on ordered and convex geometric hypergraphs
by Z. Furedi, T. Jiang, A. Kostochka, D. Mubayi, and J. Verstraete | |
2019-14 | Ordered and convex geometric trees with linear extremal function
by Zoltan Füredi, Alexandr Kostochka, Dhruv Mubayi, and Jacques Verstraete | |
2019-13 | Hypergraphs not containing a tight tree with a bounded trunk II: 3-trees with a trunk of size 2
by Z. Furedi, T. Jiang, A. Kostochka, D. Mubayi, and J. Verstraete | |
2019-12 | Local versus global distances for zigzag persistence modules
by Ellen Gasparovic, Maria Gommel, Emilie Purvine, Radmila Sazdanovic, Bei Wang, Yusu Wang, and Lori Ziegelmeier | |
2019-11 | The relationship between the intrinsic Cech and persistence distortion distances for metric graphs
by Ellen Gasparovic, Maria Gommel, Emilie Purvine, Radmila Sazdanovic, Bei Wang, Yusu Wang, and Lori Ziegelmeier | |
2019-10 | A variational principle in the parametric geometry of numbers
by Tushar Das, Lior Fishman, David Simmons, Mariusz Urbanski | |
2019-09 | A dynamical variant of the Pink-Zilber conjecture
by Dragos Ghioca and Khoa Dang Nguyen | |
2019-08 | Stochastic Chemical Reaction Networks for Robustly Approximating Arbitrary Probability Distributions
by Daniele Cappelletti, Andres Ortiz-Munoz, David F. Anderson and Erik Winfree | |
2019-07 | On the bijectivity of families of exponential/generalized polynomial maps
by Stefan Müller, Josef Hofbauer, and Georg Regensburger | |
2019-06 | A deficiency-based approach to parametrizing positive equilibria of biochemical reaction systems
by Matthew D. Johnston, Stefan Müller, and Casian Pantea | |
2019-05 | The tree property at the two immediate successors of a singular cardinal
by James Cummings, Yair Hayut, Menachem Magidor, Itay Neeman, Dima Sinapova, and Spencer Unger | |
2019-04 | The ineffable tree property and failure of the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis
by James Cummings, Yair Hayut, Menachem Magidor, Itay Neeman, Dima Sinapova, and Spencer Unger | |
2019-03 | Mixed moments of characteristic polynomials of random unitary matrices
by Emma C. Bailey, Sandro Bettin, Gordon Blower, J. Brian Conrey, Andrei Prokhorov, Michael O. Rubinstein, and Nina C. Snaith | |
2019-02 | Uniform Manin-Mumford for a family of genus 2 curves
by Laura DeMarco, Holly Krieger, and Hexi Ye | |
2019-01 | Completion for braided enriched monoidal categories
by Scott Morrison, David Penneys, and Julia Plavnik |
Volume 21, 2018
2018-111 | Building sustainable decision tools for a sustainable environment
by E.W. Jenkins, K.R. Kavanagh, and L.S. Mallot | |
2018-110 | Optimization of a basin network using global search algorithms
by J. Beauregard, B. Ritz, E.W. Jenkins, K.R. Kavanagh, and M.W. Farthing | |
2018-109 | Development and use of mathematical models and software frameworks for integrated analysis of agricultural systems and associated water use impacts
by K.R. Fowler, E.W. Jenkins, M. Parno, J.C. Chrispell, A.I. Colón, and R.T.Hanson | |
2018-108 | Homogenization analysis of invasion dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes with differential bias and motility
by Brian P. Yurk | |
2018-107 | Movement behaviour determines competitive outcome and spread rates in strongly heterogeneous landscapes
by Gabriel Andreguetto Maciel, and Frithjof Lutscher | |
2018-106 | Reaction-diffusion on metric graphs: from 3D to 1D
by R. Feres, M. Wallace, and G. Yablonsky | |
2018-105 | An asymptotic expansion for the expected number of real zeros of real random polynomials spanned by OPUC
by Maxim Yattselev and Hanan Aljubran | |
2018-104 | Persistence and spread of stage-structured populations in heterogeneous landscapes
by Y. Alqawasmeh and F. Lutscher | |
2018-103 | How ticks keep ticking in the adversity of host immune reactions
by Rachel Jennings, Yang Kuang, Horst R. Thieme, Jianhong Wu and Xiaotian Wu | |
2018-102 | Unlikely Intersections in Poincaré Biextensions over Elliptic Schemes
by Daniel Bertrand | |
2018-101 | Arithmetic Nullstellensatz and Nonstandard Methods
by Haydar Göral | |
2018-100 | Relative Manin-Mumford for semi-abelian surfaces
by Daniel Bertrand, David Masser, Anand Pillay, and Umberto Zannier | |
2018-99 | Current Trends and Open Problems in Arithmetic Dynamics
by Robert Benedetto, Laura DeMarco, Patrick Ingram, Rafe Jones, Michelle Manes, Joseph H. Silverman, Thomas J. Tucker | |
2018-98 | A continuum of pure states in the Ising model on a halfplane
by Douglas Abraham, Charles M. Newman, and Senya Shlosman | |
2018-97 | Rational points of quiver moduli spaces
by Victoria Hoskins and Florent Schaffhauser | |
2018-96 | Group actions on quiver varieties and applications
by Victoria Hoskins and Florent Schaffhauser | |
2018-95 | Local Factors, Reciprocity and Vinberg Monoids
by Freydoon Shahidi | |
2018-94 | Bounded height in families of dynamical systems
by Laura DeMarco, Dragos Ghioca, Holly Krieger, Khoa D. Nguyen, Thomas J. Tucker, Hexi Ye | |
2018-93 | Cutoff for biased transpositions
by Megan Bernstein, Nayantara Bhatnagar, Igor Pak | |
2018-92 | The Bousfield-Kuhn functor and Topological Andre-Quillen cohomology
by Mark Behrens and Charles Rezk | |
2018-91 | Comparing Dynamics: Deep Neural Networks versus Glassy Systems
by M. Baity-Jesi, L. Sagun, M. Geiger, S. Spigler, G. Ben Arous, C. Cammarota, Y. LeCun, M. Wyart, and G. Biroli | |
2018-90 | Complex energy landscapes in spiked-tensor and simple glassy models: ruggedness, arrangements of local minima and phase transitions
by Valentina Ros, Gerard Ben Arous, Giulio Biroli, and Chiara Cammarota | |
2018-89 | Spectral gap estimates in mean field spin glasses
by Gérard Ben Arous and Aukosh Jagannath | |
2018-88 | The landscape of the spiked tensor model
by Gerard Ben Arous, Song Mei, Andrea Montanari, and Mihai Nica | |
2018-87 | Quasi-Mobius Homeomorphisms of Morse boundaries
by Ruth Charney, Matthew Cordes, and Devin Murray | |
2018-86 | Complex Engel Structures
by Zhiyong Zhao | |
2018-85 | Weighted real Egyptian numbers
by Melvyn B. Nathanson | |
2018-84 | Lagrangian Engel Structures
by Zhiyong Zhao | |
2018-83 | Modified Szego-Widom asymptotics for block Toeplitz matrices with zero modes
by E. Basor, J. Dubail, T. Emig, and R. Santachiara | |
2018-82 | On logarithmic bounds of maximal sparse operators
by Grigori A. Karagulyan and Michael T. Lacey | |
2018-81 | Multiparty Non-Interactive Key Exchange and More From Isogenies on Elliptic Curves
by Dan Boneh, Darren Glass, Daniel Krashen, Kristin Lauter, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Mehdi Tibouchi, and Mark Zhandry | |
2018-80 | Chains in CR geometry as geodesics of a Kropina metric
by Jih-Hsin Cheng, Taiji Marugame, Vladimir S. Matveev, and Richard Montgomery | |
2018-79 | On the Lichnerowicz conjecture for CR manifolds with mixed signature
by Jeffrey S. Case, Sean N. Curry, and Vladimir S. Matveev | |
2018-78 | Dyadic harmonic analysis and weighted inequalities: the sparse revolution
by María Cristina Pereyra | |
2018-77 | Sparse bounds for pseudodifferential operators
by David Beltran and Laura Cladek | |
2018-76 | Pair correlation and twin primes revisited
by Brian Conrey and Jonathan P. Keating | |
2018-75 | Moments of zeta and correlations of divisor-sums: IV
by Brian Conrey and Jonathan P. Keating | |
2018-74 | Linear compartmental models: input-output equations and operations that preserve identifiability
by Elizabeth Gross, Heather A. Harrington, Nicolette Meshkat, Anne Shiu | |
2018-73 | On the Cantor-Bendixson rank of the Grigorchuk group and the Gupta-Sidki 3 group
by Rachel Skipper and Phillip Wesolek | |
2018-72 | The minimal model program for b-log canonical divisors and applications
by Daniel Chan, Kenneth Chan, Louis de Thanhoffer de Völcsey, Colin Ingalls, Kelly Jabbusch, Sándor J Kovács, Rajesh Kulkarni, Boris Lerner, Basil Nanayakkara, Shinnosuke Okawa, Michel Van den Bergh | |
2018-71 | Model selection and local geometry
by Robin J. Evans | |
2018-70 | A representation of joint moments of CUE characteristic polynomials in terms of Painleve functions
by Estelle Basor, Pavel Bleher, Robert Buckingham, Tamara Grava, Alexander Its, Elizabeth Its, and Jonathan P. Keating | |
2018-69 | The surface quasi-geostrophic equation with random diffusion
by Tristan Buckmaster, Andrea Nahmod, Gigliola Staffilani, and Klaus Widmayer | |
2018-68 | Joining and decomposing reaction networks
by Elizabeth Gross, Heather A Harrington, Nicolette Meshkat, and Anne Shiu | |
2018-67 | Rigid linkages and partial zero forcing
by Daniela Ferrero, Mary Flagg, H. Tracy Hall, Leslie Hogben, Jephian C.-H. Lin, Seth Meyer, Shahla Nasserasr, and Bryan Shader | |
2018-66 | Splittings and calculational techniques for higher THH
by Irina Bobkova, Eva Höning, Ayelet Lindenstrauss, Kate Poirier, Birgit Richter, and Inna Zakharevich | |
2018-65 | Properties of a q-analogue of zero forcing
by Steve Butler, Craig Erickson, Shaun Fallat, H. Tracy Hall, Brenda Kroschel, Jephian C.-H. Lin, Bryan Shader, Nathan Warnberg, and Boting Yang | |
2018-64 | The logarithmic Picard group and its tropicalization
by Samouil Molcho and Jonathan Wise | |
2018-63 | Moduli of stable maps in genus one and logarithmic geometry II
by Dhruv Ranganathan, Keli Santos-Parker, and Jonathan Wise | |
2018-62 | Moduli of stable maps in genus one and logarithmic geometry I
by Dhruv Ranganathan, Keli Santos-Parker, and Jonathan Wise | |
2018-61 | Logarithmic compactification of the Abel-Jacobi section
by Steffen Marcus and Jonathan Wise | |
2018-60 | A moduli stack of tropical curves
by Renzo Cavalieri, Melody Chan, Martin Ulirsch, and Jonathan Wise | |
2018-59 | On supra-SIM sets of natural numbers
by Isaac Goldbring and Steven Leth | |
2018-58 | A proof of the Erdos sumset conjecture
by Joel Moreira, Florian Karl Richter, and Donald Robertson | |
2018-57 | Abstract densities and ideals of sets
by Mauro Di Nasso and Renling Jin | |
2018-56 | Szemeredi's proof of Szemeredi's theorem
by Terence Tao | |
2018-55 | Vietoris-Rips and Cech complexes of metric gluings
by Michal Adamaszek, Henry Adams, Ellen Gasparovic, Maria Gommel, Emilie Purvine, Radmila Sazdanovic, Bei Wang, Yusu Wang, and Lori Ziegelmeier | |
2018-54 | Estimation of personalized effects associated with causal pathways
by Razich Nabi, Phyllis Kanki, and Ilya Shpitser | |
2018-53 | Identification of personalized effects associated With causal pathways
by Ilya Shpitser and Eli Sherman | |
2018-52 | Acyclic linear SEMs obey the nested Markov property
by Ilya Shpitser, Robin Evans, and Thomas Richardson | |
2018-51 | The defect of Bennequin-Eliashberg inequality and Bennequin surfaces
by Tetsuya Ito and Keiko Kawamuro | |
2018-50 | Positive factorizations of symmetric mapping classes
by Tetsuya Ito and Keiko Kawamuro | |
2018-49 | Height bounds for algebraic numbers satisfying splitting conditions
by Paul Fili and Igor Pritsker | |
2018-48 | Energy integrals and small points for the Arakelov height
by Paul Fili, Clayton Petsche, and Igor Pritsker | |
2018-47 | Natural boundary and zero distribution of random polynomials in smooth domains
by Igor Pritsker and Koushik Ramachandran | |
2018-46 | The satisfiability threshold for random linear equations
by Peter Ayre, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Pu Gao, and Noela Muller | |
2018-45 | The generalized numerical range of a set of matrices
by Pan-Shun Lau, Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze | |
2018-44 | Remarks on the Crouzeix-Palencia proof that the numerical range is a $(1+\sqrt2)$-spectral set
by Thomas Ransford, and Felix Schwenninger | |
2018-43 | Spectral Sets: Numerical Range and Beyond
by Michel Crouzeix, and Anne Greenbaum | |
2018-42 | The threshold for SDP-refutation of random regular NAE-3SAT
by Yash Deshpande, Andrea Montanari, Ryan O'Donnell, Tselil Schramm, and Subhabrata Sen | |
2018-41 | Ergodicity in umbrella billiards
by Maria Correia, Christopher Cox, and Hong-Kun Zhang | |
2018-40 | Ruling polynomials and augmentations for Legendrian tangles
by Tao Su | |
2018-39 | Knotted surfaces in 4-manifolds by Knot surgery and Stabilization
by Hee Jung Kim | |
2018-38 | Equivariant hyperbolization of 3-manifolds via homology cobordisms
by Dave Auckly, Hee Jung Kim, Paul Melvin, and Daniel Ruberman | |
2018-37 | Harmonic spinors on the Davis hyperbolic 4-manifold
by John G. Ratcliffe, Daniel Ruberman, and Steven T. Tschantz | |
2018-36 | Depth and regularity modulo a principal ideal
by Giulio Caviglia, Huy Tai Ha, Jörgen Herzog, Manoj Kummini, Naoki Terai, and Ngo Viet Trung | |
2018-35 | On the existence of infinite-dimensional generalized harish-chandra modules
by Ivan Penkov and Gregg Zuckerman | |
2018-34 | Homogenization techniques for population dynamics in strongly heterogeneous landscapes
by Brian P. Yurk, and Christina A. Cobbold | |
2018-33 | Some multidimensional integrals in number theory and connections with the Painlevé V equation
by Estelle Basor, Fan Ge, and Michael O. Rubinstein | |
2018-31 | Group synchronization on grids
by Emmanuel Abbe, Laurent Massoulie, Andrea Montanari, Allan Sly, and Nikhil Srivastava | |
2018-30 | An entropy inequality for symmetric random variables
by Jing Hao, and Varun Jog | |
2018-29 | Geometry and dynamics of Engel structures
by Yoshihiko Mitsumatsu | |
2018-28 | Notes on open book decompositions for Engel structures
by Vincent Colin, Francisco Presas, and Thomas Vogel | |
2018-27 | Classification of Engel knots
by Roger Casals, and Alvaro del Pino | |
2018-26 | The Engel-Lutz twist and overtwisted Engel structures
by Alvaro del Pino, and Thomas Vogel | |
2018-25 | Knots and ones
by Estelle Basor, Brian Conrey, and Kent E. Morrison | |
2018-24 | Knots-quivers correspondence
by Piotr Kucharski, Markus Reineke, Marko Stosic, and Piotr Sułkowski | |
2018-23 | Gorenstein modifications and ${\mathbb Q}$-Gorenstein rings
by Hailong Dao, Osamu Iyama, Ryo Takahashi, and Michael Wemyss | |
2018-22 | The trisection genus of standard simply connected PL 4-manifolds
by Jonathan Spreer, and Stephan Tillmann | |
2018-21 | Restricted power domination and zero forcing problems
by Chassidy Bozeman, Boris Brimkov, Craig Erickson, Daniela Ferrero, Mary Flagg, and Leslie Hogben | |
2018-20 | Throttling for the game of Cops and Robbers on graphs
by Jane Breen, Boris Brimkov, Joshua Carlson, Leslie Hogben, K. E. Perry, and Carolyn Reinhart | |
2018-19 | Throttling positive semidefinite zero forcing propagation time on graphs
by Joshua Carlson, Leslie Hogben, Jurgen Kritschgau, Kate Lorenzen, Michael S. Ross, Seth Selken, and Vicente Valle Martinez | |
2018-18 | Families of graphs with maximum nullity equal to zero-forcing number
by J.S. Alameda, E. Curl, A. Grez, L. Hogben, O-N. Kingston, A. Schulte, D. Young, and M. Young | |
2018-17 | Calculating the homology and intersection form of a 4-manifold from a trisection diagram
by Peter Feller, Michael Klug, Trent Schirmer, and Drew Zemke | |
2018-16 | Computing trisections of 4-manifolds
by Mark Bell, Joel Hass, J. Hyam Rubinstein, and Stephan Tillmann | |
2018-15 | Full Szego-type trace asymptotics for ergodic operators on large boxes
by Adrian Dietlein | |
2018-14 | Loops in SL(2,C) and Factorization
by Estelle Basor, and Doug Pickrell | |
2018-13 | Complex groups and root subgroup factorization
by Doug Pickrell | |
2018-12 | Fredkin Spin Chain
by Olof Salberger, and Vladimir Korepin | |
2018-11 | On the Origin of Crystallinity: a Lower Bound for the Regularity Radius of Delone Sets
by Igor A. Baburin, Mikhail Bouniaev, Nikolay Dolbilin, Nikolay Yu. Erokhovets, Alexey Garber, Sergey V. Krivovichev, and Egon Schulte | |
2018-10 | Tropical geometry of genus two curves
by Maria Angelica Cueto, and Hannah Marwig | |
2018-09 | Math Modeling: Computing and Communicating
by Bliss, K.M.;Kavanaugh, K. R.;Galluzzo, B. J.; Levey, R. | |
2018-08 | Stability in the Erdős--Gallai Theorem on cycles and paths, II
by Zoltán Füredi, Alexandr Kostochka, Ruth Luo, and Jacques Verstraëte | |
2018-07 | Extensions of a theorem of Erdős on nonhamiltonian graphs
by Zoltán Füredi, Alexandr Kostochka, and Ruth Luo | |
2018-06 | Tight paths and matchings in convex geometric hypergraphs
by Zoltán Füredi, Tao Jiang, Alexandr Kostochka, Dhruv Mubayi, and Jacques Verstraëte | |
2018-05 | Hypergraphs not containing a tight tree with a bounded trunk
by Zoltán Füredi, Tao Jiang, Alexandr Kostochka, Dhruv Mubayi, and Jacques Verstraëte | |
2018-04 | Filtering the Heegaard Floer contact invariant
by Cagatay Kutluhan, Gordana Matic, Jeremy Van Horn-Morris, and Andy Wand | |
2018-03 | Fourier-Mukai transforms of slope stable torsion-free sheaves and stable 1-dimensional sheaves on Weierstrass elliptic threefolds
by Jason Lo | |
2018-02 | K-stability of cubic threefolds
by Yuchen Liu and Chenyang Xu | |
2018-01 | Openness results for uniform K-stability
by Kento Fujita |
Volume 20, 2017
2017-122 | Image reconstruction from radially incomplete spherical Radon data
by Gaik Ambartsoumian, Rim Gouia-Zarrad, Venkateswaran P. Krishnan, Souvik Roy | |
2017-121 | On minimal volume hyperbolic lattices
by R. Kellerhals | |
2017-120 | De-biasing low-rank projection for matrix completion
by S. Foucart, D. Needell, Y. Plan, and M. Wootters | |
2017-119 | Building sustainable decision tools for a sustainable environment
by E.W. Jenkins, K.R. Kavanagh, and L.S. Matott | |
2017-118 | Using simulation-based optimization to guide allocations of surface and ground water resources for sgricultural water use
by AI Colón, RT Hanson, EW Jenkins, and KR Kavanagh | |
2017-116 | The cardinality of the augmentation category of a Legendrian link
by L. Ng, D. Rutherford, V. Shende, and S. Sivek | |
2017-115 | The role of intermittent preventive treatment IPT and the spread of drug resistant malaria
by M. Teboh-Ewungkem, O. Prosper, K. Gurski, C. Manore, A. Peace, and Z. Feng | |
2017-114 | Expected zeros of random orthogonal polynomials on the real line
by I. E. Pritsker | |
2017-113 | Introduction to nested Markov models
by I. Shpitser, R. J. Evans, T. S. Richardson, and J. M. Robins | |
2017-112 | Markovian acyclic directed mixed graphs for discrete data
by Robin J. Evans, and Thomas S. Richardson | |
2017-111 | A combinatorial model for computing volumes of flow polytopes
by Carolina Benedetti, Rafael S. Gonzalez D'Leon, Christopher R. H. Hanusa, Pamela E. Harris, Apoorva Khare, Alejandro H. Morales, and Martha Yip | |
2017-110 | Zero forcing propagation time on oriented graphs
by Adam Berliner, Chassidy Bozeman, Steve Butler, Minerva Catral, Leslie Hogbenb,Brenda Kroschele, Jephian Chin-Hung Linb, Nathan Warnbergf, and Michael Young | |
2017-109 | A reverse Gaussian correlation inequality by adding cones
by Xiaohong Chen and Fuchang Gao | |
2017-108 | The enhanced principal rank characteristic sequence for Hermitian matrices
by Steve Butler, Minerva Catral, H. Tracy Hall, Leslie Hogben, Xavier Martínez-Rivera, Bryan Shader, and Pauline van den Driessche | |
2017-107 | Generalizations of the Strong Arnold Property and the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of a graph
by Wayne Barrett, Shaun Fallat, H. Tracy Hall, Leslie Hogben, Jephian C. -H. Lin, and Bryan L. Shader | |
2017-106 | Which groups are amenable to proving exponent two for matrix multiplication?
by Jonah Blasiak, Thomas Church, Henry Cohn, Joshua A. Grochow, and Chris Umans | |
2017-105 | On the $C^{1,1}$ regularity of geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics
by Jianchun Chu, Valentino Tosatti, and Ben Weinkove | |
2017-104 | On the maximal rank problem for the complex homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation
by Julius Ross and David Witt Nyström | |
2017-103 | A rank-one CAT(0) group is determined by its Morse boundary
by Ruth Charney and Devin Murray | |
2017-102 | Restricted power domination and zero forcing problems
by Chassidy Bozeman, Boris Brimkov, Craig Erickson, Daniela Ferrero, Mary Flagg and Leslie Hogben | |
2017-101 | Theoretical predictions of metabolic flow regulation in the retina
by S. Cassani, J. Arciero, G. Guidoboni, B. Siesky, A. Harris | |
2017-100 | Mathematical modeling of aqueous humor flow and intraocular pressure under uncertainty: towards individualized glaucoma management
by M. Szopos, S. Cassani, G. Guidoboni, C. Prud'homme, R. Sacco, B. Siesky, A. Harris | |
2017-99 | Computer-aided identification of novel ophthalmic artery waveform parameters in healthy subjects and glaucoma patients
by L. Carichino, G. Guidoboni, A.C. Verticchio Vercellin, G. Milano, C.A. Cutolo, C. Tinelli, A. De Silvestri, S. Lapin, J.C. Gross, B.A. Siesky, A. Harris | |
2017-98 | A theoretical investigation of the increase in venous oxygen saturation levels in glaucoma patients
by L. Carichino, A. Harris, G. Guidoboni, B.A. Siesky, L.A. Pinto, E. Vandewalle, O.B.Olafsdottir, S.H. Hardarson, K. Van Keer, I. Stalmans, E. Stefansson, and J.C. Arciero, | |
2017-97 | Computer-aided ophthalmic artery waveform analysis in healthy individuals and glaucoma patients
by L. Carichino, G. Guidoboni, A. C. V. Vercellin, G. Milano, C. A. Cutolo, C. Tinelli, A. De Silvestri, S. Lapin, B. Siesky, and A. Harris | |
2017-96 | Theoretical analysis of the relationship between changes in retinal blood flow and ocular perfusion pressure
by S. Cassani, A. Harris, B. A. Siesky, and J. Arciero | |
2017-95 | Intraocular pressure, blood pressure and retinal blood flow autoregulation: a mathematical model to clarify their relationship and clinical relevance
by G. Guidoboni, A. Harris, S. Cassani, J. Arciero, B. Siesky, A. Amireskandari, L. Tobe, P. Egan, I. Januleviciene, and J. Park | |
2017-94 | Analytic L-functions: Definitions, Theorems, and Connections
by David W. Farmer, Ameya Pitale, Nathan C. Ryan, and Ralf Schmidt | |
2017-93 | On the distance spectra of graphs
by Ghodratollah Aalipour, Aida Abiad, Zhanar Berikkyzy, Jay Cummings, Jessica De Silva, Wei Gao, Kristin Heysse, Leslie Hogben, Franklin H. J. Kenter, Jephian C. -H. Lin, and Michael Tait | |
2017-92 | Fractional zero forcing via three-color forcing games
by Leslie Hogben, Kevin F. Palmowski, David E. Roberson, and Michael Young | |
2017-91 | Hilbert bases and lecture hall partitions
by McCabe Olsen | |
2017-90 | Bounds for totally separable translative packings in the plane
by Károly Bezdek and Zsolt Lángi | |
2017-89 | Power propagation time and lower bounds for power domination number
by Daniela Ferrero, Leslie Hogben, Franklin H. J. Kenter, and Michael Young | |
2017-88 | On groups with $S^2$ Bowditch boundary
by Been Tshishiku and Genevieve Walsh | |
2017-87 | Normal bundles of rational curves on complete intersections
by Izzet Coskun and Eric Riedl | |
2017-86 | The relationship between $k$-forcing and $k$-power domination
by Daniela Ferrero, Leslie Hogben, Franklin H. J. Kenter, and Michael Young | |
2017-85 | Proof of a conjecture of Graham and Lovász concerning unimodality of coefficients of the distance characteristic polynomial of a tree
by Ghodratollah Aalipour, Aida Abiad, Zhanar Berikkyzy, Leslie Hogben, Franklin H. J. Kenter, Jephian C. -H. Lin, and Michael Tai | |
2017-84 | Applications of analysis to the determination of the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of a graph
by Beth Bjorkman, Leslie Hogben, Scarlitte Ponce, Carolyn Reinhart, and Theodore Travel | |
2017-83 | Monoidal categories enriched in braided monoidal categories
by Scott Morrison and David Penneys | |
2017-82 | Modularity of generating series of divisors on unitary Shimura varieties II: arithmetic applications
by Jan Bruinier, Benjamin Howard, Stephen S. Kudla, Michael Rapoport, and Tonghai Yang | |
2017-81 | Modularity of generating series of divisors on unitary Shimura varieties
by Jan Bruinier, Benjamin Howard, Stephen S. Kudla, Michael Rapoport, and Tonghai Yang | |
2017-79 | The Galois action and cohomology of a relative homology group of Fermat curves
by Rachel Davis, Rachel Pries, Vesna Stojanoska, and Kirsten Wickelgren | |
2017-78 | Finite hypergeometric functions
by Frits Beukers, Henri Cohen, and Anton Mellit | |
2017-77 | Signatures in algebra, topology, and dynamics
by Étienne Ghys and Andrew Ranicki | |
2017-76 | Identifiability of linear compartment models: the singular locus
by Elizabeth Gross, Nicolette Meshkat, and Anne Shiu | |
2017-75 | Cohen-Lenstra heuristics and local conditions
by Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2017-74 | An effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields, with an application to $\ell$-torsion in class groups
by Lillian B. Pierce, Caroline L. Turnage-Butterbaugh, and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2017-72 | A stability index for traveling waves in activator-inhibitor systems
by Paul Cornwell and Christopher K.R.T. Jones | |
2017-71 | Opening the Maslov box for traveling waves in skew-gradient systems
by Paul Cornwell | |
2017-70 | Instability of pulses in gradient reaction-diffusion systems: A symplectic approach
by Margaret Beck, Graham Cox, Christopher Jones, Yuri Latushkin, Kelly McQuighan, and Alim Sukhtayev | |
2017-69 | Minimal transport networks with general boundary conditions
by Shyr-Shea Chang and Marcus Roper | |
2017-68 | Central stability homology
by Peter Patzt | |
2017-67 | Representation stability for filtrations of Torelli groups
by Peter Patzt | |
2017-66 | Margins of discrete Bayesian networks
by Robin J. Evans | |
2017-65 | Nested Markov properties for acyclic directed mixed graphs
by Thomas S. Richardson, Robin J. Evans, James M. Robins, and Ilya Shpitser | |
2017-64 | On the form and growth of complex crystals: The case of Tsai-Type Clusters
by Jean E. Taylor, Erin G. Teich, Pablo F. Damasceno, Yoav Kallus, and Marjorie Senechal | |
2017-63 | Positivity of the diagonal
by Brian Lehmann and John Christian Ottem | |
2017-62 | Truncated Product Representations for $L$-Functions in the Hyperelliptic Ensemble
by J. C. Andrade, S. M. Gonek and J. P. Keating | |
2017-61 | Stability of periodic orbits in no-slip billiards
by Christopher Cox, Renato Feres and Hong-Kun Zhang | |
2017-60 | Asymptotic zero distribution of random polynomials spanned by general bases
by I. E. Pritsker | |
2017-59 | Distribution of zeros for random Laurent rational functions
by I. E. Pritsker | |
2017-58 | Zeros of real random polynomials spanned by OPUC
by Maxim L. Yattselev and Aaron Yeager | |
2017-57 | The reciprocal Mahler ensembles of random polynomials
by Christopher D. Sinclair and Maxim L. Yattselev | |
2017-56 | Equidistribution of zeros of random polynomials
by Igor Pritsker and Koushik Ramachandran | |
2017-55 | Expected number of real zeros for random orthogonal polynomials
by Doron S. Lubinsky, Igor E. Pritsker, and Xiaoju Xie | |
2017-54 | Primes and fields in stable motivic homotopy theory
by Jeremiah Heller and Kyle Ormsby | |
2017-53 | The free group on n generators modulo n+u random relations as n goes to infinity
by Yuan Liu and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2017-52 | Equivariant Corks
by Dave Auckly, Hee Jung Kim, Paul Melvin, and Daniel Ruberman | |
2017-51 | Isotopy of surfaces in 4-manifolds after a single stabilization
by Dave Auckly, Hee Jung Kim, Paul Melvin, Daniel Ruberman, and Hannah Schwartz | |
2017-50 | Modular Categories of Dimension $p^3 m$ with $m$ Square-Free
by Paul Bruillard, Julia Yael Plavnik, and Eric C. Rowell | |
2017-49 | Classification of super-modular categories by rank
by Paul Bruillard, César Galindo, Siu-Hung Ng, Julia Yael Plavnik, Eric C. Rowell, and Zhenghan Wang | |
2017-48 | Multigraded Cayley-Chow forms
by Brian Osserman and Matthew Trager | |
2017-47 | A $C_2$-equivariant analog of Mahowald's Thom spectrum theorem
by Mark Behrens and Dylan Wilson | |
2017-45 | Gorenstein duality for Real spectra
by J. P. C. Greenlees and Lennart Meier | |
2017-44 | Anderson and Gorenstein duality
by J. P. C. Greenlees and V. Stojanoska | |
2017-43 | Four approaches to cohomology theories with reality
by J. P. C. Greenlees | |
2017-42 | Central stability for the homology of congruence subgroups and the second homology of Torelli groups
by Jeremy Miller, Peter Patzt, and Jennifer C. H. Wilson | |
2017-41 | Cluster varieties from Legendrian knots
by Vivek Shende, David Treumann, Harold Williams, and Eric Zaslow | |
2017-40 | On the combinatorics of exact Lagrangian surfaces
by Vivek Shende, David Treumann, and Harold Williams | |
2017-39 | Hyperfiniteness and Borel combinatorics
by Clinton Conley, Steve Jackson, Andrew Marks, Brandon Seward, and Robin Tucker-Drob | |
2017-38 | Folner tilings for actions of amenable groups
by Clinton T. Conley, Steve Jackson, David Kerr, Andrew Marks, Brandon Seward, and Robin Tucker-Drob | |
2017-37 | Deligne categories and representations of the infinite symmetric group
by Daniel Barter, Inna Entova-Aizenbud, and Thorsten Heidersdorf | |
2017-36 | A spectral approach for quenched limit theorems for random expanding dynamical systems
by Davor Dragicevic, Gary Froyland, Cecilia Gonzalez-Tokman, and Sandro Vaienti | |
2017-35 | Mixing time of an unaligned Metropolis algorithm on the square
by Balazs Gerencser | |
2017-34 | Embedding arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds
by A. Kolpakov, A. Reid, and L. Slavich | |
2017-33 | Hyperbolic Dehn filling in dimension four
by Bruno Martelli and Stefano Riolo | |
2017-32 | Polynomial mixing of the edge-flip Markov chain for unbiased dyadic tilings
by Sarah Cannon, David Levin, and Alexandre Stauffer | |
2017-31 | Intermittent Preventive Treatment IPT: Its role in averting disease-induced mortalities in children and in promoting the spread of antimalarial drug resistance
by Carrie A. Manore, Miranda I. Teboh-Ewungkem, Olivia Prosper, Angela L. Peace, Katharine Gurski, and Zhilan Feng | |
2017-30 | Local arboreal representations
by Jacqueline Anderson, Spencer Hamblen, Bjorn Poonen, and Laura Walton | |
2017-29 | A large arboreal Galois representation for a cubic postcritically finite polynomial
by Robert L. Benedetto, Xander Faber, Benjamin Hutz, Jamie Juul, and Yu Yasufuku | |
2017-28 | Reduction of dynamic curves
by John R. Doyle, Holly Krieger, Andrew Obus, Rachel Pries, Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo, and Lloyd W. West | |
2017-27 | Dynamical Galois groups of trinomials and Odeon's conjecture
by Nicole R. Looper | |
2017-26 | Galois groups of iterates of some unicritical polynomials
by Michael R. Bush, Wade Hindes and Nicole R. Looper | |
2017-25 | The euclidean distance degree of orthogonally invariant matrix varieties
by Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, Hon-Leung Lee, Giorgio Ottaviani and Rekha R. Thomas | |
2017-24 | A clever elimination strategy for efficient minimal solvers
by Zuzana Kukelova, Joe Kileel, Bernd Sturmfels and Tomas Pajala | |
2017-23 | Distortion varieties
by Joe Kileel, Zuzana Kukelova, Tomas Pajdla, and Bernd Sturmfels | |
2017-22 | General models for rational cameras and the case of two-slit projections
by Matthew Trager, Bernd Sturmfels, John Canny, Martial Hebert, and Jean Ponce | |
2017-21 | Congruences and Concurrent Lines in Multi-View Geometry
by Jean Ponce, Bernd Sturmfels, and Matthew Trager | |
2017-20 | Irreducibility of random polynomials
by Christian Borst, Evan Boyd, Claire Brekken, Samantha Solberg, Melanie Matchett Wood, and Philip Matchett Wood | |
2017-19 | On categories of admissible $({\mathfrak g},sl(2))$-Modules
by Ivan Penkov, Vera Serganova, and Gregg Zuckerman | |
2017-18 | Primitive ideals of $U({\mathfrak sl}(\infty))$
by Ivan Penkov and Alexey Petukhov | |
2017-17 | Persistence of Gaussian processes: non- summable correlations
by Amir Dembo and Sumit Mukherjee | |
2017-16 | Persistence exponents in Markov chains
by Frank Aurzada, Sumit Mukherjee, Ofer Zeitouni | |
2017-15 | A variational principle in the parametric geometry of numbers, with applications to metric Diophantine approximation
by Tushar Das, Lior Fishman, David Simmons, and Mariusz Urbański | |
2017-14 | Quadratic Thurston maps with few postcritical points
by Gregory Kelsey and Russell Lodge | |
2017-13 | Modular groups, Hurwitz classes and dynamic portraits of NET maps
by William Floyd, Walter Parry, and Kevin M. Pilgrim | |
2017-12 | Equilibrium states for Mañé diffeomorphisms
by V. Climenhaga, T. Fisher, and D.J. Thompson | |
2017-11 | Unique equilibrium states for geodesic flows in nonpositive curvature
by Keith Burns, Vaughn Climenhaga, Todd Fisher, and Daniel J. Thompson | |
2017-10 | Refined large N duality for torus knots
by Masaya Kameyama and Satoshi Nawata | |
2017-9 | An algorithm for Komlós conjecture matching Banaszczyk's bound
by Nikhil Bansal, Daniel Dadush, and Shashwat Garg | |
2017-8 | Algorithmic discrepancy beyond partial coloring
by Nikhil Bansal and Shashwat Garg | |
2017-7 | Towards a constructive version of Banaszczyk's vector balancing theorem
by Daniel Dadush, Shashwat Garg, Shachar Lovett, and Aleksandar Nikolov | |
2017-6 | The strong tree property and weak square
by Yair Hayut and Spencer Unger | |
2017-5 | Namba forcing, weak approximation, and guessing
by Sean Cox and John Krueger | |
2017-4 | Nonabelian Cohen-Lenstra moments
by Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2017-3 | Zeta functions of alternate mirror Calabi-Yau families
by Charles F. Doran, Tyler L. Kelly, Adriana Salerno, Steven Sperber, John Voight, and Ursula Whitcher | |
2017-2 | Bounds on 2-torsion in class groups of number fields and integral points on elliptic curves
by Manjul Bhargava, Arul Shankar, Takashi Taniguchi, Frank Thorne, Jacob Tsimerman, and Yongqiang Zhao | |
2017-1 | Presentations of Net Maps
by K. Pilgrim, W. Floyd, and W. Parry |
Volume 19, 2016
2016-138 | Mock theta functions of order 2 and their shadow computations
by Soon-Yi Kang and Holly Swisher | |
2016-137 | On the solvability of the Zaremba problem in infinite sectors and the invertibility of associated singular integral operators
by Hussein Awala, Irina Mitrea and Katharine Ott | |
2016-136 | Equiconsistencies at subcompact cardinals
by Itay Neeman an John Steel | |
2016-135 | Stochastic dynamics: Markov chains and random transformations
by Felix X.-F. Ye, Yue Wang and Hong Qian | |
2016-134 | Origami, affine maps, and complex dynamics
by William Floyd, Gregory Kelsey, Sarah Koch, Russell Lodge, Walter Parry, Kevin M. Pilgrim, and Edgar Saenz | |
2016-133 | Almost sure invariance principle for random piecewise expanding maps
by D. Dragicevic, G. Froyland, C. González-Tokman and S. Vaienti | |
2016-132 | BPS counting for knots and combinatorics on words
by Piotr Kucharski and Piotr Sulkowski | |
2016-131 | The hyperbolicity of the sphere complex via surgery paths
by Arnaud Hilion and Camille Horbez | |
2016-130 | Ergodic currents dual to a real tree
by Thierry Coulbois and Arnaud Hilion | |
2016-129 | Invariant measures for train track towers
by Nicolas Bédaride, Arnaud Hilion and Martin Lustig | |
2016-128 | Distinguished-root formulas for generalized Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces
by Alan Adolphson and Steven Sperber | |
2016-127 | Strong arithmetic mirror symmetry and toric isogenies
by Christopher Magyar and Ursula Whitcher | |
2016-126 | Coincidences of homological densities, predicted by arithmetic
by Benson Farb, Jesse Wolfson and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2016-124 | Detecting fully irreducible automorphisms: a polynomial time algorithm. With an appendix by Mark C. Bell
by Ilya Kapovich | |
2016-123 | Endomorphisms, train track maps, and fully irreducible monodromies
by Spencer Dowdall, Ilya Kapovich and Christopher J. Leininger | |
2016-122 | The primitivity index function for a free group, and untangling closed curves on hyperbolic surfaces. With an appendix by Khalid Bou-Rabee
by Neha Gupta and Ilya Kapovich | |
2016-121 | McMullen polynomials and Lipschitz flows for free-by-cyclic groups
by Spencer Dowdall, Ilya Kapovich and Christopher J. Leininger | |
2016-120 | An integral weight realization theorem for subset currents on free groups
by Ilya Kapovich | |
2016-119 | Cannon-Thurston maps for hyperbolic free group extensions
by Spencer Dowdall, Ilya Kapovich and Samuel J. Taylor | |
2016-118 | On purely loxodromic actions
by Ilya Kapovich | |
2016-117 | Conical limit points and the Cannon-Thurston map
by Woojin Jeon, Ilya Kapovich, Christopher Leininger and Kenichi Ohshika | |
2016-116 | Nielsen equivalence in a class of random groups
by Ilya Kapovich and Richard Weidmann | |
2016-115 | Dynamics on free-by-cyclic groups
by Spencer Dowdall, Ilya Kapovich and Christopher J. Leininger | |
2016-114 | Patterson-Sullivan currents, generic stretching factors and the asymmetric Lipschitz metric for Outer space
by Ilya Kapovich and Martin Lustig | |
2016-113 | A train track directed random walk on $Out(F_r)$
by Ilya Kapovich and Catherine Pfaff | |
2016-112 | Cannon-Thurston fibers for iwip automorphisms of $F_N$
by Ilya Kapovich and Martin Lustig | |
2016-111 | Unbounded asymmetry of stretch factors
by Spencer Dowdall, Ilya Kapovich and Christopher J Leininger | |
2016-110 | Invariant laminations for irreducible automorphisms of free groups
by Ilya Kapovich and Martin Lustig | |
2016-109 | On hyperbolicity of free splitting and free factor complexes
by Ilya Kapovich and Kasra Rafi | |
2016-108 | Algorithmic detectability of iwip automorphisms
by Ilya Kapovich | |
2016-107 | Toward GIT stability of syzygies of canonical curves
by Anand Deopurkar, Maksym Fedorchuk, and David Swinarski | |
2016-106 | Adaptive timestepping strategies for nonlinear stochastic systems
by C0nall Kelly and Gabriel J. Lord | |
2016-105 | Exact solution of the classical dimer model on a triangular lattice: Monomer-monomer correlations
by Estelle Basor and Pavel Bleher | |
2016-104 | Using mathematics at AIM to outwit mosquitoes
by J. Z. Farkas, S. A. Gourley, R. Liu, and A.-A. Yakubu | |
2016-103 | Wolbachia infection in a sex-structured mosquito population carrying West Nile virus
by Jozsef Z. Farkas, Stephen A. Gourley, Rongsong Liu, Abdul-Aziz Yakubu | |
2016-102 | Note on Nordhaus-Gaddum problems for power domination
by Katherine F. Benson, Daniela Ferrero, Mary Flagg, Veronika Furst, Leslie Hogben, and Violeta Vasilevska | |
2016-101 | Net Maps (website)
by William Floyd, Gregory Kelsey, Sarah Koch, Russell Lodge, Kevin Pilgrim, and Edgar Saenz Maldonado | |
2016-100 | Noncommutative resolutions using syzygies
by Hailong Dao, Osamu Iyama, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Ryo Takahashi, Michael Wemyss, and Yuji Yoshino | |
2016-99 | Vanishing simplicial volume for certain affine manifolds
by Michelle Bucher, Chris Connell, and Jean-François Lafont | |
2016-98 | A local curvature estimate for the Ricci flow
by Brett Kotschwar, Ovidio Munteanu and Jiaping Wang | |
2016-97 | On cap sets and the group-theoretic approach to matrix multiplication
by Jonah Blasiak, Thomas Church, Henry Cohn, Joshua A. Grochow, Eric Naslund, William F. Sawin, and Chris Umans | |
2016-96 | Patching and the p-adic Langlands program for $GL(2, Q_p)$
by Ana Caraiani, Matthew Emerton, Toby Gee, David Geraghty, Vytautas Paskunas, and Sug Woo Shin | |
2016-95 | Generalised cosine functions, basis and regularity properties
by Lyonell Boulton and Houry Melkonian | |
2016-94 | Square function estimates on layer potentials for higher-order elliptic equations
by Ariel Barton, Steve Hofmann and Svitlana Mayboroda | |
2016-93 | Quantum mock modular forms arising from eta-theta functions
by Amanda Folsom, Sharon Garthwaite, Soon-Yi Kang, Holly Swisher and Stephanie Treneer | |
2016-92 | Mean curvature flow of an entire graph evolving away from the heat flow
by Gregory Drugan and Xuan Hien Nguyen | |
2016-91 | Abelian n-division fields of elliptic curves and Brauer groups of product Kummer & abelian surfaces
by Anthony Várilly-Alvarado and Bianca Viray | |
2016-90 | Orbital exponential sums for prehomogeneous vector spaces
by Takashi Taniguchi and Frank Thorne | |
2016-89 | Note on von Neumann and Rényi entropies of a Graph
by M. Dairyko, L. Hogben, J. C.-H. Lin, J. Lockhart, D. Roberson, S. Severini, and M. Young | |
2016-88 | Multi-part Nordhaus-Gaddum type problems for tree-width, Colin de Verdiere type parameters, and Hadwiger number
by L. Hogben, J.C.-H. Lin, and M. Young | |
2016-87 | Asymptotic spectral analysis in colliding leaky quantum layers
by Sylwia Kondej and David Krejcirik | |
2016-86 | Spectral stability of Schroedinger operators with subordinated complex potentials
by Luca Fanelli, David Krejcirik and Luis Vega | |
2016-85 | Pseudospectra of the Schroedinger operator with a discontinuous complex potential
by Raphael Henry and David Krejcirik | |
2016-84 | Bigeodesics in first-passage percolation
by Michael Damron and Jack Hanson | |
2016-83 | Complex Legendre duality
by Bo Berndtsson, Dario Cordero-Erausquin, Bo'az Klartag and Yanir A. Rubinstein | |
2016-82 | Sufficient conditions for polynomial asymptotic behaviour of the stochastic pantograph equation
by John A. D. Appleby and Evelyn Buckwar | |
2016-81 | On the admissibility of unboundedness properties of forced deterministic and stochastic sublinear Volterra summation equations
by John A. D. Appleby and Denis D. Patterson | |
2016-80 | Exact and memory-dependent decay rates to the non-hyperbolic equilibrium of differential equations with unbounded delay and maximum functional
by John A. D. Appleby | |
2016-79 | Rudnick and Soundararajan's theorem for function fields
by Julio Andrade | |
2016-78 | Complex interpolation of R-norms, duality and foliations
by Bo Berndtsson, Dario Cordero-Erausquin, Boaz Klartag and Yanir A. Rubinstein | |
2016-76 | A discrete Carleson theorem along the primes with a restricted supremum
by Laura Cladek, Kevin Henriot, Ben Krause, Izabella Laba and Malabika Pramanik | |
2016-75 | A discrete quadratic Carleson theorem on $l^2$ with a restricted supremum
by Ben Krause and Michael Lacey | |
2016-74 | On a trilinear singular integral form with determinant kernel
by Philip Gressman, Danqing He, Vjekoslav Kovac, Brian Street, Christoph Thiele and Po-Lam Yung | |
2016-73 | Opers versus nonabelian Hodge
by Olivia Dumitrescu, Laura Fredrickson, Georgios Kydonakis, Rafe Mazzeo, Motohico Mulase, and Andrew Neitzke | |
2016-72 | One-bit compressive sensing of dictionary-sparse signals
by Rich Baraniuk, Simon Foucart, Deanna Needell, Yaniv Plan and Mary Wootters | |
2016-71 | Resonance in orbits of plane partitions and increasing tableaux
by Kevin Dilks, Oliver Pechenik and Jessica Striker | |
2016-70 | On tangent cones of Schubert varieties
by Dmitry Fuchs, Alexandre Kirillov, Sophie Morier-Genoud and Valentin Ovsienko | |
2016-69 | Hyperbolic four-manifolds
by Bruno Martelli | |
2016-68 | On commensurable hyperbolic Coxeter groups
by R. Guglielmetti, M. Jacquemet and Kellerhals | |
2016-67 | Hyperbolic three-manifolds that embed geodesically
by Bruno Martelli | |
2016-66 | Hyperbolic four-manifolds, colourings and mutations
by Alexander Kolpakov and Leone Slavich | |
2016-65 | On volumes of quasi-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices
by Vincent Emery | |
2016-64 | Salem numbers and arithmetic hyperbolic groups
by Vincent Emery, John G. Ratcliffe, Steven T. Tschantz | |
2016-63 | On l-torsion in class groups of number fields
by Jordan Ellenberg, Lillian B. Pierce and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2016-62 | Development and use of mathematical models and software frameworks for integrated analysis of agricultural systems and associated water use impacts
by K.R. Fowler, E.W. Jenkins, M. Parno, J.C. Chrispell, A.I. Colon and R.T. Hanson | |
2016-61 | Is There a Role for Mathematics in Food Security?
by Hans Kaper | |
2016-60 | Noncrossing partitions, toggles, and homomesies
by David Einstein, Miriam Farber, Emily Gunawan, Michael Joseph, Matthew Macauley, James Propp and Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo | |
2016-59 | The CDE property for minuscule lattices
by Sam Hopkins | |
2016-58 | Braid moves in commutation classes of the symmetric group
by Anne Schilling, Nicolas M. Thiéry, Graham White and Nathan Williams | |
2016-57 | Genera of Brill-Noether curves and staircase paths in Young tableaux
by Melody Chan, Alberto López Martín, Nathan Pflueger and Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas | |
2016-56 | The expected jaggedness of order ideals
by Melody Chan, Shahrzad Haddadan, Sam Hopkins and Luca Moci | |
2016-55 | Poset edge densities, nearly reduced words, and barely set-valued tableaux
by Victor Reiner, Bridget Eileen Tenner and Alexander Yong | |
2016-54 | Stochastic stability analysis of a reduced galactic dynamo model with perturbed \pm-effect
by Conall Kelly | |
2016-53 | Stochastic difference equations with the Allee effect
by E. Braverman and A. Rodkina | |
2016-52 | Stabilization of difference equations with noisy proportional feedback control
by Elena Braverman and Alexandra Rodkina | |
2016-51 | Stabilisation of difference equations with noisy prediction-based control
by Elena Braverman, Conall Kelly and Alexandra Rodkina | |
2016-50 | On convergence of solutions to difference equations with additive perturbations
by E. Braverman and A. Rodkina | |
2016-49 | Exact discretization of harmonic tensors
by T. Chumley, R. Feres, and M. Wallace | |
2016-48 | Rank 4 premodular categories
by Paul Bruillard, Appendix by Cesar Galindo, Siu-Hung Ng, Julia Plavnik, Eric Rowell, and Zhenghan Wang | |
2016-47 | On a local-global principle for H3 of function fields of surfaces over a finite field
by Alena Pirutka | |
2016-46 | ACM bundles on cubic fourfolds containing a plane
by Marti Lahoz, Emanuele Macri and Paolo Stellari | |
2016-45 | Universal spaces for unramified Galois cohomology
by Fedor Bogomolov and Yuri Tschinkel | |
2016-44 | Derived equivalences and rational points of twisted K3 surfaces
by Kenneth Ascher, Krishna Dasaratha, Alexander Perry, and Rong Zhou | |
2016-43 | Twisted derived equivalences for affine schemes
by Benjamin Antieau | |
2016-42 | The Brauer group is not a derived invariant
by Nicolas Addington | |
2016-41 | No-slip billiards in dimension two
by Chris Cox and Renato Feres | |
2016-40 | Explicit formulas for reaction probability in reaction-diffusion experiments
by Renato Feres, Matthew Wallace, Ari Stern, and Gregory Yablonsky | |
2016-39 | Asymptotics for number fields and class groups
by Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2016-38 | Nonabelian Cohen-Lenstra heuristics over function fields
by Nigel Boston and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2016-37 | Mass formulas for local Galois representations and quotient singularities II: dualities and resolution of singularities
by Melanie Machett Wood and Takehiko Eased | |
2016-36 | The higher sharp I
by Yizheng Zhu | |
2016-35 | Ferminoic modular categories and the 16-fold way
by Paul Bruillard, Cesar Galindo, Tobias Hagge, Siu-Hung Ng, Julia Yael Plavnik, Eric C. Rowell, and Zhenghan Wang | |
2016-34 | Symmetrization of rational maps: Arithmetic properties and families of Lattès maps of $P^k$.
by Thomas Gauthier, Benjamin Hutz, and Scott Kaschner | |
2016-33 | Stabilisation of the LHS spectral sequence for algebraic groups
by Alison E. Parker and David I. Stewart | |
2016-32 | First cohomology groups for finite groups of Lie type in defining characteristic
by Alison E. Parker and David I. Stewart | |
2016-31 | Constructions in Ramsey theory
by Dhruv Mubayi and Andrew Suk | |
2016-30 | Off-diagonal hypergraph Ramsey numbers
by Dhruv Mubayi and Andrew Suk | |
2016-29 | Serre's problem on the density of isotropic fibres in conic bundles
by Efthymios Sofos | |
2016-28 | Universally Baire sets and generic absolutness
by Trevor M. Wilson | |
2016-27 | Inner model theoretic geology
by Gunter Fuchs and Ralf Schindler | |
2016-26 | A weak (?) consequence of determinacy
by G. Fuchs, E. Schimmerling, R. Schindler, F. Schultzenberg, S. Uhlenbrock, and T. Wilson | |
2016-25 | Bishellable drawings of $K_n$
by Bernardo M. Abrego, Oswin Aichholzer, Silvia Fernandez-Merchant, Dan McQuillan, Bojan Mohar, Petra Mutzel, Pedro Ramos, R. Bruce Richter and Birgit Vogtenhuber | |
2016-24 | The analysis of HOD below the theory AD^+ + "The largest Suslin cardinal is a member of the Solovay sequence"
by Grigor Sargsyan | |
2016-23 | $L(R,\mu)$ is unique
by Daniel Rodriguez and Nam Trang | |
2016-22 | Scales in hybrid mice over R
by Farmer Schlutzenberg and Nam Trang | |
2016-21 | On the Erdős-Hajnal conjecture for six-vertex tournaments
by Eli Berger, Krzysztof Choromanski and Maria Chudnovsky | |
2016-20 | The Dynamical Andre-Oort Conjecture: Unicritical polynomials
by Dragos Ghioca, Holly Krieger, Khoa Nguyen and Hexi Ye | |
2016-19 | A case of the Dynamical Andre-Oort Conjecture
by Dragos Ghioca, Holly Krieger and Khoa Nguyen | |
2016-18 | Finite ramification for preimage fields of postcritically finite morphisms
by Andrew Bridy, Patrick Ingram, Rafe Jones, Jamie Juul, Alon Levy, Michelle Manes, Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo and Joseph H. Silverman | |
2016-17 | Making cobordisms symplectic
by Yakov Eliashberg, Emmy Murphy | |
2016-16 | Signatures in algebra, topology and dynamics
by Etienne Ghys and Andrew Ranicki | |
2016-15 | Gradient estimates and the fundamental solution for higher-order elliptic systems with rough coefficients
by Ariel Barton | |
2016-14 | Selective sequential model selection
by William Fithian, Jonathan Taylor, Robert Tibshirani and Ryan Tibshirani | |
2016-13 | Sure screening for Gaussian graphical models
by Shikai Luo, Rui Song and Daniela Witten | |
2016-12 | Ramsey numbers of degenerate graphs
by Choongbum Lee | |
2016-11 | Hedgehogs are not color blind
by David Conlon, Jacob Fox and Vojtech Rodl | |
2016-10 | Hypergraph Ramsey numbers: tight cycles versus cliques
by Dhruv Mubayi and Vojtech Rodl | |
2016-9 | The p-filter: multi-layer FDR control for grouped hypotheses
by Rina Foygel Barber and Aaditya Ramdas | |
2016-8 | Quantization of spectral curves for meromorphic Higgs bundles through topological recursion
by Olivia Dumitrescu and Motohico Mulase | |
2016-7 | Edge-contraction on dual ribbon graphs, 2D TQFT, and the mirror of orbifold Hurwitz numbers
by Olivia Dumitrescu and Motohico Mulase | |
2016-6 | Lectures on the topological recursion for Higgs bundles and quantum curves
by Olivia Dumitrescu and Motohico Mulase | |
2016-5 | A heuristic for boundedness of ranks of elliptic curves
by Jennifer Park, Bjorn Poonen, John Voight, and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2016-4 | Sequencing BPS spectra
by Sergei Gukov, Satoshi Nawata, Ingmar Saberi, Marko Stosic, and Piotr Sułkowski | |
2016-3 | Improved bounds in Weaver and Feichtinger Conjectures
by Marcin Bownik, Peter G. Casazza, Adam W. Marcus and Darrin Speegle | |
2016-2 | Restricted invertibility revisited
by Assaf Naor and Pierre Youssef | |
2016-1 | A computable functor from graphs to fields
by Russell Miller, Bjorn Poonen, Hans Schoutens, and Alexandra Shlapentokh |
Volume 18, 2015
Volume 17, 2014
Volume 16, 2013
Volume 15, 2012
2012-112 | Asymptotics of the mean-field Heisenberg model
by Kay Kirkpatrick and Elizabeth Meckes | |
2012-111 | Spectral measures of powers of random matrices
by Elizabeth Meckes and Mark Meckes | |
2012-110 | Sobolev Extension By Linear Operators
by Charles L. Fefferman, Arie Israel and Garving K. Luli | |
2012-109 | On the Structure of Involutions and Symmetric Spaces of Dihedral Groups
by Katrina K. A. Cunningham, Tom J. Edgar, Aloysius G. Helminck, Benjamin F. Jones, Hyunju Oh, Rachel Schwell and Jennifer F. Vasquez | |
2012-108 | On the algebraic K-theory of truncated polynomial algebras in several variables
by Vigleik Angeltveit, Teena Gerhardt, Michael A. Hill and Ayelet Lindenstrauss | |
2012-107 | The Structure of Sobolev Extension Operators
by Charles L. Fefferman, Arie Israel and Garving K. Luli | |
2012-106 | Supercharacters, exponential sums, and the uncertainty principle
by J. L. Brumbaugh, Madeleine Bulkow, Patrick S. Fleming, Luis Alberto Garcia, Stephan Ramon Garcia, Gizem Karaali, Matt Michal, Hong Suh and Andrew P. Turner | |
2012-105 | Splitting Varieties for Triple Massey Products
by Michael Hopkins and Kirsten Wickelgren | |
2012-104 | Geometry of Higher-Order Markov Chains
by Bernd Sturmfels | |
2012-103 | A widely applicable Bayesian information criterion
by Sumio Watanabe | |
2012-102 | Klein Project Blog
by the Klein Project community | |
2012-101 | Maass forms on GL$(3)$ and GL$(4)$
by David W. Farmer, Sally Koutsoliotas, and Stefan Lemurell | |
2012-100 | Uniform Rectifiability and Harmonic Measure III: Riesz transform bounds imply uniform rectifiability of boundaries of 1-sided NTA domains
by Steve Hofmann, Jose Maria Martell, and Svitlana Mayboroda | |
2012-99 | Failure of the Weierstrass Preparation Theorem in quasi-analytic Denjoy-Carleman rings
by Francesca Acquistapace, Fabrizio Broglia, Michail Bronshtein, Andreea Nicoara, and Nahum Zobin | |
2012-98 | Topological graph clustering with thin position
by Jesse Johnson | |
2012-97 | On the orthogonal symmetry of L-functions of a family of Hecke Grössencharacters
by J. B. Conrey and N. C. Snaith | |
2012-96 | Homological stability for Hurwitz spaces and the Cohen-Lenstra conjecture over function fields, II
by Jordan S. Ellenberg, Akshay Venkatesh, and Craig Westerland | |
2012-95 | A recursion formula for moments of derivatives of random matrix polynomials
by S. Ali Altug, Sandro Bettin, Ian Petrow, Rishikesh, and Ian Whitehead | |
2012-94 | Small gaps between zeros of twisted L-functions
by J. B. Conrey, H. Iwaniec, and K. Soundararajan | |
2012-93 | Period functions and cotangent sums
by Sandro Bettin and Brian Conrey | |
2012-92 | The highest lowest zero of general L-functions
by Jonathan Bober, J. Brian Conrey, David W. Farmer, Akio Fujii, Sally Koutsoliotas, Stefan Lemurell, Michael Rubinstein, and Hiroyuki Yoshida | |
2012-91 | An optimal choice of Dirichlet polynomials for the Nyman-Beurling criterion
by Sandro Bettin, J. Brian Conrey, and David W. Farmer | |
2012-90 | Logarithmic bump conditions and the two weight boundedness of Calderon-Zygmund operators
by David Cruz-Uribe, Alexander Reznikov, and Alexander Volberg | |
2012-89 | One and two weight norm inequalities for Riesz potentials
by David Cruz-Uribe and Kabe Moen | |
2012-88 | Regularity of solutions to degenerate p-Laplacian equations
by David Cruz-Uribe, Kabe Moen, and Virginia Naibo | |
2012-87 | Evaluating L-functions with few known coefficients
by David W. Farmer and Nathan C. Ryan | |
2012-86 | Stationary correlations for the 1D KPZ equation
by Takashi Imamura and Tomohiro Sasamoto | |
2012-85 | From duality to determinants for q-TASEP and ASEP
by Alexei Borodin, Ivan Corwin, and Tomohiro Sasamoto | |
2012-84 | Eventual properties of matrices
by L. Hogben, U. Wilson. | |
2012-83 | Duflo's conjecture for the branching to the Iwasawa AN-subgroup
by Gang Liu | |
2012-82 | Zero forcing number, maximum nullity, and path cover number of subdivided graphs
by M. Catral, A. Cepek, L. Hogben, M. Huynh, K. Lazebnik, T. Peters, M. Young. | |
2012-81 | Sign patterns that allow strong eventual nonnegativity.
by M. Catral, C. Erickson, L. Hogben, D. D. Olesky, P. van den Driessche | |
2012-80 | Cartier's first theorem for Witt vectors on $Z_{>= 0}^n - 0$
by Kirsten Wickelgren | |
2012-79 | Depth of F-singularities and base change of relative canonical sheaves
by Zsolt Patakfalvi and Karl Schwede | |
2012-78 | Semi-positivity in positive characteristics
by Zsolt Patakfalvi | |
2012-77 | Hilbert-Kunz functions of 2 x 2 determinantal rings
by Lance Edward Miller and Irena Swanson | |
2012-76 | A Frobenius variant of Seshadri constants
by Mircea Mustata and Karl Schwede | |
2012-75 | The continuous spectrum in discrete series branching laws
by Benjamin Harris, Hongyu He, and Gestur Olafsson | |
2012-74 | Linear embeddings of graphs and graph limits
by Huda Chuangpishit, Mahya Ghandehari, Matt Hurshman, and Jeannette Janssen | |
2012-73 | Homological and homotopical Dehn functions are different
by Aaron Abrams, Noel Brady, Pallavi Dani, and Robert Young | |
2012-72 | Filling loops at infinity in the mapping class group
by Aaron Abrams, Noel Brady, Pallavi Dani, Moon Duchin, and Robert Young | |
2012-71 | Quasirandom permutations are characterized by 4-point densities
by Daniel Kral' and Oleg Pikhurko | |
2012-70 | Asymptotic structure of graphs with the minimum number of triangles
by Oleg Pikhurko and Alexander Razborov | |
2012-69 | Emergent structures in large networks
by David Aristoff and Charles Radin | |
2012-68 | Compositions constrained by graph Laplacian minors
by Benjamin Braun, Robert Davis, Ashley Harrison, Jessica McKim, Jenna Noll, and Clifford Taylor | |
2012-67 | Lattice point generating functions and symmetric cones
by Matthias Beck, Thomas Bliem, Benjamin Braun, and Carla Savage | |
2012-66 | Cohen--Macaulayness for symbolic power ideals of edge ideals
by Giancarlo Rinaldo, Naoki Terai, and Ken-ichi Yoshida | |
2012-65 | On the second powers of Stanley-Reisner ideals
by Giancarlo Rinaldo, Naoki Terai, and Ken-ichi Yoshida | |
2012-64 | The eventual shape of Betti tables of powers of ideals
by Amir Bagheri, Marc Chardin, and Huy Tai Ha | |
2012-63 | On the stable set of associated prime ideals of a monomial ideal
by Shamila Bayati, Juergen Herzog, and Giancarlo Rinaldo | |
2012-62 | Monomial ideals whose depth function has any given number of strict local maxima
by Somayeh Bandari, Juegen Herzog, and Takayuki Hibi | |
2012-61 | Persistence and stability properties of powers of ideals
by Juergen Herzog and Ayesha Asloob Qureshi | |
2012-60 | Squarefree monomial ideals with constant depth function
by Juergen Herzog and Marius Vladoiu | |
2012-59 | Counting polynomials over finite fields with given root multiplicities
by Ayah Almousa and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2012-58 | The distribution of points on superelliptic curves over finite fields
by GilYoung Cheong, Melanie Matchett Wood, and Azeem Zaman | |
2012-57 | Semiample Bertini theorems over finite fields
by Daniel Erman and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2012-55 | The Andre-Oort conjecture
by Bruno Klingler and Andrei Yafaev | |
2012-54 | Zero-free polynomial approximation on a chain of Jordan domains
by P. M. Gauthier and Greg Knese | |
2012-53 | Discrete components in restriction of unitary representations of rank one semisimple Lie groups
by Genkai Zhang | |
2012-52 | Relative equilibria in the four-vortex problem with two pairs of equal vorticities
by Marshall Hampton, Gareth E. Roberts, and Manuele Santoprete | |
2012-51 | Discriminants in the Grothendieck Ring
by Ravi Vakil and Melanie Matchett Wood | |
2012-50 | A mathematical model of the metabolic and perfusion effects on cortical spreading depression
by Joshua C. Chang, K. C. Brennan, Dongdong He, Huaxiong Huang, Robert M. Miura, Phillip L. Wilson, and Jonathan J. Wylie | |
2012-49 | Equivariant Schubert calculus and jeu de taquin
by Hugh Thomas and Alexander Yong | |
2012-48 | Towards a Dehn surgery characterization of $T_{5,2}$
by Yi Ni and Xingru Zhang | |
2012-47 | Parametrized spectra, multiplicative Thom spectra, and the twisted Umkehr map
by Matthew Ando, Andrew J. Blumberg, and David Gepner | |
2012-46 | Equivariant cohomology, syzygies and orbit structure
by Christopher Allday, Matthias Franz, and Volker Puppe | |
2012-44 | A combinatorial DGA for Legendrian knots from generating families
by Michael B. Henry and Dan Rutherford | |
2012-43 | Obstructions to Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrian submanifolds
by Joshua M. Sabloff and Lisa Traynor | |
2012-42 | Linear trees in uniform hypergraphs
by Zoltan Furedi | |
2012-41 | Choosability with separation of complete multipartite graphs and hypergraphs
by Zoltan Feredi, Alexandr Kostochka, and Mohit Kumbhat | |
2012-40 | Heegaard Floer correction terms and rational genus bounds
by Yi Ni and Zhongtao Wu | |
2012-39 | Applications of the Kuznetsov formula on GL(3)
by Valentin Blomer | |
2012-38 | Integer-valued definable functions
by A. J. Wilkie, G. O. Jones, and M. E. M. Thomas | |
2012-37 | Asymptotic improvements to the lower bound of certian bipartite Turán numbers
by Simeon Ball and Valentina Pepe | |
2012-36 | On possible Turán densities
by Oleg Pikhurko | |
2012-35 | Special points and Poincaré-extensions
by Daniel Bertrand (with an Appendix by Bas Edixhoven) | |
2012-34 | On torsion anomalous intersections
by Sara Checcoli, Francesco Veneziano, and Evelina Viada | |
2012-33 | A problem of Erdős on the minimum number of $k$-cliques
by Shagnik Das, Hao Huang, Jie Ma, Humberto Naves, and Benny Sudakov | |
2012-32 | Two extensions of Ramsey's theorem
by David Conlon, Jacob Fox, and Benny Sudakov | |
2012-31 | On independent sets in hypergraphs
by Alexander Kostochka, Dhruv Mubayi, and Jacques Versatraete | |
2012-30 | Upper bounds on the size of 4- and 6-cycle-free subgraphs of the hypercube
by József Balogh, Ping Hu, Bernard Lidický, and Hong Liu | |
2012-29 | Khovanov module and the detection of unlinks
by Matthew Hedden and Yi Ni | |
2012-28 | Ramanujan sums as supercharacters
by Christopher F. Fowler, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Gizem Karaali | |
2012-27 | Free energy fluctuations for directed polymers in random media in 1+1 dimension
by Alexei Borodin, Ivan Corwin, and Patrik Ferrari | |
2012-26 | On the GL(3) Kuznetsov formula with applications to symmetry types of families of L-functions
by Dorian Goldfeld and Alex Kontorovich | |
2012-25 | Testing the functional equations of a high-degree Euler product
by David W. Farmer, Nathan C. Ryan, and Ralf Schmidt | |
2012-24 | Software for Exact Integration of Polynomials over Polyhedra
by Jesus De Loera, Brandon Dutra, Matthias Koeppe, Stanislav Moreinis, Gregory Pinto, and Jianqiu Wu | |
2012-23 | Intermediate Sums on Polyhedra: Computation and Real Ehrhart Theory
by Velleda Baldoni, Nicole Berline, Matthias Köppe, and Michéle Vergne | |
2012-22 | Dual logarithmic residues and free complete intersections
by Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze | |
2012-21 | A geometric deletion-restriction formula
by Graham Denham, Mehdi Garrousian, and Mathias Schulze | |
2012-20 | Local cohomology of logarithmic forms
by Graham Denham, Hal Schenck, Mathias Schulze, Uli Walther, and Max Wakefield | |
2012-19 | A bound to kill the ramification over function fields
by Alena Pirutka | |
2012-18 | Pointwise convergence of Walsh--Fourier series of vector-valued functions
by Tuomas P. Hytónen and Michael T. Lacey | |
2012-17 | Non-probabilistic proof of the A_2 theorem, and sharp weighted bounds for the q-variation of singular integrals
by Tuomas P. Hytónen, Michael T. Lacey, and Carlos Pérez | |
2012-16 | The period-index problem for twisted topological K-theory
by Benjamin Antieau and Ben Williams | |
2012-15 | Galois groups and cohomological functors
by Ido Efrat and Jan Minac | |
2012-14 | Division algebras and quadratic forms over fraction fields of two-dimensional Henselian domains
by Yong Hu | |
2012-13 | Two weight inequality for the Hilbert transform: a real variable characterization
by Michael T. Lacey, Eric T. Sawyer, Chun-Yen Shen, and Ignacio Uriarte-Tuero | |
2012-12 | The Wigner-Dyson-Mehta bulk universality conjecture for Wigner matrices
by Terence Tao and Van Vu | |
2012-11 | Convergence of the spectral measure of non normal matrices
by Alice Guionnet, Philip Matchett Wood, and Ofer Zeitouni | |
2012-10 | Hyperbolicity of the complex of free factors
by Mladen Bestvina and Mark Feighn | |
2012-9 | Averaging over the unitarian group and the monotonicity conjecture of Merris and Watkins
by Avital Frumkin | |
2012-8 | Indecomposable $F_N$-trees and minimal laminations
by Thierry Coulbois, Arnaud Hilion, and Patrick Reynolds | |
2012-7 | Fluctuations of matrix entries of regular functions of sample covariance random matrices
by Sean O'Rourke, David Renfrew, and Alexander Soshnikov | |
2012-6 | On fluctuations of matrix entries of regular functions of Wigner matrices with non-identically distributed entries
by Sean O'Rourke, David Renfrew, and Alexander Soshnikov | |
2012-5 | On finite rank deformations of Wigner matrices
by Alessandro Pizzo, David Renfrew, and Alexander Soshnikov | |
2012-4 | Fluctuations of matrix entries of regular functions of Wigner matrices
by Alessandro Pizzo, David Renfrew, and Alexander Soshnikov | |
2012-3 | Products of independent non-Hermitian random matrices
by Sean O'Rourke and Alexander Soshnikov | |
2012-2 | The Hilbert series of N=1 SO$(N_c)$ and Sp$(N_c)$ SQCD, Painlevé VI and integrable systems
by Estelle Basor, Yang Chen, and Noppadol Mekareeya. | |
2012-1 | The nontrivial zeros of period polynomials of modular forms lie on the unit circle
by J. Brian Conrey, David Farmer, and Ozlem Imamoglu |
Volume 14, 2011
Volume 13, 2010
Volume 12, 2009
Volume 11, 2008
Volume 10, 2007
Volume 9, 2006
Volume 8, 2005
2005-31 | The Path to Recent Progress on Small Gaps Between Primes
by D. A. Goldston, J. Pintz, and C. Y. Yildirim | |
2005-30 | Howe pairs, supersymmetry, and ratios of random characteristic polynomials for the unitary groups U(N)
by J. B. Conrey, D. W. Farmer, and M. R. Zirnbauer | |
2005-29 | A Hybrid Euler-Hadamard product formula for the Riemann zeta function
by S. M. Gonek, C. P. Hughes, and J. P. Keating | |
2005-28 | Modeling families of L-functions
by David W. Farmer | |
2005-27 | Large gaps between the zeros of the Riemann zeta function
by Nathan Ng | |
2005-26 | A note on S(T) and the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function
by D. A. Goldston and S. M. Gonek | |
2005-25 | Applications of the L-functions ratios conjectures
by J. Brian Conrey and Nina C. Snaith | |
2005-24 | Random polynomials, random matrices, and L-functions
by David W. Farmer, Francesco Mezzadri, and Nina C. Snaith | |
2005-23 | Discretisation for odd quadratic twists
by J. Brian Conrey, Michael O. Rubinstein, Nina C. Snaith, and Mark Watkins | |
2005-22 | Secondary terms in the number of vanishings of quadratic twists of elliptic curve L-functions
by J. Brian Conrey, Atul Pokharel, Michael O. Rubinstein, and Mark Watkins | |
2005-21 | A Legendrian Thurston-Bennequin bound from Khovanov homology
by Lenhard Ng | |
2005-20 | Moments of the derivative of the Riemann zeta-function and of characteristic polynomials
by J. Brian Conrey, Michael O. Rubinstein, and Nina C. Snaith | |
2005-19 | Primes in Tuples I
by D. A. Goldston, J. Pintz, C. Y. Yildirim | |
2005-18 | An efficient shooting algorithm for Evans function calculations in large systems
by Jeffrey Humpherys and Kevin Zumbrun | |
2005-17 | Low lying zeros of L-functions with orthogonal symmetry
by C.P. Hughes and Steven J. Miller | |
2005-16 | The maximum size of L-functions
by David W. Farmer, S.M. Gonek, and C.P. Hughes | |
2005-15 | Maass forms and their L-functions
by David W. Farmer and Stefan Lemurell | |
2005-14 | Small gaps between primes or almost primes
by D.A. Goldston, S.W. Graham, J. Pintz, and C.Y. Yildirim | |
2005-13 | Small Gaps between Primes Exist
by D.A. Goldston, Y. Motohashi, J. Pintz, and C.Y. Yildirim | |
2005-12 | Small Gaps Between Primes I
by D. A. Goldston and C. Y. Yildirim | |
2005-11 | The K-theory of symplectic quotients
by Megumi Harada and Gregory Landweber | |
2005-10 | Connectivity properties of moment maps on based loop groups
by Megumi Harada, Tara Holm, Lisa Jeffrey, and Augustin-Liviu Mare | |
2005-9 | A note on Primes in Short Intervals
by Tsz Ho Chan, AIM | |
2005-8 | Approximating reals by sums of rationals
by Tsz Ho Chan, AIM | |
2005-7 | Finding Almost Squares II
by Tsz Ho Chan, AIM | |
2005-6 | Tannaka Duality for Geometric Stacks.
by Jacob Lurie, AIM | |
2005-5 | Finding Almost Squares
by Tsz Ho Chan, AIM | |
2005-4 | The correspondence between augmentations and rulings for Legendrian knots
by Lenhard Ng and Joshua Sabloff | |
2005-3 | Plane curves and contact geometry
by Lenhard Ng, AIM | |
2005-2 | Rigidity theory for matroids
by Mike Develin, AIM, and Jeremy Martin and Victor Reiner, University of Minnesota | |
2005-1 | A non-regular Groebner fan
by Anders Jensen, ETH | |
2005-1 | Rook poset equivalence of Ferrers boards
by Mike Develin, AIM |
Volume 7, 2004
2004-31 | Non-archimedean amoebas and tropical varieties
by Manfred Einsiedler, Mikhail Kapranov, and Douglas Lind | |
2004-30 | On the nonvanishing of elliptic curve L-functions at the central point
by Matthew P. Young, AIM | |
2004-29 | Higher Correlations of Divisor Sums Related to Primes II: Variations of the error term in the prime number theorem
by D. A. Goldston, San Jose State and Cem Yalcin Yildirim, Bogazici University, Turkey | |
2004-28 | Notes on Pair Correlation of Zeros and Prime Numbers
by D. A. Goldston, San Jose State | |
2004-27 | Conormal bundles, contact homology, and knot invariants
by Lenhard Ng, AIM | |
2004-26 | Random matrix theory and the Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight forms
by J. B. Conrey, J. P. Keating, M. O. Rubinstein, and N. C. Snaith | |
2004-25 | Integrals of equivariant forms over non-compact symplectic manifolds
by Matvei Libine, University of Massachusetts | |
2004-24 | Lower order terms of the second moment of S(t)
by Tsz Ho Chan, AIM | |
2004-23 | Higher moments of primes in short intervals II
by Tsz Ho Chan, AIM | |
2004-22 | Higher moments of primes in short intervals I
by Tsz Ho Chan, AIM | |
2004-21 | On Stanley's reciprocity theorem for rational cones
by Matthias Beck, San Francisco State University; Mike Develin, AIM; and Sinai Robins, Temple University | |
2004-20 | Fire containment in grids of dimension three and higher
by Mike Develin, AIM, and Stephen G. Hartke, University of Illinois | |
2004-19 | Lower-Order terms of the 1-level density of families of elliptic curves
by Matthew Young, AIM | |
2004-18 | Basic analytic number theory
by David W. Farmer, AIM | |
2004-17 | Converse theorems assuming a partial Euler product
by David W. Farmer, AIM, and Kevin Wilson, University of Maryland | |
2004-16 | Dimensions of tight spans
by Mike Develin, AIM | |
2004-15 | Framed knot contact homology
by Lenhard Ng, AIM | |
2004-14 | Legendrian Solid-Torus Links
by Lenhard Ng, AIM, and Lisa Traynor, Bryn Mawr | |
2004-13 | The Gromov Norm of the Product of Two Surfaces
by Lewis Bowen and Jesus De Loera, UC-Davis; Mike Develin, AIM; Francisco Santos, University of Cantabria. | |
2004-12 | Fibred sites and stack cohomology
by J.F. Jardine, University of Western Ontario | |
2004-11 | The zeros of random polynomials cluster uniformly near the unit circle
by Christopher Hughes and Ashkan Nikeghbali | |
2004-10 | Vanishing of L-functions of elliptic curves over number fields
by Chantal David, Jack Fearnley, and Hershy Kisilevsky | |
2004-9 | Tropical secant varieties of linear spaces
by Mike Develin, AIM | |
2004-8 | The density of rational points on a certain singular cubic surface
by Timothy Browning, Oxford | |
2004-7 | Classification of Ding's Schubert varieties: finer rook equivalence
by Mike Develin, AIM, and Jeremy L. Martin and Victor Reiner, University of Minnesota | |
2004-6 | An explicit formula for Hecke $L$-functions
by Xian-Jin Li, BYU | |
2004-5 | Prolongations of geometric overdetermined systems
by Thomas Branson, Andreas Cap, Michael Eastwood, and Rod Gover | |
2004-4 | An explicit formula for the Euler product of Hecke polynomials
by Xian-Jin Li, BYU | |
2004-3 | Modular parametrizations of Neumann-Setzer elliptic curves
by William Stein and Mark Watkins | |
2004-2 | The space of $n$ points on a tropical line in $d$-space
by Mike Develin, AIM | |
2004-1 | Coefficients and roots of Ehrhart polynomials
by Mike Develin, Matthias Beck, Jesus De Loera, Julian Pfeifle, and Richard Stanley |
Volume 6, 2003
2003-26 | Eigenvalue spacing distribution for the ensemble of real symmetric toeplitz matrices
by Christopher Hammond and Steven J. Miller | |
2003-25 | On the rank of a tropical matrix
by Mike Develin, AIM, Francisco Santos, University of Cantabria, and Bernd Sturmfels, UC-Berkeley | |
2003-24 | On the ramification of Hecke algebras at Eisenstein primes
by Frank Calegari and Matthew Emerton | |
2003-23 | The Hecke algebra T_k has large index
by Frank Calegari and Matthew Emerton | |
2003-22 | Slopes of overconvergent 2-adic modular forms
by Kevin Buzzard and Frank Calegari | |
2003-21 | A counterexample to the Gouvea--Mazur conjecture
by Kevin Buzzard and Frank Calegari | |
2003-20 | Three Lectures on the Riemann Zeta-Function
by Steve Gonek, University of Rochester | |
2003-19 | The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant
by Jordan S. Ellenberg, Princeton, and Akshay Venkatesh, MIT | |
2003-18 | Differentiation evens out zero spacings
by David W. Farmer, AIM, and Robert C. Rhoades, Bucknell University | |
2003-17 | Maximal triangulations of a regular prism
by Mike Develin, AIM | |
2003-16 | Tropical Convexity
by Mike Develin, AIM, and Bernd Sturmfels, University of California, Berkeley | |
2003-15 | convexity in the figure eight solution to the three-body problem
by Richard Montgomery, University of California, Santa Cruz, and Toshiaki Fujiwara, Kitasato University | |
2003-14 | Compactness results in symplectic field theory
by Frederic Bourgeois, Yakov Eliashberg, Helmut Hofer, Kris Wysocki, and Eduard Zehnder | |
2003-13 | The number of unsieved integers up to x
by Andrew Granville, Universite de Montreal, and Kannan Soundararajan, AIM and University of Michigan | |
2003-12 | Pseudomoments of the Riemann zeta-function and pseudomagic squares
by J. B. Conrey, AIM, and A. Gamburd, Stanford University | |
2003-11 | Degree 1 elements of the Selberg class
by K. Soundararajan, AIM and University of Michigan | |
2003-10 | The average analytic rank of elliptic curves
by D. R. Heath-Brown, Mathematical Institute, Oxford | |
2003-9 | Rationality of Partial Zeta Functions
by Daqing Wan, University of California, Irvine | |
2003-8 | On the distribution of lattice points in thin annuli
by Christopher Hughes, AIM, and Zeev Rudnick, Tel Aviv University | |
2003-7 | Knot and braid invariants from contact homology II
by Lenhard L. Ng, AIM and Stanford University | |
2003-6 | On a wave map equation arising in general relativity
by Hans Ringstrom, Max-Planck-Institut fur Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut | |
2003-5 | Invariant sets and measures of nonexpansive group automorphisms
by Elon Lindenstrauss, Stanford University, and Klaus Schmidt, Erwin Schrodinger Institute for Mathematical Physics | |
2003-4 | Deformations of Maass forms
by David W. Farmer, AIM, and Stefan Lemurell, Chalmers University of Technology | |
2003-3 | Knot and braid invariants from contact homology
by Lenhard Ng, Stanford University and AIM | |
2003-2 | Omega results for the divisor and circle problems
by K. Soundararajan, University of Michigan and AIM | |
2003-1 | Friedman cosmology and almost isotropy
by Christina Sormani, CUNY |
Volume 5, 2002
2002-20 | The stable moduli space of Riemann surfaces: Mumford's conjecture
by Ib Madsen and Michael S. Weiss | |
2002-19 | The strong perfect graph theorem
by Maria Chudnovsky, Neil Robertson, Paul Seymour, and Robin Thomas | |
2002-18 | Linear statistics of low-lying zeros of L--functions
by Chris Hughes, AIM, and Z. Rudnick, Tel Aviv | |
2002-17 | Random matrix theory and discrete moments of the Riemann zeta function
by Chris Hughes, AIM | |
2002-16 | Quantum normal families: normal families of holomorphic functions and mappings on a Banach space
by Kang-Tae Kim, Pohang University, and Steven Krantz, Washington University | |
2002-15 | 0-efficient triangulations of 3-manifolds
by William Jaco, Oklahoma State, and J. Hyam Rubinstein, University of Melbourne | |
2002-14 | The density of rational points on Cayley's cubic surface
by D. R. Heath-Brown, Oxford University | |
2002-13 | Strong multiplicity one for the Selberg class
by K. Soundararajan, AIM and University of Michigan | |
2002-12 | Lectures on sieves
by D. R. Heath-Brown, Oxford University | |
2002-11 | Higher correlations of divisor sums related to primes III: k-correlations
by Daniel A. Goldston and Cem Yalcin Yildirim | |
2002-10 | Autocorrelation of Random Matrix Polynomials
by J. B. Conrey, D. W. Farmer, J. P. Keating, M. O. Rubinstein, and N. C. Snaith | |
2002-9 | Random matrix theory and the zeros of $\zeta'(s)$
by Francesco Mezzadri, University of Bristol | |
2002-8 | Black hole interaction energy
by Sergio Dain, Max-Planck-Institut fur Gravitationsphysik | |
2002-7 | On the topology of vacuum spacetimes
by James Isenberg, Rafe Mazzeo, and Daniel Pollack | |
2002-6 | Integral moments of L-functions
by J. B. Conrey, D. W. Farmer, J. P. Keating, M. O. Rubinstein, and N. C. Snaith | |
2002-5 | The distribution of values of $L(1,\chi_d)$
by Andrew Granville and K. Soundararajan | |
2002-4 | Knots and contact geometry II: connected sums
by John Etnyre and Ko Honda | |
2002-3 | A limit shape theorem for periodic stochastic dispersion
by Dmitry Dolgopyat, Vadim Kaloshin, and Leonid Koralov | |
2002-2 | Hausdorff dimension in stochastic dispersion
by Dmitry Dolgopyat, Vadim Kaloshin, and Leonid Koralov | |
2002-1 | How to (symplectically) thread the eye of a (Lagrangian) needle
by Klaus Mohnke, SUNY Stony Brook |
Volume 4, 2001
2001-30 | The Legendrian satellite construction
by Lenhard Ng, American Institute of Mathematics and the Institute for Advanced Study | |
2001-29 | Higher correlations of divisor sums related to primes I: triple correlations
by Daniel A. Goldston, San Jose State University and Cem Yalcin Yildirim, Bilkent University, Turkey | |
2001-28 | On the Gabai-Eliashberg-Thurston theorem
by Ko Honda, University of Southern California, and William H. Kazez and Gordana Matic, University of Georgia | |
2001-27 | Random matrix ensembles associated to compact symmetric spaces
by Eduardo Duenez, American Institute of Mathematics | |
2001-26 | Real zeros of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions
by J. B. Conrey, AIM, and K. Soundararajan, AIM and University of Michigan | |
2001-25 | Spacing of zeros of Hecke L-functions and the class number problem
by Brian Conrey, AIM, and Henryk Iwaniec, Rutgers University | |
2001-24 | Around Hilbert 16-th problem and an estimate on cyclicity of elementary polycycles
by Vadim Kaloshin, AIM and New York University | |
2001-23 | Sample path properties of the stochastic flows
by Dmitry Dolgopyat, Penn State, Vadim Kaloshin, AIM and MIT, and Leonid Koralov, Princeton | |
2001-22 | On the multiplicativity of quantum cat maps
by Francesco Mezzadri, American Institute of Mathematics | |
2001-21 | Tight contact structures on fibered hyperbolic 3-manifolds
by Ko Honda, University of Southern California, Will Kazez, University of Georgia, and Gordana Matic, University of Georgia | |
2001-20 | Contact spheres and quaternionic structures
by Hansjörg Geiges, Universitet Leiden, and Jesús Gonzalo, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid | |
2001-19 | Multiple Dirichlet series and moments of zeta and L-functions
by Adrian Diaconu, Columbia University, Dorian Goldfeld, Columbia University, and Jeffrey Hoffstein, Brown University | |
2001-18 | Elliptic curves with large rank over function fields
by Douglas Ulmer, University of Arizona | |
2001-17 | New upper bounds on sphere packings II
by Henry Cohn, American Institute of Mathematics and Microsoft Research | |
2001-16 | New upper bounds on sphere packings I
by Henry Cohn, American Institute of Mathematics and Microsoft Research, and Noam Elkies, Harvard University | |
2001-15 | Computable Legendrian invariants
by Lenhard L. Ng, American Institute of Mathematics and Institute for Advanced Study | |
2001-14 | On the trace of Hecke operators for Maass forms for congruence subgroups II
by Xian-Jin Li, Brigham Young University | |
2001-13 | Upper bounds for |L$(1,chi)$|
by A. Granville, University of Georgia, and K. Soundararajan, AIM and Institute for Advanced Study | |
2001-12 | Contact reduction
by Christopher Willett, University of Illinois | |
2001-11 | Generating a random sink-free orientation in quadratic time
by Henry Cohn, AIM and Microsoft Research, Robin Pemantle, Ohio State, and James Propp, University of Wisconsin | |
2001-10 | The splitting of primes in division fields of elliptic curves
by W. Duke, UCLA, and A. Toth | |
2001-9 | Symplectic fillability of tight contact structures on torus bundles
by Fan Ding (Peking University) and Hansjörg Geiges (Universiteit Leiden) | |
2001-8 | On symplectic cobordisms
by John B. Etnyre, Stanford University, and Ko Honda, AIM | |
2001-7 | Convex decomposition theory
by Ko Honda, William Kazez, and Gordana Matic, University of Georgia | |
2001-6 | On the collapse of tubes carried by 3D incompressible flows
by Diego Cordoba, University of Chicago, and Charles Fefferman, Princeton University | |
2001-5 | Scalars convected by a 2D incompressible flow
by Diego Cordoba, University of Chicago, and Charles Fefferman, Princeton University | |
2001-4 | Growth of solutions for QG and 2D Euler equations
by Diego Cordoba, University of Chicago, and Charles Fefferman, Princeton University | |
2001-3 | Holonomic approximation and Gromov's h-principle
by Y. M. Eliashberg, Stanford University, and N. M. Mishachev, Lipetsk Technical University and Stanford University | |
2001-2 | Invariants of Legendrian knots and coherent orientations,
by John Etnyre, Stanford University, Lenhard Ng, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Joshua Sabloff, Stanford University | |
2001-1 | An index for closed orbits in Beltrami fields
by John Etnyre, Stanford University, and Robert Ghrist, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Volume 3, 2000
2000-20 | Mirror symmetry for open strings
by Shamit Kachru, Sheldon Katz, Albion Lawrence and John McGreevy | |
2000-19 | Introduction to symplectic field theory
by Yakov Eliashberg, Stanford University, Alexander Givental, UC Berkeley, and Helmut Hofer, NYU | |
2000-18 | A stretched exponential bound on the rate of growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms
by Brian Hunt, University of Maryland, and Vadim Yu. Kaloshin, American Institute of Mathematics | |
2000-17 | Toric integrable geodesic flows
by Eugene Lerman and Nadya Shirokova, University of Illinois | |
2000-16 | Une infinite de structures de contact tendues sur les varietes toroidales
by V. Colin, University of Nantes | |
2000-15 | On the frequency of vanishing of quadratic twists of modular L-functions
by J. B. Conrey, American Institute of Mathematics, J. P. Keating, Basic Research Institute in the Mathematical Sciences, M. O. Rubinstein, University of Texas, and N. C. Snaith, University of Bristol | |
2000-14 | A convexity theorem for torus actions on contact manifolds
by E. Lerman, University of Illinois | |
2000-13 | Diophantine properties of elements of SO$(3)$
by V. Kaloshin, American Institute of Mathematics, and I. Rodnianski, Princeton University | |
2000-12 | The Hilbert 16th problem and an estimate for cyclicity of an elementary polycycle
by V. Kaloshin, American Institute of Mathematics | |
2000-11 | A geometric proof of the existence of Whitney stratifications
by V. Kaloshin, Princeton University and American institute of Mathematics | |
2000-10 | Tight contact structures with no symplectic fillings
by John B. Etnyre, Stanford University, and Ko Honda, University of Georgia | |
2000-9 | Rank frequencies for quadratic twists of elliptic curves
by Karl Rubin, Stanford University, and Alice Silverberg, Ohio State University | |
2000-8 | A variational principle for domino tilings
by Henry Cohn, American Institute of Mathematics and Microsoft Research, Richard Kenyon, Universite Paris XI, and James Propp, University of Wisconsin | |
2000-7 | The centerological structure of contact and symplectic quotients
by Eugene Lerman, University of Illinois, and Chriscenterher Willett, University of Illinois | |
2000-6 | Minimizing area among Lagrangian surfaces: the mapping problem
by R. Schoen, Stanford University and J. Wolfson, Michigan State University | |
2000-5 | L-functions and random matrices
by J. B. Conrey, American Institute of Mathematics | |
2000-4 | Navier-Stokes equations and fluid turbulence
by Peter Constantin, University of Chicago | |
2000-3 | Beyond pair correlation
by Hugh L. Montgomery, University of Michigan and K. Soundararajan, American Institute of Mathematics and Institute for Advanced Study | |
2000-2 | On the L^2-stability and L^2 controllability of steady flows of an ideal incompressible fluid
by A. Shnirelman, Tel Aviv University | |
2000-1 | On the Balazard-Saias criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis
by J. B. Conrey, American Institute of Mathematics and G. Myerson, Macquarie University |
Volume 2, 1999
1999-18 | Decay of mean-values of multiplicative functions
by Andrew Granville, University of Georgia, and K. Soundararajan, American Institute of Mathematics and Institute for Advanced Study | |
1999-17 | M-Theory, Topological Strings and Spinning Black Holes
by Sheldon Katz, Oklahoma State University, Albrecht Klemm, Institute for Advanced Study, and Cumrun Vafa, Harvard University | |
1999-16 | On the K-theory of local fields
by Lars Hesselholt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Ib Madsen, Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet | |
1999-15 | The spectrum of multiplicative functions
by A. Granville, University of Georgia and K. Soundararajan, American Institute of Mathematics and Institute for Advanced Study | |
1999-14 | Structures de contact en dimension trois et bifurcations des feuilletages de surfaces
by Emmanuel Giroux, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | |
1999-13 | Connected sums of constant mean curvature surfaces in Euclidean 3 space
by Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford University, Frank Pacard, Universite Paris XII, and Daniel Pollack, University of Washington | |
1999-12 | On the trace of Hecke operators for Maass forms for congruence subgroups
by J. B. Conrey and Xian-Jin Li, American Institute of Mathematics | |
1999-11 | On the Iwasawa invariants of elliptic curves
by Ralph Greenberg, University of Washington, and Vinayak Vatsal, University of Toronto | |
1999-10 | Zeros of Fekete polynomials
by Brian Conrey, American Institute of Mathematics, Andrew Granville, University of Georgia, Bjorn Poonen, University of California, Berkeley, and K. Soundararajan, American Institute of Mathematics and Princeton University | |
1999-9 | An Eulerian-Lagrangian approach for incompressible fluids
by Peter Constantin, University of Chicago | |
1999-8 | Mean values of L-functions and symmetry
by J. B. Conrey and D. W. Farmer, American Institute of Mathematics | |
1999-7 | Stability for holomorphic spheres and Morse theory
by Ralph L. Cohen, Stanford University, John D. S. Jones, Warwick University, and Graeme B. Segal, Cambridge University | |
1999-6 | Transition mean values of real characters
by J. B. Conrey and D. W. Farmer, American Institute of Mathematics, and K. Soundararajan, American Institute of Mathematics and Princeton University | |
1999-5 | Large character sums
by Andrew Granville, University of Georgia and K. Soundararajan, American Institute of Mathematics and Princeton University | |
1999-4 | A residue scalar product for algebraic function fields over a number field
by Xian Jin Li, American Institute of Mathematics | |
1999-3 | Non-vanishing of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions at s=1/2
by K. Soundararajan, American Institute of Mathematics and Princeton University | |
1999-2 | High moments of the Riemann zeta-function
by J. B. Conrey, American Institute of Mathematics, and S. M. Gonek, University of Rochester | |
1999-1 | Low lying zeros of families of L-functions
by H. Iwaniec, Rutgers University, W. Luo and P. Sarnak, Princeton University |
Volume 1, 1998
1998-6 | A note on some positivity conditions related to zeta- and L-functions
by J. B. Conrey and X.-J. Li, American Institute of Mathematics | |
1998-5 | Factoring Hecke polynomials modulo a prime
by J. B. Conrey and D. W. Farmer, American Institute of Mathematics, and P. J. Wallace, University of Illinois | |
1998-4 | The cubic moment of central values of automorphic L-functions
by J. B. Conrey, American Institute of Mathematics, and H. Iwaniec, Rutgers University | |
1998-3 | Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves
by Ralph Greenberg, University of Washington | |
1998-2 | A conjecture for the sixth power moment of the Riemann zeta-function
by J. B. Conrey, American Institute of Mathematics, and A. Ghosh, Oklahoma State University | |
1998-1 | Constant mean curvature surfaces with Delaunay ends
by Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford, and Frank Pacard, Universite Paris XII |