AIM’s SQuaREs program allows a dedicated group of four to six mathematicians to pursue an ambitious research program. The group spends a week (Monday—Friday) at AIM’s facility in Pasadena, California collaborating on specific research goals. Members of a SQuaRE may have an existing collaboration from an AIM workshop or similar activity, or the SQuaRE may provide an opportunity for a new collaboration to grow.
AIM provides the research facilities and the financial support for each member of the group, and the group may return in future years to continue their collaboration. Each group will be supported for up to three meetings over three consecutive years.
We solicit proposals for SQuaREs in all areas of pure and applied mathematics.
Proposing a SQuaRE
The next deadline for proposing a SQuaRE is November 1, 2025, with proposals submission beginning approximately 3 months before the deadline.
Past SQuaREs