The American Institute of Mathematics holds focused workshops in all areas of the mathematical sciences. Workshops last 5 days and can support up to 28 participants.
Please read about the AIM style of workshops and AIM virtual workshops prior to submitting a proposal. Submission of a proposal indicates your intention to run the workshop in the AIM style.
Proposals for AIM workshops should include:
- a description of the workshop’s motivation, focus and goals;
- a discussion of the mathematics involved in the workshop;
- a list of organizers (at least 2, at most 4);
- a list of potential participants;
- the mathematics subject classification and a list of references.
Most workshop proposals are around 3 pages long, because that is enough space to describe the motivation, focus, and goals, and the mathematics of the workshop. There is no page limit and there is no reason to use typographic tricks to fit the proposal into a given number of pages.
The AIM staff is happy to assist in the preparation of workshop proposals. For further details, contact or any of the AIM staff.
Workshop Proposal and Selection
Most workshops are selected from proposals received by the annual November 1 deadline.
Workshops are selected by the AIM Scientific Board.
Proposal forms will be available a few months before the next deadline of November 1, 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I submit both an in-person and a virtual workshop proposal?
It is possible to submit multiple proposals on different topics, but each topic should either be for an in-person workshop, or a virtual workshop, but not both.
Why is AIM running both in-person and virtual workshops
Each format has its own merits. Research discussions at in-person workshops can be more effective, and there is more opportunity for social interaction. Virtual workshops are available to a wider range of people and also have a significantly smaller carbon footprint. Also, virtual workshops can be scheduled more quickly.
How long should my proposal be?
The length of the proposal does not need to be more than two or three pages. This should be sufficient to describe the specific mathematical goal which will form the focus of the workshop. Emphasis should be placed on the timeliness of the topic and the anticipated outcomes resulting from this workshop. Special attention should be given to describing how the proposed focused workshop is the appropriate venue for achieving the desired outcomes.
My topic is of wide interest. How should I convey this in my proposal?
Broad topics, which are suitable for a large conference, are not appropriate for the focused nature of AIM workshops. The AIM staff is happy to work with you to define a more specific focus for your proposal.
How many potential participants should I list on the proposal?
If you are planning a typical workshop with 28 participants, then you should list 15-20 potential participants. If you can easily list 30 potential participants, then this is an indication that your mathematical goals may be too broad. The AIM staff is happy to work with potential organizers to narrow the focus of the proposed workshop.
Can I propose a workshop for fewer than 28 participants?
While the maximum number of participants is set at twenty-eight, fewer participants is also possible. The upper limit of 28 is set both by the focused nature of AIM workshops and the facilities at AIM.
Is it okay if my proposal lists 50 people as potential participants?
A list containing 50 participants whose contributions would be vital to the success of the workshop indicates that the scope of the mathematical goals is too broad. The AIM staff is happy to work with potential organizers to narrow the focus of the proposed workshop.
Do I need to obtain external funding to support the workshop participants?
No external funding is necessary. AIM provides funding of all invited workshop participants. This includes a travel allowance, hotel accommodations, and a per diem for meals.
Who selects the workshop participants?
The organizers of the workshop propose an initial participant list containing three quarters of the participants. The remaining quarter is selected from open applications.
Can participants be invited from outside the United States?
Yes. Participation by overseas participants is typically limited to 25%.
Should I contact potential participants before I submit my proposal?
This is not necessary. The purpose of the list is to assist the AIM Scientific Board in evaluating the scope of the workshop. If the proposal is accepted, it is possible to modify the invitation list.
Is the initial list of proposed participants binding?
The list is not binding, because the scope of the workshop may change in response to the recommendations of the AIM Scientific Board. Prior to scheduling the workshop, organizers will work closely with the AIM staff to more clearly define the workshop’s focus. In doing so, the list of potential participants may change.
When will I be able to hold my workshop?
Successful virtual workshop proposals from the November 1 deadline can have a workshop pretty much any week next year, excepting holidays. A few successful in-person workshop proposals can take place next calendar year, but most will meet in the following year.
How much administrative work is required of the organizers?
The responsibilities of the organizers are the scientific aspects of the workshop. These include refining the focus of the meeting, discussing the selection of the participants, and scheduling the workshop activities. The AIM staff handles the invitation, registration, travel and accommodation details of the participants, as well as the advertising of the workshop and the solicitation of applicants.
Will all participants give talks?
While all participants will be fully funded, most participants will not give a formal presentation. A typical workshop day consists of two talks in the morning and discussion sessions or smaller working groups in the afternoon.
Are these workshops similar to Oberwolfach?
There are some similarities between Oberwolfach and AIM workshops, such as the number of participants and the duration. However, AIM workshops are generally more focused in nature, have fewer talks, and place a greater emphasis on discussion sessions and collaborative work.
What if I miss the November 1 deadline?
Some places are reserved to allow workshops on topics of emerging interest to be organized in a timely manner. Please contact the AIM staff for details.