Each AIM workshop has places reserved for applicants. Successful applicants for in-person workshops receive funding for travel and accommodations for participation in the workshop. The workshops marked with an * below are still accepting applications. The AIM style workshop features a limited number of talks and significant time devoted to organized group activities.

In-person workshops

 Higher Du Bois and higher rational singularities. October 28-November 1, 2024  

 Nilpotent counting problems in arithmetic statistics. November 11-15, 2024  

 Chromatic homotopy theory and p-adic geometry. December 2-6, 2024  

 Low-degree polynomial methods in average-case complexity. December 9-13, 2024  

 Motives and mapping class groups. January 27-31, 2025  

 Geometric partial differential equations from unified string theories. February 10-14, 2025  

*The geometry of polynomials in combinatorics and sampling. March 3-7, 2025  

*All roads to the KPZ universality class. March 17-21, 2025  

*New directions in G2 geometry. March 31-April 4, 2025  

*Integro-differential equations in many-particle interacting systems. April 14-18, 2025  

*Moments in families of L-functions over function fields. April 28-May 2, 2025  

*Algorithmic stability: mathematical foundations for the modern era. May 12-16, 2025  

*Open educational resources: adoption, curation, and customization. May 12-16, 2025  

*Mathematical foundations of sampling connected balanced graph partitions. June 2-6, 2025  

*A social justice curriculum in mathematics: resources for future research. July 21-25, 2025  

*Flag algebras and extremal combinatorics. October 13-17, 2025  

*Non-Archimedean methods in complex geometry. November 10-14, 2025