Research experiences for undergraduate faculty
at the
American Institute of Mathematics, Pasadena, California
organized by
Brianna Donaldson, Leslie Hogben, and Ulrica Wilson
This workshop, sponsored by AIM and the NSF, equips faculty to involve their students in areas of active research.
The workshop is one in a series of annual REUF workshops that brings together faculty at undergraduate institutions who are interested in engaging in research with their students. The workshop is also a research renewal opportunity for faculty who want to reengage in research or are considering a change of research area.
The goals of the workshop are to promote undergraduate research in undergraduate institutions, and to forge lasting research collaborations among the participating faculty. The majority of the workshop will be spent working in small research groups on problems, reporting on progress, and formulating plans for future work. In addition, there will be opportunities for participants to continue research activities beyond the workshop week.
Accepted participants will receive support for travel, accommodation, and per diem. Preference will be given to faculty who teach and advise substantial numbers of minority students, students with disabilities, or first generation college students.
The deadline to apply for this workshop has passed.
For more information email