Kent E. Morrison
Combinatorics of Algebraic Structures
- Knots and ones (with E. Basor and B. Conrey), 2017.
- Integer sequences and matrices over finite fields, Journal of Integer Sequences 9 (2006) Article 06.2.1.
- How much does a matrix of rank k weigh? (with Theresa Migler and Mitchell Ogle), Mathematics Magazine 79 (2006) 262-271.
- The polynomial analogue of a theorem of Rényi, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133(10) (2005) 2897-2902 (electronic).
- An introduction to q-species, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 12(1) (2005) R 62.
- q-Exponential families, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 11(1) (2004) R 36.
- Matrices with no eigenvalues of 0 or 1, 2004.
- The probability that random polynomials are relatively r-prime (with Zhou Dong), 2004, a more abstract version of the following paper.
- Probabilistic aspects of the integer-polynomial analogy (with Zhou Dong), 2004.
- Random polynomials over finite fields, 1999.
- Eigenvalues of random matrices over
finite fields, 1999.
- A Bayseian eigenvalue game, 1999.
- Random maps and permutations, 1998, revised 2014.
Probability, Game Theory, Fair Division
- Matching adjacent cards, Mathematics Magazine 97 (2024) 471-483.
- Exact probabilities for three and four dice in the balanced uniform model of 3-sided dice, 2023.
- Coexistence of many species in random ecosystems (with C. A. Serván, J. A. Capitán, J. Grilli, S. Allesina), Nature Ecology and Evolution 2 (2018) 1237-1242. (Published version, non-printing, view only)
- Intransitive dice (with B. Conrey, J. Gabbard, K. Grant, A. Liu), Mathematics Magazine 89 (2016) 133-143.
- Guessing games (with Anthony Mendes), Amer. Math. Monthly 121 (2014) 33-44.
- From bocce to positivity: some probabilistic linear algebra, Mathematics Magazine 86 (2013) 110-119.
- Optimal strategies for a game on amenable semigroups (with Valerio Capraro), International Journal of Game Theory 42 (2013) 917-929.
- The multiplication game, Mathematics Magazine 83 (2010) 100-110.
- The FedEx problem, College Mathematics Journal 41 (2010) 223-232.
- The probability that a random subspace contains a positive vector, 2010.
- Cutting cakes carefully (with T. P. Hill), College Mathematics Journal 41 (2010) 281-288.
- Scale-distortion inequalities for mantissas of finite data sets (with A. Berger and T. P. Hill), J. Theoret. Probab. 21 (2008) 97-117.
- The probability that a matrix of integers is diagonalizable (with Andrew Hetzel and Jay Liew), Amer. Math. Monthly 114 (2007) 491-499.
- Random walks with decreasing steps, 1998.
Cosine products, Fourier transforms, and random sums, Amer. Math. Monthly 102 (1995) 716-724.
(Published version from
Shuffle Groups
Linear Algebra and Operator Theory
Connections and Symplectic Geometry
Representation Varieties
Dynamical Systems